Code release for "Avatars Grow Legs Generating Smooth Human Motion from Sparse Tracking Inputs with Diffusion Model", CVPR 2023
RBDL is a C++ library that contains some essential and efficient rigid body dynamics algorithms such as the Articulated Body Algorithm (ABA) for forward dynamics, Recursive Newton-Euler Algorithm (…
🏃♀️ A curated list about human motion capture, analysis and synthesis.
Simple baselines and RNNs for predicting human motion in tensorflow. Presented at CVPR 17.
VPoser: Variational Human Pose Prior
This is my guided research work where the goal was to estimeate full body dense human pose from sparse IMU sensor data
Deep Inertial Poser: Learning to Reconstruct Human Pose from Sparse Inertial Measurements in Real Time
A real-time motion capture system that estimates poses and global translations using only 6 inertial measurement units
The project is an official implementation of our paper "3D Human Pose Estimation with Spatial and Temporal Transformers".
[CVPR 2022] MHFormer: Multi-Hypothesis Transformer for 3D Human Pose Estimation
Inferring Body Pose in Egocentric Video via First and Second Person Interactions
Official PyTorch implementation of "InterHand2.6M: A Dataset and Baseline for 3D Interacting Hand Pose Estimation from a Single RGB Image", ECCV 2020
New egocentric synthetic dataset for egocentric 3D human pose estimation
A Strong and Easy-to-use Single View 3D Hand+Body Pose Estimator
Google Research
DECA: Detailed Expression Capture and Animation (SIGGRAPH 2021)
Facial detection, landmark tracking and expression transfer library for Windows, Linux and Mac
Learning to Regress 3D Face Shape and Expression from an Image without 3D Supervision
Source code for "Nonlinear 3D Face Morphable Model"
An awesome face technology repository.
3DV 2021: Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry
虚拟爱抖露(アイドル)共享计划, 是基于单目RGB摄像头的人眼与人脸特征点检测算法, 在实时3D面部捕捉以及模型驱动领域的应用.
[ECCV 2020] Reimplementation of 3DDFAv2, including face mesh, head pose, landmarks, and more.
3D computer vision incuding SLAM,VSALM,Deep Learning,Structured light,Stereo,Three-dimensional reconstruction,Computer vision,Machine Learning and so on
A curated list of papers & resources linked to 3D reconstruction from images.
The PyTorch improved version of TPAMI 2017 paper: Face Alignment in Full Pose Range: A 3D Total Solution.