An awesome & curated list of best applications and tools for Windows.
Items marked with
are open-source software. Items marked with
are free.
- AIMP3 - 32位音频处理和多格式播放。
- Audacity - 免费,开放的资源,用于录制和编辑音频的跨平台软件。
- AudioNodes - 模块化音频制作套件,具有多轨音频混合,音频效果,参数自动化,MIDI编辑,合成,云制作等。
- CDex - CD 音轨抓取工具 (法语站点,英文软件)。
- Dopamine - 一款音频播放器,致力于为管理和播放音乐提供尽可能简单且美观的操作体验。
- Exact Audio Copy - 可以将您的CD里的文件以任意格式转到您的电脑, 同时兼具一些优秀的特色功能。
- Foobar2000 - Windows版的免费音频播放器,支持各种音频格式,并且有很多很酷的特色功能。
- K-Lite Codecs - 包含 DirectShow 过滤器,VFW/ACM 编解码器和一些其他工具的集合包。
- Kodi -免费且开放的家庭影院软件。
- Mixxx - 免费的DJ软件,给你现场混音所需的一切功能,真正可替代Traktor。
- Musicbee - 类似iTunes,但比iTunes更好用。
- MusicBrainz Picard - Picard 是一款跨平台的音乐标签器,用于查看和改写元数据标签。
- Qtractor -音频/MIDI多轨音序器。
- Reaper - 精致小巧的程序, 以$60的价格提供给个人,非营利机构或小型企业使用。
- Resonic - 免费快速的音频播放器。
- VLC - 免费的媒体播放器,非常实用。
- Winamp - 能播放MP3,MP2,WAV,VOCAls和MIDI文件的音乐播放器。
- Caprine - 优雅的Facebook Messenger桌面应用程序。
- Discord - Discord是免费的语音和文本聊天客户端,适合玩家和非玩家。您可以从浏览器使用它,它可以在iOS,Android,Windows,Mac和Linux上使用。
- Hexchat - 基于XChat的IRC客户端
- LimeChat -即时通讯软件。
- Messenger for Desktop - Facebook messenger 的桌面端程序。
- mIRC - 互联网中继聊天(IRC)客户端。
- Quassel - Quassel IRC 是一款现代, 跨平台, 分布式的 IRC 客户端。
- Telegram - 一个专注于速度和安全性的消息应用程序,它速度极快,操作简单且免费。
- Waow - 卓越的 WhatsApp Web 客户端,为您提供最好的WhatsApp的体验。
- 7-Zip - 用于处理压缩包的开源Windows实用程序。完美支持 7z,ZIP,GZIP,BZIP2和TAR 的全部特性,其他格式也可解压缩。
- Bandizip - 集轻量,快速与免费一体的zip压缩程序。
- PeaZip - 归档器和文件压缩器。 提取7Z CAB ISO RAR TAR ZIP归档文件。
- Riot -通过文件大小或许多其他图像属性压缩图像。
- WinRAR - 强大的归档管理器。 它可以备份您的数据并减小电子邮件附件的大小,解压缩RAR,ZIP和其他文件。
- 7+ Taskbar Tweaker - 允许自定义和扩展Windows任务栏功能,并具有各种生产力增强功能。
- Classic Start - 使用开始菜单和资源管理器就像2000年一样。
- Clover - 将多选项卡功能添加到Windows资源管理器。
- EarTrumpet - 从系统托盘按应用程序控制音量。
- QTTabBar - 通过选项卡和其他文件夹视图扩展资源管理器。
- Rainmeter - Rainmeter允许您在桌面上显示可自定义的皮肤,从硬件使用情况表到功能齐全的音频可视化器。
- Search Deflector - 一个小型程序,将从Windows“开始”菜单或Cortana进行的搜索重定向到您喜欢的任何浏览器和搜索引擎。
- TranslucentTB - 使Windows任务栏透明。
- Windows 10 Login Background Changer - 使您可以更改Windows 10登录屏幕背景。
- ZBar - 如果使用多个监视器,则可以在每个监视器上显示单独的任务栏。
- Data Rescue - 综合和专业的硬盘恢复软件,可以恢复你的照片,视频,文件。
- Ontrach EasyRecovery - 拥有过滤工具,可用于将需恢复的大量数据排序。
- PartitionGuru|Eassos Recovery - 数据恢复及分区恢复功能。
- Recuva - 快速,轻松地恢复已删除的文件。
- Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery - 提供远程恢复选项, 可通过网络从另一台计算机恢复数据。
- TestDisk - 强大的免费数据恢复软件, 主要设计用于帮助恢复丢失的分区和/或使非引导磁盘重新启动。
- Addict - Active Directory的嵌入式REST API。
- Cacher-具有Gist同步,VSCode / Atom / Sublime软件包和功能齐全的Web客户端的基于云的,团队启用的代码段管理器。
- 用于SQLite的数据库浏览器-用于创建,设计和编辑与SQLite兼容的数据库文件的高质量,可视,开放源代码工具
- ExtendsClass-开发人员的在线工具(REST / SOAP客户端,SQLite浏览器,Regex测试器,XPath测试器)
- Fiddler-Web调试代理。
- FileZilla-FTP,FTPS和SFTP客户端。
- Fork-适用于Windows(和Mac)的快速友好的Git客户端。
- Git扩展程序-一个功能强大且易于使用的Git UI。
- GitHub Desktop-GitHub Desktop是一个基于Electron的开源GitHub应用。
- GitKraken-一个漂亮的跨平台Git客户。
- HeidiSQL-适用于MySQL,MariaDB,Microsoft SQL Server和PostgreSQL的强大易用的客户端。
- HTTP工具包-HTTP调试和模拟工具。
- 仅休息-基于WinForms的功能丰富的HTTP客户端
