Mercedes Benz Research and Development India Pvt. Ltd.
- Bengaluru, India
Stockfish NNUE (Chess evaluation) trainer in Pytorch
It is tiny-dnn based on libtorch. Only headers without dependencies other than libtorch, deep learning framework
Implementation of the paper "No Reference Image Quality Assessment in the Spatial Domain" by A Mittal et al. in OpenCV (using both C++ and Python)
Application for generating Photomosaics. Turn your images into beautiful Photomosaics.
Aarogya Setu Android app native code
Exercises to learn how to fuzz with American Fuzzy Lop
Implementing CNN for Digit Recognition (MNIST and SVHN dataset) using PyTorch C++ API
vishwesh5 / Digit-Recognition-MNIST-SHM-PyTorch-CPP
Forked from krshrimali/Digit-Recognition-MNIST-SVHN-PyTorch-CPPImplementing CNN for Digit Recognition (MNIST and SHM dataset) using PyTorch C++ API
Hangman game using OpenCV and Python
Machine Learning for OpenCV Second Edition, published by Packt
Tutorials, assignments, and competitions for MIT Deep Learning related courses.
ModaNet: A large-scale street fashion dataset with polygon annotations
Repository for the "Machine Learning for the Web" class at ITP, NYU
PyTorch implementation of Super SloMo by Jiang et al.
A DCGAN that generate Cat pictures 🐱💻
Learn about the workflow using Intel® Distribution of OpenVINO™ toolkit to accelerate vision, automatic speech recognition, natural language processing, recommendation systems and many other applic…
Python programs for projects concerning Mechanical Engineering
Python for the Geosciences, a class offered at Texas A&M University in the Oceanography department.
A set of examples around pytorch in Vision, Text, Reinforcement Learning, etc.
Solutions to competitive programming problems from various judges and contests.
Turn static HTML pages into live documents with Jupyter kernels.
I'm building on top of jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s in order to demonstrate JupyterHub's potential within my work (IT-Gymnasiet, owned by Academedia).