Tk aims to be an efficient, well-behaved "impure effect wrapper
monad" in the same vein as Scalaz's IO
and Task
types. You can
use it to transform side-effecting, imperative APIs into ones which
can be combined purely and then executed all at once later.
Construct libraries of side-effects happening in the Tk
monad and
compose them into larger effect chains deferring all side-effect
execution until the very end. Tk
provides opportunity for
some amount of equational reason around side-effecting code.
Alpha. Tk
appears functional but needs more testing.
Furthermore, Tk
is nowhere near as battle-tested as Scalaz's IO
which additionally offers more features and integration into a
framework of other effects. Finally, while there is promise of good
performance with Tk
's Church-encoding tricks this has not been
class Main extends App {
// Create new safe effect-presentations using Safe
def write(string: String): Tk.Safe[Unit] =
Tk.Safe { println(string) }
def read: Tk.Safe[String] =
Tk.Safe { }
// Effects which may respond exceptionally can be wrapped by
// Tk and Tk.fn directly, capturing their exceptions
// as values.
// If blowUp were defined using Unsafe.effThunk it would produce a
// runtime exception.
def blowUp: Tk[Throwable, Nothing] =
Tk { throw new Exception("Oh no!") }
// Compose Tk[A] values using for-comprehensions
val tk: Tk[Throwable, Unit] =
for {
_ <- write("Echo echo echo...")
line <- read
_ <- blowUp
_ <- write(line)
} yield ()
// Then, finally, when it's time to perform your effects do so
// using the Run function.
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scala> (new
Echo echo echo...
Hello, Tk
Hello, Tk
The Tk
("task" or "to come" in newspaper editor speak) is a
certain kind of free monad over the indexed store
comonad. This provides message-passing semantics to "interacting
with the real world" which are amenable to good models for
concurrent threaded computation (unlike RealWorld
token passing
models if you're familiar with them).
In particular, Tk
is the flattened form of a "codensity
transformed" Free monad structure applied to the Store comonad.
Even more particularly, it's not actually the Codensity
of Free
but instead a smaller structure with all of the desired properties
arising from applying Yoneda
To understand Tk
best, we can look at a simplified model of
the free monad over the indexed store comonad
sealed trait Tkish[+A]
case class Pure[+A](a: A) extends Tkish[A]
case class Effect[Req, Resp, +A](
ffi: FFIOperation[Request, Response],
request: Request,
continue: Response => Tkish[A]
) extends Tkish[A]
This has the shape of a free monad embedding either a pure value
with Pure
or a wrapper of effects with Effect
. In the case of
we see that we have all of the required components to
perform some FFI (impure, basic) operation which converts requests
of type Request
to responses of type Response
after which we use
that response to continue the computation.
Assuming we have a method to send and receive messages to the
runtime using the FFIOperation
type the interpretation behavior of
is now direct. Then, given that Scala is natively an
effectful language we immediately have
type FFIOperation[-Req, +Resp] = Req => Resp
In practice, the actual Tk
monad is identical to this except (a)
it uses a Yoneda transformed version of the Free monad for
efficiency and (b) it also contains an exception handler to properly
account for the exceptions that may be thrown by FFIOperation
Most of these ideas were elaborated by Ed Kmett in a series of posts on called "Free Monads for Less". Within these posts Ed references many relevant papers describing these techniques. The translation to Scala is novel (to me).