- Insomnia-具有漂亮界面的现代REST客户端。
- Keylord用于Redis,LevelDB和Memcached键值数据库的跨平台GUI客户端。
- Mamp-本地服务器环境。
- 合并-视觉差异和合并工具。
- NSudo-强大的系统管理工具。
- Open Server-便携式服务器平台和软件环境(例如MAMP,XAMPP,WAMP,非常用户友好)。
- Pixie-适用于开发人员的简单颜色选择器。
- pngquant-使用或wi在PNG文件上应用有损压缩
- PostgreSQL数据库-全面的工具列表。
- 邮递员-REST客户端具有直观的用户界面,可以发送请求,保存响应,添加测试以及创建工作流。
- 流程浏览器-强大的任务管理器。
- Process Hacker-出色的全面任务管理器。
- 进程监视器-sysinternal工具显示实时文件系统,注册表,网络和进程/线程活动。
- RazorSQL-用于管理SQLite数据库的GUI,需要进行大量工作。
- Redis Desktop Manager跨平台的开源Redis DB管理工具。
- Robo 3T-适用于MongoDB爱好者的轻量级GUI。
- SourceTree-免费的Git和Mercurial客户。
- Sql Wave-一个MySQL数据库管理器。
- SSLyog-强大的MySQL管理工具
- TailBlazer-一种用于浏览日志的小型快速工具
- TortoiseGit-具有完整Shell集成的Git客户端。
- 塔-塔-Mac和Windows上功能最强大的Git客户端。
- Vagrant-用于构建和管理虚拟机的工具。
- 速度-脱机API文档工具。 (例如适用于macOS的Dash)
- Visual Studio代码-轻量级源代码编辑器。
- Visual Studio-最终的Microsoft开发人员工具。
- Wamp-Web开发环境。
- WinSCP-免费的开源SFTP,FTP,WebDAV和SCP客户端。
- Wireshark-网络协议分析器。
- WMI资源管理器-提供在单个视图窗格中浏览和查看WMI名称空间/类/实例/属性的功能。
- Xampp-Apache驱动的Web开发环境。
- Xftp 5-灵活轻便的SFTP / FTP客户端。
- Zsh-功能强大的命令行外壳。
- FreeOffice-FreeOffice是一个完整的办公套件,带有文字处理器,电子表格应用程序和演示程序,所有套件均与Microsoft Office中的同类产品兼容。
- LibreOffice-开源办公套件。
- Microsoft Office-微软自己的生产力套件。
- NitroPDF-您将获得的最佳PDF阅读器。
- OnlyOffice-最完整,功能最丰富的办公和生产力套件。
- OpenOffice-用于文字处理,电子表格,演示文稿,图形,数据库等的软件套件。
- Sumatra PDF-PDF,ePub,MOBI,CHM,XPS,DjVu,CBZ,CBR阅读器。
- WPS Office-完美的免费办公软件
- Mailbird-IMAP和POP3电子邮件客户端,具有自定义,完整的触摸支持和多语言支持。
- Mailspring-Nylas Mail的快速维护分支,建立在现代Web技术上。
- Nylas Mail-基于现代网络构建的可扩展桌面邮件应用程序。
- 邮箱-Power Email App
- Thunderbird-具有简约设计的电子邮件客户端。
- 0 A.D. - 免费,开源,实时的关于古代战争的策略游戏。
- Awesome Games - 在Github上托管的游戏列表。
- Freeciv - 用户、回合制的开源策略游戏,来源于人类文明的历史进程.
- GOG Galaxy - 类似Steam的DRM-free游戏平台。
- - 安装,更新,并畅玩独立游戏
- Origin - 类似Steam 但属于 EA 公司。
- Steam - 最大的视频游戏在线零售商。 桌面应用程序允许您管理您的游戏库,并在任何时间畅玩。 我想你早就知道了。
- Godot - 开源游戏引擎。 入门简单且包含大量中文教程。
- Unity - 免费游戏引擎。 入门简单且包含大量教程。
- Unreal Engine - 另一个免费游戏引擎。 更容易入门且包含大量教程,但如果你基于此引擎制作的游戏盈利, 你需支付给 Unreal 5%的盈利作为使用费。
- Warsow - Windows上免费和快节奏的FPS游戏。
- Blender - 功能齐全的可扩展跨平台3D内容套件。
- Gimp - 开源图像编辑器。
- Inkscape - 免费的矢量图形设计软件。
- Krita - 有一堆很酷的功能的免费绘图软件。
- - 简易版本的Photoshop。
- Snipaste 一款高效率功能全面的截图软件
- Atom - 面向21世纪的极客文本编辑器。
- Brackets - 一款擅长网页设计的现代,开源文本编辑器。
- GVim - (G)Vim是一款高度可配置的文本编辑器,用于高效的文本编辑。
- Light Table - 具有即时反馈和显示代码中数据值的可定制的编辑器。
- Neovim - vim真正的继任者。
- Notepad++ - 一款支持多种编程语言的源码编辑器。
- Notepad2 - 用于替代默认文本编辑器的轻量快速的编辑器,拥有众多有用的功能。
- Sublime Text 3 - 高级文本编辑器。
- Visual Studio Code - 用于构建和调试现代Web和云应用程序。
- Android Studio - Android 的官方 IDE , 基于 IntelliJ 的 IDEA。
- AppCode - JetBrain出品的IDE,用于iOS/macOS开发,支持Objective-C, Swift, C and C++,类似Xcode。
- CLion - JetBrain出品的跨平台的IDE,支持C/C++开发,使用CMake构建。
- Eclipse - 一款功能强大的 IDE。
- IntelliJ IDEA - JetBrain出品的跨平台的IDE,现代化的 Java IDE。
- NetBeans IDE - 免费开源的 IDE。
- PhpStorm - JetBrain出品的跨平台的PHP开发平台。
- PyCharm - JetBrain出品的跨平台的Python开发平台,有社区版本(免费)。
- Rider - JetBrain出品的跨平台的用于.NET/Mono开发的IDE.
