SimpleHUD is an easy-to-use yet beautiful HUD for android.
Add the following line into the dependencies block.
compile group:'info.wangchen', name:'SimpleHUD', version:'1.0'
- Clone or download SimpleHUD if you haven't yet.
- Import SimpleHUD project.
- Add SimpleHUD as a dependency to your existing project and you're good to go.
(See sample project in /SimpleHUDDemo)
The HUD is created as singleton so you can just use a static method like showSuccessMessage()
to show a HUD.
If there's an existing HUD, it will be dismissed and show the new one.
SimpleHUD.showLoadingMessage(this, "loading data, please wait...", true);
Note the third parameter boolean cancelable
, if you set it to true
then you can tap the back button to cancel the HUD.
When your operation is completed, call dismiss()
method to dismiss it.
The next three HUD are the same except the icon.
It will dismiss itself so no need to to invoke dimiss()
SimpleHUD.showInfoMessage(this, "This is a info message.");
SimpleHUD.showErrorMessage(this, "This ia an error message.");
SimpleHUD.showSuccessMessage(this, "This ia a success message.");
Create an object of the SimpleHUDCallback
interface and implement its onSimpleHUDDismissed
Then pass it to SimpleHUD as an argument. Here's an example:
private SimpleHUDCallback simplehudCallback = new SimpleHUDCallback() {
public void onSimpleHUDDismissed() {
// your code goes here...
SimpleHUD.showInfoMessage(this, "This is a info message.", simplehudCallback);
// SimpleHUD.showErrorMessage(this, "This ia an error message.", simplehudCallback);
// SimpleHUD.showSuccessMessage(this, "This ia a success message.", simplehudCallback);
Set the variable dismissDelay
to one of the three constants.
SimpleHUD.dismissDelay = SimpleHUD.DISMISS_DELAY_SHORT; // 2s
SimpleHUD.dismissDelay = SimpleHUD.DISMISS_DELAY_MIDIUM; // 4s
SimpleHUD.dismissDelay = SimpleHUD.DISMISS_DELAY_LONG; // 6s
Or a arbitrary value.
SimpleHUD.dismissDelay = 8000; // 8s
There are three icons in drawable folder, you can replace them using your own icons with the same name.