This repository contains the packages necessary for simulating DyRET
. It
contains several packages that come together to model, interface and simulate. A
description of each package is given below, for further information look at
launch files and dyret_common
For information about DyRET
or how to use the simulation packages see our
To build packages simply clone this repository into your
workspace and run
or catkin build
. Note that running catkin_make -j1
can prevent
some difficulties in building packages that depend on each other.
Like all DyRET
packages this requires
This package contains URDF
which describes DyRET
so that it can be visualized in ROS/Rviz. This package is used by the other
to include a model of DyRET
. For simplicity this package contains a handy launch
file that can be used to place the URDF
in ROS parameter robot_description
This package contains further configuration to interface DyRET
Gazebo and give ROS control inside Gazebo. This package requires both ROS and
Gazebo, as such it can not be used standalone with Gazebo. This package contains
many useful launch files that can be used to start Gazebo and spawn DyRET
inside. Most users should utilize empty_world.launch
to start everything
This package contains a Gazebo plugin that exposes an identical interface as the real-world robot. Ideally this plugin should make the simulated robot behave as the real.