- RubyMine - JetBrain出品的跨平台的Ruby开发平台,支持多种框架。
- Visual Studio - 微软官方的 IDE,通过插件可支持大量编程语言。
- WebStorm - JetBrain出品的JavaScript开发平台。
- 百度网盘 - 其他类似还有腾讯微云,坚果云等。
- Box - 能够同步超过100,000个文件,并支持含有特殊字符的文件名和长度超过256个字符的路径。
- Dropbox -简单,优雅和多功能(PC,Mac,Android ...)云存储解决方案。
- Google Drive - 深深融入Google生态系统的云存储解决方案。
- Hubic - 为 Windows, Linux, MacOsx, iOs & Android 平台设计的云存储。
- Mozy
- OneDrive - 为Windows用户提供最佳云存储解决方案,原先叫SkyDrive。
- Arq - 备份文件到你自己的云账户中(Amazon Cloud Drive,AWS,Dropbox,Google Drive,Google Cloud Storage,OneDrive,和SFTP)。
- Bvckup 2 - 轻量,多功能的数据复制应用。
- Duplicati - 免费的备份应用,将加密备份存储到线上服务器,可用于Windows,macOS和Linux。
- AutoHotkey - Windows平台的终极自动化脚本语言。
- Chocolatey - Windows的包管理器。
- Cold Turkey - 屏蔽能分散你注意力的网站。(屏蔽期间你甚至无法卸载它。)
- CommandTrayHost - Windows命令行程序运行监控系统托盘管理工具。
- Ditto - 剪贴板管理器。
- Easy Window Switcher - 应用程序之间快速切换。
- Everything - 最快的文件/文件夹搜索工具, 通过名称搜索。
- f.lux - 自动调整您的计算机屏幕亮度以适应当前环境亮度。
- Inkdrop - Markdown爱好者的笔记应用程序。
- KatMouse - 用于在 Windows 上提供全局滚动效果:滚动时不需要先激活/点击窗口(类似 macOS 和 Linux 上的效果)。
- Keypirinha - 一个提供给Windows键盘党的快速启动器。你可以把它当成 Launchy 的替代品和 Alfred 的表兄弟。
- Launchy - 开源快捷键启动器。
- Listary - 让你的文件不离指尖。 独特的搜索实用程序。
- MultiCommander - 为专业用户提供的文件管理器。
- Ninite - 最简单,最快速的更新或安装软件的方式。
- One Commander - 多面板的文件管理器。
- Quicker - Windows上的超级启动器+自动化利器,快捷动作设计与分享平台。
- Scoop - Windows 的命令行安装程序。
- Simplenote - 基于云同步的简单跨平台笔记应用程序。
- Total Commander - Windows 上最佳的文件管理器。
- WordWeb - Windows 上很好的英文词典。
- Wox - Windows 上效果优异的快捷启动应用。
xoring 一款基于番茄工作法的时间管理工具
- Babun - 基于 Cygwin,用于替代 Windows shell。
- Cmder - 控制台模拟器包。
- ColorTool - 设置Widows终端支持iTerm的颜色模式。
- ConEmu - 标签,分布,闪烁及其他各项均可定制的终端。
- ConsoleZ - Console 2 的修改版本,更好的体验和更好的视觉呈现。
- FluentTerminal - 基于 UWP 和 Web 技术的终端应用程序。
- Hyper - 基于 Web 技术的终端。
- Kitty - 高级 Putty (SSH 和 telnet 客户端)。
- MobaXterm - Xserver 和标签式 SSH 客户端。
- mRemoteNG - 下一代 mRemote,开源,多标签,多协议,远程连接管理器。
- MTPuTTY - 多标签 PuTTY。
- Putty - SSH 和 telnet 客户端。
- Terminus - 基于Web技术的现代高度可配置的终端应用程序。
- Alacritty - 跨平台,使用GPU加速的终端模拟器。
- XShell - 业界最强大的SSH客户机,同时还有XFtp,分商业版本和个人版本,安装时选择。 [
- AddToSendTo - 通过此脚本,您可以在右键单击时将喜欢的“文件夹”添加到“发送到”选项。
- Bandicam - 录制软件可以同时轻松录制桌面和3D应用程序。
- Carnac - 在任何屏幕录制期间录制按键的最简单方法。
- CleanMyPC - 快速的电脑清洁软件。
- CPU-Z - 免费且功能齐全的 CPU 监控工具。
- Ext2Fsd - 轻松在Windows系统下挂载EXT3/4文件系统。
- Far -文件和归档管理器。克隆自诺顿指挥官。
- Fraps- 视频游戏屏幕录制机,可用于所有使用 DirectX 或 OpenGL 技术的游戏。
- FreeFileSync - 文件和文件夹的简单备份解决方案,它支持源和目标之间的镜像/双向同步/更新。
- Glary Utilities - 提供许多ccleaner中没有的更高级的功能。
- GPU-Z - 免费且功能齐全的 GPU 监控工具。
- Greenshot - 屏幕快照拍摄和裁剪.
