• Enthusiastic software developer skilled in both front-end and back-end development.
• With a solid understanding of both frontend and backend application principles, flexible to work with various technologies.
• CS senior at Başkent University.
• Enthusiastic software developer skilled in both front-end and back-end development.
• With a solid understanding of both frontend and backend application principles, flexible to work with various technologies.
• CS senior at Başkent University.
Honeypot manager application with six other honeypot's backends. Built with Spring Framework and MongoDB.
Java 1
Honeypot manager application and six other honeypots' client side. Built with Angular and Material UI.
TypeScript 1
Realtime chat application server side with Spring Framework, WebSocket and PostgreSQL.
Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns' implementations.
Modern looking currency exchanger web application built with Next.js.
• Enthusiastic software developer skilled in both front-end and back-end development.
• With a solid understanding of both frontend and backend application principles, flexible to work with various technologies.
• CS senior at Başkent University.
Honeypot manager application with six other honeypot's backends. Built with Spring Framework and MongoDB.
Java 1
Honeypot manager application and six other honeypots' client side. Built with Angular and Material UI.
TypeScript 1
Realtime chat application server side with Spring Framework, WebSocket and PostgreSQL.
Gang of Four (GOF) design patterns' implementations.
Modern looking currency exchanger web application built with Next.js.