During this quarantine period, I'm keeping myself active by partaking in LeetCode's 30 day challenge.
This project contains my solutions to the problems using python.
- Day 1 - Single Number
- Day 2 - Happy Number
- Day 3 - Maximum SubArray [To be implemented]
- Day 4 - Move Zeroes
- Day 5 - Best Time to Buy or Sell Stock
- Day 6 - Group Anagrams
- Day 7 - Only available to premium users, which I'm not
- Day 8 - Middle of Linked List
- Day 9 - Backspace Compare Strings
- Day 10 - Min Stack
- Day 11 - Diameter of Binary Tree [To be implemented]
- Day 12 - Weight of Last Stone
- Day 13 - Contiguous Array [To be implemented]
- Day 14 - Only available to premium users, which I'm not