- HTTrack- 离线浏览器实用程序,允许您从Internet下载网站到本地目录。
- HWMonitor - 硬件监视器,能读取电压、温度和风扇速度。
- LICEcap - 捕获屏幕动画并直接保存到.GIF。
- LightBulb - 调节屏幕以减缓眼部疲劳。
- Link Shell Extension - 为资源管理器建立符号链接。
- PowerPlanSwitcher - Windows 10上快速切换电源计划。
- qBittorrent - P2P bittorrent下载软件.
- Retroshare - 开源的好友间通讯及文件共享平台.
- rimraf - node中的深度删除模块。 用于删除具有很长路径的文件和文件夹。
- Rufus - 创建USB启动盘。
- SetToStartup - 此脚本将帮助您将您喜欢的程序或自制脚本/文件夹添加到启动。 [
- SDelete - 安全删除文件或清空闲置空间的命令行库。
- ShareX- 让您使用单个键获取任何选定区域的截图或屏幕录像。
- SpaceMonger - 一款图形化程序,可根据文件和目录的大小将其显示为不同大小的块。
- Speccy - 显示你计算机中每个硬件的详细统计信息。
- Sysinternals Suite - 由Mark Russinovich提供的工具套件,提供对 Windows 进程,物理端口,磁盘活动等构件的访问以进行故障排除。
- Unlocker - 解除无法删除文件的锁定。
- Waltr - 不依靠 iTunes 将任何电影或音乐文件传输到iPhone。
- WinDirStat - 磁盘使用情况查看器和清洁器。
- Windows 10 Login Screen Changer - 更改 Windows 10 登录屏幕背景。
- Windows终端命令的A-Z
- Yacy - 开源合作式搜索引擎,具有搜索前端界面,爬虫后台,索引管理器等一套搜索引擎所需的组件。
- Zotero - 类似EndNote的开源文献管理器。
- ZeroNet - 分布式开源网络平台,具有博客,微博,论坛等功能。
- ZoomIt - 一款屏幕缩放和标记工具,用于技术展示。它静默运行于托盘处,通过用户定义的热键触发放大屏幕区域,放大时拖动及在放大图像上标注。
- HandBrake - 一个拥有良好界面的高性能视频编码和转换工具。
- K-Lite Codecs - DirectShow过滤器,VFW / ACM 编解码器和工具的集合。
- mpv -媒体播放器。
- Open Broadcaster Software - 免费开源的视频录制和流媒体播放软件。
- PotPlayer - 多媒体播放器,具有广泛的编解码器集合,它还为用户提供大量配置选项。
- ScreenToGif - 它允许你录制屏幕的一部分区域并保存为 gif 或视频。
- SMPlayer - 多媒体播放器,可针对不同视频保存不同的配置。
- VLC - 多媒体播放器和框架,用于播放DVD,音频CD,VCD和各种流协议。
- 360* - 360全家桶,让你的电脑飞起来
- AIDA64 - 查看系统信息,支持手机。
- CCleaner - 用于 PC 优化和清洁。
- CrystalDiskMark - 硬盘信息,日文版和英文版。
- Geek Uninstaller - 软件卸载工具,有收费的Pro版本。 类似软件:Iobit Uninstaller, Crystalidea uninstall-tool, Revo Uninstaller Pro。
- SUMo(Software Updates Monitor) - 用于软件更新,有免费版本。
- SysGauge - 系统监视器
- Acrylic DNS Proxy - 一款本地 DNS 代理软件,它缓存了 DNS 服务器的内容,并根据用户定制的 HOSTS 文件过滤你不想要的广告。
- AdwCleaner - 清除广告,PUP/LPI,工具栏和劫持者的免费工具。
- Bitdefender - 最好的防范恶意软件的安全防护程序。
- Cryptomator - 免费的客户端加密程序,用于加密你储存在云端的文件。
- Disable Data Logging - 使Windows 10更加私密和安全。
- ENCRYPTO - 优雅地加密你的文件。
- VeraCrypt - VeraCrypt是一款适用于Windows,Mac OSX和Linux的免费开源磁盘加密软件。
- GlassWire - 网络安全监控工具和分析器,可视化您的网络活动。
- IIS Crypto - Windows 上用于配置加密协议,密码,散列方式和密钥交换的工具集(例如为远程桌面提供 TLS/AES/SHA 加密。)
- KeePass - 免费、开源、易用的密码管理软件.
- Malwarebytes - 提供防病毒软件无法提供的防护功能。
- NetLimiter - 网络流量控制和分析工具。
- SpyBot - 搜索和销毁恶意软件,间谍软件和病毒。
- System Explorer - 加强版的任务管理器,支持监控和修改系统进程,启动项,系统服务,驱动,终端扩展等。
- Tor Project - 启用匿名通信。
- UnChecky - 自动取消勾选程序安装过程中的无关选项。
- Viscosity - 全功能的OpenVPN客户端,适用于企业部署。
- Windows 10 Paranoid's Guide
- Windows 10纯净安装(How to clean install Windows 10), 2015/07/31, 英文。
- Windows 10纯净安装(How to do a Clean Install of Windows 10, the Easy Way), 2016/01/13, 英文。
- Win10-Initial-Setup-Script - Windows 10 / Windows Server 2016重新安装后进行一些初始设置的Powershell脚本。已失效,跳转到其他页面。
- Windows最佳应用软件Best Windows Apps - 来自Github的stackia推荐的软件。
- 小众软件 - 我最喜爱的软件Windows版 - 小众软件网站的推荐,共17类软件。
- Windows绝赞应用 Windows Apps That Amaze Us 一些较好的WIndows软件,附有黑名单可参考。
欢迎贡献列表,请参照此 contribution guidelines.
