Montaging for microscopy imaging files.
ITK is an open-source, cross-platform library that provides developers with an extensive suite of software tools for image analysis. Developed through extreme programming methodologies, ITK employs leading-edge algorithms for registering and segmenting multidimensional scientific images.
For more information, please see and cite the article:
Zukić, Dž., Jackson, M., Dimiduk, D., Donegan, S., Groeber, M., McCormick, M.
ITKMontage: A Software Module for Image Stitching. Integr Mater Manuf Innov (2021).
Also, please cite a specific software version with the Zenodo Citation.
This work is based on, in part:
Bican, J.
Phase Correlation Method for ITK
The Insight Journal - 2006 July - December
To install the Python package:
pip install itk-montage
To build the C++ module, either enable the CMake option in ITK's build configuration:
Or, build the module as a separate project against an ITK build tree:
git clone
mkdir ITKMontage-build
cd ITKMontage-build
cmake -DITK_DIR=/path/to/ITK-build ../ITKMontage
cmake --build .
This code is copyrighted by the NumFOCUS, and it is distributed under the Apache 2 license.
The code contained herein was partially funded by the following contracts:
- United States Air Force Prime Contract FA8650-15-D-5231