.. cpp:namespace:: nanobind
nanobind provides the :cpp:func:`eval` and :cpp:func:`exec` functions to evaluate Python expressions and statements. The following example illustrates how they can be used.
// At beginning of file
#include <nanobind/eval.h>
// Evaluate in scope of main module
nb::object scope = nb::module_::import_("__main__").attr("__dict__");
// Evaluate an isolated expression
int result = nb::eval("my_variable + 10", scope).cast<int>();
// Evaluate a sequence of statements
C++11 raw string literals are also supported and quite handy for this purpose.
The only requirement is that the first statement must be on a new line
following the raw string delimiter R"(
, ensuring all lines have common
leading indent:
x = get_answer()
if x == 42:
print('Hello World!')
)", scope
:cpp:func:`eval` accepts a template parameter that describes how the
string/file should be interpreted. Possible choices include eval_expr
(isolated expression), eval_single_statement
(a single statement,
return value is always none
), and eval_statements
(sequence of
statements, return value is always none
). eval defaults to
and exec is just a shortcut for eval<eval_statements>