Work from home
spotify-clone Public
Spotify clone using NextJS, Tailwind CSS, Spotify API, Recoil
dat-san-bong-client Public
Home page for users to book a soccer field using ReactJS, Ant Design library
pitch-booking-app Public
This is a website that allows users to book and manage the pitch.
UpdatedApr 7, 2022 -
dat-san-bong-admin Public
Admin page for football field management using ReactJs, Ant Design library
amazon-clone Public
Like an e-commerce site, add products to cart and pay online
netflix-clone Public
Simple app to view lists of movies and watch movie trailers
courses-nodejs Public
Courses management app using NodeJS, ExpressJS
mern-tutorial-learnit Public
Forked from lpredrum136/mern-tutorial-learnitJavaScript UpdatedMay 6, 2021 -