redux-course-ru Public
🚀 React Redux туториал [ru]
the-road-to-learn-react Public
✨Robin Wieruch «The Road to learn React» Book Tutorial
react-course-ru Public
🚀Основы React.js
django-weather-app Public
☔️ Weather app in Django that gets the current weather for multiple cities. To do this, I used Python Requests to call the Open Weather Map API.
express Public
Express.js tutorial shows how to create simple web applications in JavaScript using Express framework.
react-beginners-tutorial Public
🎉 Creat React App
telegram-oxford-bot-nodejs Public
mongo-chat Public
Simple Node.js chat application that uses a MongoDB database to store messages and Socket.io for bi-directional communication. Although this is a simple app, the code is a bit advanced but I do try…
Node-Hero Public
Getting started with Node.js
getting-started-with-jest Public
Getting started w/Jest
jest-testing Public
JavaScript unit testing using Jest
nodejs-telegram-bot-covid19 Public
Covid19 Telegram Bot 🤖
axios Public
Axios tutorial shows how to generate requests in JavaScript using Axios client library.
json_server_lib Public
🎉 JSON Server tutorial introduces the JavaScript json-server library, which can be used to create fake REST API.
livechat-example Public
Forked from webappio/livechat-exampleGo Apache License 2.0 UpdatedFeb 18, 2024 -
django-api-blog-project Public
Blog API using the full set of Django REST Framework features
online-bookstore-django-app Public
Learn how to build production-ready websites with Python & Django | online Bookstore app
alexis-speech-assistant Public
pollster-django-project-app Public
Python Django app to create polls with questions/choices
Django-CRUD-Web-App Public
Django CRUD Web Application
profiles-rest-api Public
REST API providing basic functionality for managing user profiles.
nodejs-tutorials-ru Public
chatty Public
weather-forecast-app Public
☔️ Weather forecast app built on React JS