This project requires:
- Python 3.8.18 (other versions may work, but this is the tested version)
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
- THINGS (Hebart et al., 2020)^[1]
- Bistable-Control
- Savoias-Dataset (Saraee et al., 2018)^[2]. The Ground truth subfolder contains human complexity ratings.
The embeddings folder contains two folders with embeddings for all three aforementioned datasets obtained from the respective models:
- The Experiments folder contains the code for the THINGS ranking experiment and the bistable 2-AFC experiment.
- The Data subfolder contains the human complexity ratings for both experiments.
- The Bayesian subfolder contains the code used to extract the optimal weights from a csv of embeddings and a target set of complexity scores.
- The BestWeights subfolder contains the best weights obtained from running the optimization on the three datasets.
- HBAOptimizations and CBAOptimizations contain notebooks that can be used to run the optimization on different datasets.
- The Neural subfolder contains code that can be used to create RDMs and compare them with THINGS MEG data.