libSQL is a fork of SQLite that is both Open Source, and Open Contributions.
The fastest JSON schema Validator. Supports JSON Schema draft-04/06/07/2019-09/2020-12 and JSON Type Definition (RFC8927)
Athena Crisis is a modern-retro turn-based tactical strategy game. Athena Crisis is open core technology.
Analyze bundle stats(bundle size, assets, modules, packages) and compare the results between different builds. Support for webpack, rspack, rollup and vite.
๐ฆค Give me MDX/TSX strings and I'll give you back a component you can render. Supports imports!
The minimal amount of CSS to replicate the GitHub Markdown style
A rich text editor React component for markdown
Yarn plugin to show outdated dependencies.
๐ ๐ A readable, automated, and optimized (3 kb) internationalization for JavaScript
WireGuard road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
๐ถ๐ฅ A collection of escape hatches for React.
An HTTP/1.1 client, written from scratch for Node.js
A JavaScript library to position floating elements and create interactions for them.
The modern, lightweight, performant, accessible and extensible drag & drop toolkit for React.
Methods for working with iterators in ECMAScript
A build system for creating cross-platform styles.
ECMAScript proposal for type syntax that is erased - Stage 1
A modern file manager that helps users organize their files and folders.
An extremely fast CSS parser, transformer, bundler, and minifier written in Rust.
A lightweight JavaScript utility for dynamically embedding PDFs in HTML documents.
๐Bread n butter utility for component-tied mouse/touch gestures in React and Vanilla Javascript.
A fast, zero dependency object and array comparison library. Significantly faster than most other deep comparison libraries and has full TypeScript support.
Build Better Websites. Create modern, resilient user experiences with web fundamentals.
A polyfill for CSS Container Queries