Create a .env
file in the server
directory and fill it with the following:
Connect to your Postgresql database and issue the following commands (this could and should be a script/migration):
CREATE DATABASE contractors_rater;
\connect contractors_rater;
CREATE TABLE contractors ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, location VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, price_range INT NOT NULL check(price_range >= 1 and price_range <= 5) );
CREATE TABLE reviews ( id SERIAL NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, contractor_id INT NOT NULL REFERENCES contractors(id), name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, content TEXT NOT NULL, rating INT NOT NULL check(rating >= 1 and rating <= 5) );
INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('ACME Inc', 'Toronto', 3); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Chicken', 'Ottawa', 1); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Hammers Inc', 'Chicago', 3); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Builders Inc', 'Minnesota', 2); INSERT INTO contractors (name, location, price_range) VALUES ('Installers Inc', 'Sudbury', 5);
INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('Jane', 1, 'Contractor was fast and was safe!', 5); INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('john', 1, 'Yah, just OK I guess, he could have did a better job!', 3); INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('Alex', 2, 'Yah, just OK I guess, he could have did a better job!', 3); INSERT INTO reviews (name, contractor_id, content, rating) VALUES ('Matthew', 3, 'Yah, just OK I guess, he could have did a better job!', 3);
to exit the shell
In the project root directory, run:
cd server
yarn install
Start the node server:
yarn start
Nodemon is a dep so any changes to the backend code will refresh without restarting the server.
In the project root directory, run:
cd client
yarn install
To start the web server, run:
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open to view it in the browser.
The page will reload if you make edits.
Once you're logged in, go ahead and add contractors/sub-contractors. You can also add ratings, update, and delete entries.