Read any XML Schema (XSD) programmatically with PHP.
The recommended way to install the xsd-reader
via Composer:
composer require 'goetas-webservices/xsd-reader'
use GoetasWebservices\XML\XSDReader\SchemaReader;
$reader = new SchemaReader();
$schema = $reader->readFile("");
// $schema is instance of GoetasWebservices\XML\XSDReader\Schema\Schema;
// Now you can navigate the entire schema structure
foreach ($schema->getSchemas() as $innerSchema){
foreach ($schema->getTypes() as $type){
foreach ($schema->getElements() as $element){
foreach ($schema->getGroups() as $group){
foreach ($schema->getAttributes() as $attr){
foreach ($schema->getAttributeGroups() as $attrGroup){
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