此项目基于Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
- AIMP - 32 bit audio processing and multi-format playback.
- Audacity - Free, open source, cross-platform software for recording and editing sounds.
- AudioNodes - Modular audio production suite with multi-track audio mixing, audio effects, parameter automation, MIDI editing, synthesis, cloud production, and more.
- CDex - CD Ripper (French site, English program).
- Dopamine - An audio player which tries to make organizing and listening to music as simple and pretty as possible.
- Exact Audio Copy - Transfer files from your CDs to your PC in almost every format.Comes with some pretty nifty features too.
- Foobar2000 - Free audio player for Windows, supports a wide range of audio formats and has a lot of cool features.
- K-Lite Codecs - Collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools.
- Kodi - Free and Open Source home theatre software.
- Mixxx - Free DJ software that gives you everything you need to perform live mixes, veritable alternative to Traktor.
- Musicbee - Like iTunes but better than iTunes.
- MusicBrainz Picard - Picard is a cross-platform music tagger that looks up and rewrite metadata tags.
- Qtractor - An Audio/MIDI multi-track sequencer.
- Reaper - Lightweight application with deep feature set and $60 for individual, non-profit, or small business use.
- Resonic - Fast and free audio player.
- WACUP - An extension/improvement to Winamp, providing bugfixes and more features such as a better MOD player and YouTube support.
- Winamp - Music player capable of playing MP3s, MP2s, WAVs, VOCs and MIDI files.
- Caprine - An elegant Facebook Messenger desktop app.
- Discord - Discord is a free voice and text chat client for gamers and non-gamers alike. You can use it from your browser and it's available on iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Linux.
- Hexchat - IRC client based on XChat
- LimeChat - Instant messaging application.
- mIRC - An Internet Relay Chat (IRC) client.
- Quassel - Quassel IRC is a modern, cross-platform, distributed IRC client.
- Riot - A decentralised encrypted comms app for the ecosystem.
- Telegram - A messaging app with a focus on speed and security, it’s super fast, simple and free.
- Waow - Awesome WhatsApp Web Client to deliver you the best WhatsApp experience.
- Franz - A messaging app for WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Slack, Telegram and many many more.
- 7-Zip - Open source Windows utility for manipulating archives. Formats 7z, ZIP, GZIP, BZIP2 and TAR are supported fully, other formats can be unpacked.
- Bandizip - A lightweight, fast and free All-In-One Zip Archiver.
- PeaZip - Archiver and file compressor. Extract 7Z CAB ISO RAR TAR ZIP archive files.
- Riot - Compress images either by file size or by many other image attributes.
- WinRAR - A powerful archive manager. It can backup your data and reduce the size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files.
- 7+ Taskbar Tweaker - Allows to customize and extend Windows taskbar functionality with various productivity enhancements.
- Classic Start - Use Start Menu and Explorer like it's 2000.
- Clover - Add multi-tab functionality to Windows Explorer.
- EarTrumpet - Per application volume control from the system tray.
- QTTabBar - Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views.
- Rainmeter - Rainmeter allows you to display customizable skins on your desktop, from hardware usage meters to fully functional audio visualizers.
- Search Deflector - A small program that redirects searches made from the Windows Start Menu or Cortana to whatever browser and search engine you prefer.
- TranslucentTB - Make your Windows task bar transparent.
- Windows 10 Login Background Changer - Lets you change the Windows 10 login screen background.
- ZBar - If you use multiple monitors, it lets you display a separate taskbar on each monitor.
- Data Rescue - Comprehensive and professional Hard drive recovery software that can recover your photos, videos, documents.
- Ontrach EasyRecovery - Has filtering tools to help sort the large amount of data the software can recover.
- PartitionGuru | Eassos Recovery - Data recovery with partition recovery.
- Recuva - Recover your deleted files quickly and easily.
- Stellar Phoenix Windows Data Recovery - Remote recovery option to recover data from another computer over a network.
- TestDisk - Powerful free data recovery software primarily designed to help recover lost partitions and/or make non-booting disks bootable again.
- Cacher - Cloud-based, team-enabled code snippet manager with Gist sync, VSCode/Atom/Sublime packages and full-featured web client.
- DB Browser for SQLite - High quality, visual, open source tool to create, design, and edit database files compatible with SQLite
- ExtendsClass - Online tools for developers (REST/SOAP clients, SQLite browser, Regex tester, XPath tester)
- Fiddler - Web debugging proxy.
- FileZilla - FTP, FTPS and SFTP client.
- Fork - A fast & friendly Git client for Windows (and Mac).
- Git Extensions - A powerful and easy to use UI for Git.
- GitHub Desktop - GitHub Desktop is an open source Electron-based GitHub app.
- GitKraken - A beautiful, cross-platform Git client.
- HeidiSQL - Powerful and easy client for MySQL, MariaDB, Microsoft SQL Server and PostgreSQL.
- HTTP Toolkit - HTTP debugging & mocking tool.
- I'm Only Resting -A feature-rich WinForms-based HTTP client
- Insomnia - A modern REST client with a beautiful interface.
- Keylord Cross-platform GUI client for Redis, LevelDB and Memcached key-value databases.
- Mamp - Local server environment.
- Meld - A visual diff and merge tool.
- NSudo - A Powerful System Administration Tool.
