^ Equal mentorship.
Stanford University
For more visual results, go checkout our project page.
For details, please refer to our paper.
Please clone our envrionment and install necessary dependencies:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate occfusion
conda install pytorch==2.4.0 torchvision==0.19.0 torchaudio==2.4.0 pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
pip install submodules/diff-gaussian-rasterization
pip install submodules/simple-knn
pip install "git+https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d.git"
pip install --upgrade https://github.com/unlimblue/KNN_CUDA/releases/download/0.2/KNN_CUDA-0.2-py3-none-any.whl
We provide training/rendering code for the 6 OcMotion sequences that are sampled by Wild2Avatar. If you find the preprocessed sequences useful, please consider to cite Wild2Avatar and CHOMP.
Please download the processed sequences here and unzip the downloaded sequences in the ./data/
directory. The structure of ./data/
should look like:
├── ...
└── data/
├── 0011_02_1_w2a/
├── images/
├── masks/
└── ...
├── 0011_02_2_w2a/
├── 0013_02_w2a/
├── 0038_04_w2a/
├── 0039_02_w2a/
└── 0041_00_w2a/
Please register and download the neutral SMPL model here. Put the downloaded models in the folder ./assets/
To enable more efficient canonical space SDS, OpenPose canvas for canonical 2D poses are precomputed and can be downloaded here. Put the downloaded folder in the folder: ./assets/
For training the model in Stage 0 (optional, see below), we need to compute binary masks for complete human inpaintings. We utilized SAM-HQ for segmentation. If you wish to compute the masks on your own, please download the pretrained weights sam_hq_vit_h.pth
here and put the donwloaded weights in the folder: ./assets/
After successful downloading, the structure of ./assets/
should look like
├── ...
└── assets/
├── daposesv2
├── -5.png
└── ...
└── sam_hq_vit_h.pth (optional)
We provide our pretrained models for all the OcMotion sequences to allow for quick inference/evaluation. Please download the ocmotion/
folder here and put the downloaded folders in ./output/
The training of OccFusion consists of 4 sequential stages. Stage 0 and 2 are optional and inpaint the occluded human with customized models, sovlers, and prompts. Different combinations may impact the inpainting results greatly. A high-quality pose conditioned human genertaion is out of the scope of this work. We provide our code (see Stage 0 and Stage 2 below) to allow users to try themselves.
We provide our precomputed generations (to replicate our results in the paper) to be downloaded here. Please unzip and put the oc_generations/
folder directly on the root directory. If you use our computations, Stage 0 and 2 can be skipped.
Before training, we highly recommend specifying a customised directory for caching Hugging Face models, which will be downloaded automatically at the first run of the training scripts.
Run Stage 0 (the Initialization Stage) to segment and inpaint binary masks for complete humans with SAM and Stable Diffusion. To run Stage 0 on a OcMotion sequence, uncomment the corresponding SUBJECT
variable and
source run_oc_stage0.sh
The segmented binary masks will be saved in the ./oc_genertaions/$SUBJECT/gen_masks/
Run Stage 1 to start the Optimization Stage. To run Stage 1 on a OcMotion sequence, uncomment the corresponding SUBJECT
variable and
source run_oc_stage1.sh
The checkpoint along with renderings will be saved in ./output/$SUBJECT/
With an optimized model, run Stage 2 to launch incontext-inpainting. To run Stage 2 on a OcMotion sequence, uncomment the corresponding SUBJECT
variable and
source run_oc_stage2.sh
The inpainted RGB images will be saved in the ./oc_genertaions/$SUBJECT/incontext_inpainted/
Lastly, with the inpainted RGB images and the optimized model checkpoint, run Stage 3 to start the Refinement Stage. To run Stage 3 on a OcMotion sequence, uncomment the corresponding SUBJECT
variable and
source run_oc_stage1.sh
The checkpoint along with renderings will be save in ./output/$SUBJECT/
At Stage 1 and 3, a rendering process will be trigered automatically after the training finishes. To explicitly render on a trained checkpoint, run
source render.sh
This code base is built upon GauHuman. SDS guidances are borrowed from DreamGaussian.
Check also our prior works on occluded human rendering! OccNeRF and Wild2Avatar.
If you find this repo useful in your work or research, please cite:
title={OccFusion: Rendering Occluded Humans with Generative Diffusion Priors},
author={Sun, Adam and Xiang, Tiange and Delp, Scott and Fei-Fei, Li and Adeli, Ehsan},
booktitle={The Thirty-eighth Annual Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems},