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Server-side .NET SDK for Apple APNS and and Google FCM

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Server-side .NET library for sending push notifications to Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) and Google's Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).

Download and Install PushNotifications

This library is available on NuGet: Use the following command to install PushNotifications.Server using NuGet package manager console:

PM> Install-Package PushNotifications.Server

You can use this library in any .NET project which is compatible to .NET Standard 2.0 and higher.

ASP.NET Core Integration

For a smooth integration with ASP.NET Core projects, use following NuGet package: Use the following command to install PushNotifications.Server.AspNetCore using NuGet package manager console:

PM> Install-Package PushNotifications.Server.AspNetCore

You can use this library in any ASP.NET Core project which is compatible to .NET Core 3.1 and higher.

Configure using appsettings.json

API Usage

The following sections document basic use cases of this library. The following code excerpts can also be found in the sample applications.

Cross-Platform Push Notifications

The goal of cross-platform push notification is to provide an abstracted request/response model in order to serve all unterlying platforms. PushNotificationClient is the implementation class of such a cross-platform push notification client. In order to create a new instance of PushNotificationClient, you have to create an instance of FcmClient and ApnsClient and pass it into PushNotificationClient.

var pushNotificationClient = new PushNotificationClient(fcmClient, apnsClient);
Sending PushRequests to all platforms

Cross-platform push requests are abstracted using class PushRequest. Create a new PushRequest and send it using the SendAsync method of PushNotificationClient.

var pushRequest = new PushRequest
    Content = new PushContent
        Title = "Test Message",
        Body = $"Message @ {DateTime.Now}",
        CustomData = new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "key", "value" }
    Devices = pushDevices

var pushResponse = await this.pushNotificationClient.SendAsync(pushRequest);

APNS Push Notifications (iOS / Apple)

Sending push notifications to iOS devices is pretty easy. Create a new instance of ApnsClient.

IApnsClient apnsClient = new ApnsClient(apnsJwtOptions);

Then, create an ApnsRequest with some title and body and send it out using SendAsync method.

var apnsRequest = new ApnsRequest(ApplePushType.Alert)
    .AddAlert("Test Message", $"Message @ {DateTime.Now}")
    .AddCustomProperty("key", "value");

var apnsResponse = await this.apnsClient.SendAsync(apnsRequest);

FCM Push Notifications (Android / Google)

In order to send FCM push notifications, you have to create a new instance of FcmClient. FcmClient requires an instance of FcmOptions, which contains the FCM configuration parameters which can be found on You can either create a FcmOptions manually (new FcmOptions{ ... }) or by binding from a appsettings.json file. See sample projects for more info.

This library supports both, the old "legacy" FcmClient as well as the new "v1" FcmClient. Check the firebase migration documentations before before selecting one or the other.

Sending Push Notifications using FcmClient (HTTP v1 API)
IFcmClient fcmClient = new FcmClient(fcmOptions);

Create a new FcmRequest and send it using the SendAsync method of FcmClient.

var fcmRequest = new FcmRequest()
    Message = new Message
        Token = token,
        Notification = new Notification
            Title = "Test Message",
            Body = $"Message @ {DateTime.Now}",
        Data = new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "key", "value" }
    ValidateOnly = false,

var fcmResponse = await this.fcmClient.SendAsync(fcmRequest);
Sending Push Notifications using FcmClient (Legacy HTTP API)

All legacy FCM client related code can be found in namespace PushNotifications.Server.Google.Legacy. The way the legacy FcmClient works is similar to the v1 FcmClient. The main differences can be found in the FcmOptions as well as in the request/response model.

IFcmClient fcmClient = new FcmClient(fcmOptions);

Create a new FcmRequest and send it using the SendAsync method of FcmClient.

var fcmRequest = new FcmRequest()
    To = token,
    Notification = new FcmNotification
        Title = "Test Message",
        Body = $"Message @ {DateTime.Now}",
    Data = new Dictionary<string, string>
        { "key", "value" }

var fcmResponse = await this.fcmClient.SendAsync(fcmRequest);


Handling Notification Responses from APNs

Firebase Cloud Messaging HTTP protocol


Contributors welcome! If you find a bug or you want to propose a new feature, feel free to do so by opening a new issue on


This project is Copyright © 2021 Thomas Galliker. Free for non-commercial use. For commercial use please contact the author.


Server-side .NET SDK for Apple APNS and and Google FCM