- Open Server - Portable server platform and software environment (like MAMP, XAMPP, WAMP and very user friendly).
- Pixie - A simple color picker for developers.
- pngquant - Apply lossy compression on PNG files with or wi
- PostgreSQL Database - A comprehensive list of tools.
- Postman - REST client with intuitive user interface to send requests, save responses, add tests, and create workflows.
- Process Explorer - A powerful task manager.
- Process Hacker - Excellent full blown task manager.
- Process Monitor- A sysinternal tool shows real-time file system, Registry, network and process/thread activity.
- RazorSQL - A GUI for managing SQLite databases which requires major work.
- Redis Desktop Manager Cross-platform open source Redis DB management tool.
- Robo 3T - A lightweight GUI for MongoDB enthusiasts.
- SourceTree - A free Git & Mercurial client.
- Sql Wave - A MySQL database manager.
- SSLyog - A powerful MySQL administration tool
- TailBlazer - A small fast tool for browsing through logs
- TortoiseGit - Git client with full shell integration.
- Tower - Tower - the most powerful Git client for Mac and Windows.
- Vagrant - A tool for building and managing virtual machines.
- Velocity - Offline API Documentation Tool. (like Dash for macOS)
- Visual Studio Code - Lightweight Source Code Editor.
- Visual Studio - Ultimate Microsoft Developer Tool.
- Wamp - Web development environment.
- WinSCP - Free open source SFTP, FTP, WebDAV and SCP client.
- Wireshark - A network protocol analyzer.
- WMI Explorer - Provides the ability to browse and view WMI namespaces/classes/instances/properties in a single pane of view.
- Xampp - Apache driven web development environment.
- Xftp 5 - Flexible and lightweight SFTP/FTP client.
- Zsh - A powerful command line shell.
- FreeOffice - FreeOffice is a complete office suite with a word processor, a spreadsheet application and a presentation program – all compatible with their counterparts in Microsoft Office.
- LibreOffice - Open source office suite.
- Microsoft Office - Microsoft's own productivity suite.
- NitroPDF - The best PDF Reader you'll ever get.
- OnlyOffice - The most complete and feature-rich office and productivity suite.
- OpenOffice - Software suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more.
- Sumatra PDF - PDF, ePub, MOBI, CHM, XPS, DjVu, CBZ, CBR reader.
- WPS Office - The perfect free office software
- Bookviser - Awesome application for Windows 8 devices to read eBooks in a simple way.
- Calibre - Powerful software for e-book management and conversion.
- kobo - Incredibly ugly but powerful software for ebook management and conversion.
- Mailbird - IMAP and POP3 email client, featuring customization, complete touch support and multiple language support.
- Mailspring - A fast and maintained fork of Nylas Mail, built on modern web technologies.
- Nylas Mail - An extensible desktop mail app built on the modern web.
- Postbox - The Power Email App
- Thunderbird - Email client with minimalistic design.
- BlueMail - beautifully designed, powerful and easy to use email app if you're looking for cross-platform functionality.
- 0 A.D. - A free, open-source real-time strategy game of ancient warfare.
- Awesome Games - List of games hosted on Github.
- Freeciv - A Free and Open Source empire-building strategy game inspired by the history of human civilization.
- Godot Engine - Free and open source game engine. Easy to get started and flexible for intermediate users.
- GOG - DRM-free game store with a lot of old games but also has a rich collection of new games.
- - Install, update and play indie games.
- LuaStudio - Free game development tool/engine. Create games and other graphic focused apps on Windows using Lua/LuaJIT programming language. Export them to many platforms including iOS, Android and Mac.
- Origin - Like Steam, but for EA.
- Steam - Largest online video game retailer. Desktop app allows you to organise your library of games and play them at any time. But you already knew that.
- Unity - Free game engine. Easy to pick up and use with a number of tutorials.
- Unreal Engine - Another free game engine. Lots of documentation and easier to pick up, but you pay 5% royalties to Unreal when you make money from UE-based games.
- Warsow - Free & fast-paced FPS game for Windows.
- Blender - Fully-featured extensible cross-platform 3D content suite.
- Gimp - Open source image editor.
- Inkscape - Inkscape is a professional vector graphics editor for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux.
- Krita - Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program.
- MapTiler - MapTiler generates zoomable raster maps from images in user-defined coordinate system.
- - how can you live without
- Atom - A hackable text editor for the 21st Century.
- Brackets - A modern, open source text editor that understands web design.
- GVim - (G)Vim is a highly configurable text editor built to enable efficient text editing.
- Light Table - A customizable editor with instant feedback and showing data values flow through your code.
- Neovim - literally the future of vim
- Notepad++ - A source code editor which supports several programming languages.
- Notepad2 - Tiny and fast Notepad replacement with many useful features.
- Oni - Modern Modal Editing - powered by Neovim
- SpaceVim - A community-driven vim distribution
- Sublime Text 3 - The sophisticated text editor.
- Visual Studio Code - Build and debug modern web and cloud applications.
- Android Studio - The official IDE for Android based on the IntelliJ platform.
- CLion - Smart cross-platform IDE for C/C++ that uses CMake as a build system.
- Eclipse - A powerful IDE.
- IntelliJ IDEA - A modern Java IDE with free community edition.
- NetBeans IDE - A free and open-source IDE.
- PhpStorm - Lightning-smart PHP IDE with major frameworks support.
- PyCharm - Python IDE for professional developers with free community edition.
- Rider - A cross-platform .NET/Mono IDE.
- RubyMine - An intelligent Ruby IDE that supports many modern frameworks.
