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A bite-sized tool for 2D spatial grid processing.
Development Status: POC
Collect all prerequisites and install:
$ npm install
var spatial = require('./spatial.js');
Or access from NPM registry:
npm install spatial
var spatial = require('spatial'); // awesome
As mentioned on the top of this document, spatial library does extend functionalities of Grid
for spatial routing app. You can eaither create a grid data structure using conventional Grid library or create it on the fly with a help of spatial library.
To create your first grid from the settings, try this:
var settings = spatial.settings.create(); // create the setting package
settings.size = {width: 50, height:50};
var grid = spatial.generate(settings); // generate a grid according to the settings
spatial allows you to freely customize how your grid is gonna look and behave. Settings consist of these elements:
Grid size can be specified in a JSON object format:
settings.size = {width: 1024, height: 768};
In order to create a maze grid, you may need to specify entrances and exits. Both are stored in array like this:
settings.entrances = [ {i:5,j:25}, {i:0,j:0} ];
settings.exits = [ {i:44, j:44} ];
In SpatialJS, walls are cells which are marked as restricted access. Basically, cells marked as wall are given a highest cost which are unlikely chosen as a route.
settings.walls = [ {i:0,j:0}, {i:1,j:0}, {i:2,j:0} ];
Cost function is essential to routing problem. spatial utilizes cost function to evaluate effort it needs to put when walking through a certain cell. The function needs to receive two arguments, the cell value
and the coordinate
, then returns a numeric value. Higher return value yields higher price it needs to pay for accessing the cell.
settings.costFunction = function(value,coord){
return value * (coord.i + coord.j)
The entire grid content with a route (optional) can be displayed in the console with:
spatial.illustrate(grid,route); // Optional route
spatial will display each block of the grid on screen, walls
maked in red, entrances
and exits
marked as arrows. If you specify a route
along, spatial will mark each block of the route in green.
Grid library has implementations of very good routing algorithms like lee's algorithm
and A* search
. Thus, spatial library inherits this feature and make it easier.
If you want to find a route from a cell to another without awaring of the cost function - just be aware of walls. You just simply call:
var from = {i:5,j:0};
var to = {i:50,j:30};
var route = spatial.generateSimpleRoute( grid, from, to );
When you want to generate the cheapest route to the goal, call this:
var from = {i:5,j:0};
var to = {i:50,j:30};
var route = spatial.generateBestRoute( grid, from, to );
For example, if you want to translate your 50x50 grid by 20 cells to the right and 35 cells downwards, do this:
var grid = Grid.create(50,50,'foo');
var displaced = spatial.array2d.offset(grid,20,35);
Another synonym you may use:
var displaced = spatial.array2d.shift(grid,10,25);
This is a piece of cake. You can just merge any grids together with this expression spatial:
var grid1 = Grid.create(20,20,'A');
var grid2 = spatial.array2d.offset(Grid.create(100,100,'B'),21,0);
var mergedGrid = spatial.array2d.merge(grid1, grid2);
A sample script can be found at /sample.js and it includes several combination of the library usage. Hope it helps you out on how to get started quickly.
The project includes a test suite out-of-the-box. To run the suite, execute:
$ npm test
The project is licenced under WTFPL.