- Visual Studio - Microsofts official IDE. Supports a multitude of languages via plugins.
- WebStorm - A smart JavaScript IDE that uses the full power of the modern JavaScript ecosystem.
- Box - Ability to sync more than 100,000 files and supporting both special characters in file names and file paths longer than 256 characters.
- Dropbox -Simple, elegant and versatile (PC, Macs, Android...) cloud storage solution.
- Google Drive - Cloud storage solution deeply integrated in the Google ecosystem.
- pCloud - A swiss based privacy first cloud provider. Also offers one time payment lifetime plans.
- Sync - Encrypted file storage that stores all files in canadian datacenters
- Mega - Encrypted file storage.
- Mozy
- OneDrive - Best cloud storage solution for Windows users.
- Arq - Backs up your files to your own cloud account (Amazon Cloud Drive, AWS, Dropbox, Google Drive, Google Cloud Storage, OneDrive, and SFTP).
- Bvckup 2 - Light, versatile data replication software.
- Duplicati - Free backup software to store encrypted backups online For Windows, macOS and Linux.
- Aperture Control - Windows environment automation tool with a number of premade recipes and examples available.
- AutoHotkey - The ultimate automation scripting language for Windows.
- Chocolatey - A package manager for Windows.
- Cold Turkey - The only blocker for distracting websites that actually works. (even doesn't let you uninstall it when blocking is active).
- CommandTrayHost - A Command Line program monitor systray for Windows.
- CopyQ - Clipboard manager with advanced features.
- Ditto - Clipboard manager.
- Easy Window Switcher - Switch between application instances, fast.
- Everything - The fastest file/folder search tool by name.
- - A free multi purpose customizable and light-weight launcher.
- f.lux - Automatically adjust your computer screen to match lighting.
- File Juggler - Organize files automatically. Monitor folders and execute actions like rename, delete, unzip and more. Finds dates in PDFs and much more.
- Inkdrop - The note-taking app for Markdown lovers.
- KatMouse - Utility that enables "universal scrolling" in Windows: scrolling does not need the window to be active/clicked first (i.e. how it works in macOS and Linux)
- Keypirinha - A fast launcher for keyboard ninjas on Windows. You can think of Keypirinha as an alternative to Launchy and a cousin of Alfred.
- Launchy - The Open Source Keystroke Launcher.
- Listary - Keep files at your fingertips. An unique search utility.
- Luna - Automatic dark mode for Windows 10.
- MultiCommander - File Manager for Professionals.
- Ninite - The easiest, fastest way to update or install software.
- One Commander - File manager featuring miller columns and dual-pane views.
- Scoop - A command-line installer for Windows.
- Simplenote - Simple cross-platform note taking app with cloud-based syncing.
- Taskade - Smart task lists with real-time cross-platform syncing and team collaboration.
- Total Commander - The best file manager for Windows.
- WordWeb - A very good English dictionary for windows.
- Wox - An effective launcher for windows.
- Alacritty - A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator
- Babun - Alternative Windows shell based on Cygwin.
- Cmder - Console emulator package with clink shell.
- ColorTool - Set custom color schemes for the Windows Console with support for iTerm color schemes.
- ConEmu - Customizable terminal with tabs, splits, quake-style and more.
- ConsoleZ - Modified version of Console 2 for a better experience and a better visual rendering.
- FluentTerminal - A Terminal Emulator based on UWP and web technologies.
- Hyper - A terminal built on web technologies.
- Kitty - advanced Putty (SSH and telnet client).
- MobaXterm - Xserver and tabbed SSH client.
- mRemoteNG - The next generation of mRemote, open source, tabbed, multi-protocol, remote connections manager.
- MTPuTTY - Multi-Tabbed PuTTY.
- Putty - SSH and telnet client.
- Terminus - modern, highly configurable terminal app based on web technologies.
- Windows Terminal - Microsoft's official new terminal for Windows.
- A-Z of Windows Terminal Commands
- Acrosync - The only native rsync client for Windows (no cygwin required). It supports automatic uploads on file changes and incremental hourly backups.
- AddToSendTo - This script lets you add your favorite Folder to Send To option, when you right-click.
- Advanced Renamer - Advanced batch renaming program, with support for renaming based on GPS data from images, ID3 tags from music files, TV show data and regular expressions.
- Bandicam - Recording software allowing easy video recording of both desktop and 3D apps simultaneously.
- Carnac - The easiest way to record keystrokes during any screen recording.
- CleanMyPC - A clean computer in no time.
- CPU-Z - A free all-in-one CPU monitoring tool.
- Econap - Prevent sleep mode while your system is busy.
- Ext2Fsd - Open source ext3/4 file system driver for Windows.
- ExifCleaner - Remove exif metadata from images and videos with drag and drop.
- Far - File and Archive manager. Clone of the Norton Commander.
- FileOptimizer - A lossless file size optimizer supporting a wide array of formats.
- Fraps- Video game capture screen recorder that can be used with all games using DirectX or OpenGL technology.
- FreeFileSync - An easy backup solution for files and folders, It supports mirroring/two way sync/update between source and destination.
- fselect - Command-line tool to search files with SQL-like queries.
- Glary Utilities - Provides many more advanced features which are non existent in ccleaner.
- GPU-Z - A free all-in-one GPU monitoring tool.
- Greenshot - Take and crop screenshots directly on the screen.
- HTTrack- Offline browser utility, allowing you to download a website from the Internet to a local directory.
- HWMonitor - A hardware monitoring program that reads PC systems main health sensors : voltages, temperatures, fans speed.
- IrfanView - A very fast, small, compact and innovative graphic viewer for Windows.
- LICEcap - Animated screen captures and save them directly to .GIF
- LightBulb - Reduces eyestrain by adjusting gamma based on the current time
- Link Shell Extension - Create symlinks from Explorer.
- PowerPlanSwitcher - Provides a quick UI for switching power schemas & automatic switch on AC-plug-in on Windows10.
- Process Explorer - Discover which program has a particular file or directory open. Process Explorer shows you information about which handles and DLLs processes have opened or loaded.
- qBittorrent - Free and reliable P2P Bittorrent client.
- Retroshare - A platform for secure communications and file sharing between friends.
- rimraf - A deep deletion module for node. Help to delete files and folders with very long paths
- Rufus - Create bootable USB drives the easy way.
- SDelete - A command line utility that can securely delete a file, or clean the slack space.
- SetToStartup - This script will help you to add your favorite programs or self made scripts/folders to startup.
- ShareX- Lets you take screenshots or screencasts of any selected area with a single key.
- Snipping Tool / Snip & Sketch - Windows 10 utility to easily capture and edit selected area in screen.
- SDelete - A command line utility that can securely delete a file, or clean the slack space.
- SetToStartup - This script will help you to add your favorite programs or self made scripts/folders to startup.
- ShareX- Lets you take screenshots or screencasts of any selected area with a single key.
- SpaceMonger - A graphical utility to display folders and files in blocks relative to their disk usage.
- Speccy -Detailed statistics on every piece of hardware in your computer.
- SpeedCrunch - The best and only calculator you'll need, completely stripped down of unnecessary UI clutter.
- Sysinternals Suite - Tool suite by Mark Russinovich that provides access to Windows internals for troubleshooting: processes, physical ports, disk activity etc.
- ueli - A powerful keystroke launcher for Windows.
- SpeedCrunch - The best and only calculator you'll need, completely stripped down of unnecessary UI clutter.
- Sysinternals Suite - Tool suite by Mark Russinovich that provides access to Windows internals for troubleshooting: processes, physical ports, disk activity etc.
- Unlocker - Unlock files Windows won't let you delete
- Waltr - Transfer any movie or music file to your iPhone w/o iTunes.
- WinDirStat - It is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup too.
- Windows 10 Login Screen Changer - Changes the Windows 10 Login Screen Background.
- Command line tool with a fluent API for modifying Windows registry.- WizTree - Excellent, small utility application allows users to quickly find large files on a hard drive.
- Yacy - A general search engine by corporations of people, including the search web page, general crawlers, indexing, and ranking functions.
- ZeroNet - A decentralized web.
- ZoomIt - It is a screen zoom and annotation tool for technical presentations. It runs unobtrusively in the tray and activates with customizable hotkeys to zoom in on an area of the screen, move around while zoomed, and draw on the zoomed image.
- Algo - Personal IPSEC VPN in the cloud.
- DaVinci Resolve - Professional video creation software for editing, visual effects, color correction, and audio post production.
- HandBrake - High performance video encoding and conversion tools with a nice GUI.
- K-Lite Codecs - Collection of DirectShow filters, VFW/ACM codecs, and tools.
- mpv - Media player.
- Olive Video Editor - Open source cross-platform non-linear video editor.
- Open Broadcaster Software - Free and open source software for video recording and live streaming.
- PotPlayer - Multimedia player with a wide collection of codecs which also offers extensive configuration options for users.
- ScreenToGif - ScreenToGif allows you to record a selected area of your screen and save it as a gif or video.
- Shotcut - Open source cross-platform video editor.
- SMPlayer - Multimedia player that can save different preferences for any single video.
- VLC - Multimedia player and framework that plays DVDs, Audio CDs, VCDs, and various streaming protocols.
- Videotape - Video player for windows 10 focused on simplicity with a beautiful and easy to use interface.
- Win10-Initial-Setup-Script - Powershell script to turn off or on various defaults in Windows
- Acrylic DNS Proxy - A local DNS proxy which caches the responses coming from your DNS servers and helps you fight unwanted ads through a custom HOSTS file.
- AdwCleaner - Free removal tool for adware, PUP/LPI, Toolbars and Hijacker.
- Bitdefender - Best outright protection against malware.
- Cryptomator - Free client-side encryption for your cloud files.
- Disable Data Logging - Make Windows 10 more private and safe.
- ENCRYPTO - Encrypt your files in an elegant way.
- GlassWire - Network security monitoring tool and analyzer that visualizes your network activity.
- IIS Crypto - A utility for configuring encryption protocols, cyphers, hashing methods, and key exchanges for Windows components (eg TLS/AES/SHA for Remote Desktop)
- KeePass - Free, open-source, easy-to-use password manager.
- Malwarebytes - protects from dangerous threats that antivirus doesn't.
- NetLimiter - Internet traffic control and monitoring tool.
- SpyBot - Search and destroy malware, spyware and viruses.
- System Explorer - An enhanced task manager with support for monitoring and modifying system processes, start-up programs, system services, drivers, shell extensions, and more.
- Tor Project - Enable anonymous communication.
- UnChecky - automatically unchecks unrelated offers from installers.
- VeraCrypt - VeraCrypt is a free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux.
- Viscosity - Fully-featured OpenVPN client, ready for enterprise deployment.
- Windows 10 Paranoid's Guide
Contributions are most welcome, please adhere to the contribution guidelines.
Thank you to all our supporters! 🙏
*Please, consider supporting my work as a lot of effort takes place to generate this list! Thanks a lot.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.