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291 lines (231 loc) · 10.7 KB
.. cpp:namespace:: nanobind


Automatic conversion of C++ exceptions

When Python calls a C++ function, that function might raise an exception instead of returning a result. In such a case, nanobind will capture the C++ exception and then raise an equivalent exception within Python. This automatic conversion supports std::exception, common subclasses, and several classes that convert to specific Python exceptions as shown below:

Exception thrown by C++ Translated to Python exception type
std::exception RuntimeError
std::bad_alloc MemoryError
std::domain_error ValueError
std::invalid_argument ValueError
std::length_error ValueError
std::out_of_range IndexError
std::range_error ValueError
std::overflow_error OverflowError
:cpp:func:`nb::stop_iteration <stop_iteration>` StopIteration (used to implement custom iterator)
:cpp:func:`nb::index_error <index_error>` IndexError (used to indicate out of bounds access in __getitem__, __setitem__, etc.)
:cpp:func:`nb::key_error <index_error>` KeyError (used to indicate an invalid access in __getitem__, __setitem__, etc.)
:cpp:func:`nb::value_error <value_error>` ValueError (used to indicate an invalid value in operations like container.remove(...))
:cpp:func:`nb::type_error <type_error>` TypeError
:cpp:func:`nb::buffer_error <type_error>` BufferError
:cpp:func:`nb::import_error <import_error>` ImportError
:cpp:func:`nb::attribute_error <attribute_error>` AttributeError
Any other exception SystemError

Exception translation is not bidirectional. A C++ catch (nb::key_error) block will not catch a Python KeyError. Use :cpp:class:`nb::python_error <python_error>` for this purpose (see the :ref:`example below <handling_python_exceptions_cpp>` for details).

The is also a special exception :cpp:class:`nb::cast_error <cast_error>` that may be raised by the call operator :cpp:func:`nb::handle::operator() <detail::api::operator()>` and :cpp:func:`nb::cast() <cast>` when argument(s) cannot be converted to Python objects.

Handling custom exceptions

nanobind can also expose custom exception types. The :cpp:class:`nb::exception\<T\> <exception>` helper resembles :cpp:class:`nb::class_\<T\> <class_>` and registers a new exception type within the provided scope.

NB_MODULE(my_ext, m) {
    nb::exception<CppExp>(m, "PyExp");

Here, it creates my_ext.PyExp. Subsequently, any C++ exception of type CppExp crossing the language barrier will automatically convert to my_ext.PyExp.

A Python exception base class can optionally be specified. For example, the snippet below causes PyExp to inherit from RuntimeError (the default is Exception). The built-in Python exception classes are listed here.

nb::exception<CppExp>(module, "PyExp", PyExc_RuntimeError);

In more complex cases, :cpp:func:`nb::register_exception_translator() <register_exception_translator>` can be called to register a custom exception translation routine. It takes a stateless callable (e.g. a function pointer or a lambda function without captured variables) with the call signature void(const std::exception_ptr &, void*) and an optional payload pointer value that will be passed to the second parameter of the callable.

When a C++ exception is captured by nanobind, all registered exception translators are tried in reverse order of registration (i.e. the last registered translator has the first chance of handling the exception).

Inside the translator, call std::rethrow_exception() within a try-catch block to re-throw the exception and capture supported exception types. The catch block should call PyErr_SetString or PyErr_Format (1, 2) to set a suitable Python error status. The following example demonstrates this pattern to convert MyCustomException into a Python IndexError.

    [](const std::exception_ptr &p, void * /* unused */) {
        try {
        } catch (const MyCustomException &e) {
            PyErr_SetString(PyExc_IndexError, e.what());

Multiple exceptions can be handled by a single translator. nanobind captures unhandled exceptions and forwards them to the preceding translator. If none of the exception translators succeeds, it will convert according to the previously discussed default rules.


When the exception translator returns normally, it must have set a Python error status. Otherwise, Python will crash with the message SystemError: error return without exception set.

Unsupported exception types should not be caught, or may be explicitly (re-)thrown to delegate them to the other exception translators.

Capturing Python exceptions within C++

When nanobind-based C++ code calls a Python function that raises an exception, it will automatically convert into a :class:`nb::python_error <python_error>` raised on the C++ side. This exception type can be caught and handled in C++ or propagate back into Python, where it will undergo reverse conversion.

Exception raised in Python Translated to C++ exception type
Any Python Exception :cpp:class:`nb::python_error <python_error>`

The class exposes various members to obtain further information about the exception. The :cpp:func:`.type() <python_error::type>` and :cpp:func:`.value() <python_error::value>` methods provide information about the exception type and value, while :cpp:func:`.what() <python_error::what>` generates a human-readable representation including a backtrace.

A use of the :cpp:func:`.matches() <python_error::matches>` method to distinguish different exception types is shown below:

try {
    nb::object file = nb::module_::import_("io").attr("open")("file.txt", "r");
    nb::object text = file.attr("read")();
} catch (const nb::python_error &e) {
    if (e.matches(PyExc_FileNotFoundError)) {
        nb::print("file.txt not found");
    } else if (e.matches(PyExc_PermissionError)) {
        nb::print("file.txt found but not accessible");
    } else {

Note that the previously discussed :ref:`automatic conversion <exception_conversion>` of C++ exception does not apply here. Errors raised from Python always convert to :cpp:class:`nb::python_error <python_error>`.

Handling errors from the Python C API

Whenever possible, use :ref:`nanobind wrappers <wrappers>` instead of calling the Python C API directly. Otherwise, you must carefully manage reference counts and adhere to the nanobind error protocol outlined below.

When a Python C API call fails with an error status, you must immediately throw nb::python_error(); to capture the error and handle it using appropriate C++ mechanisms. This includes calls to error setting functions such as PyErr_SetString (:ref:`custom exception translators <custom_exceptions>` are excluded from this rule).

PyErr_SetString(PyExc_TypeError, "C API type error demo");
throw nb::python_error();

// But it would be easier to simply...
throw nb::type_error("nanobind wrapper type error");

Alternately, to ignore the error, call PyErr_Clear(). Any Python error must be thrown or cleared, or nanobind will be left in an invalid state.

Chaining exceptions ('raise from')

Python has a mechanism for indicating that exceptions were caused by other exceptions:

    print(1 / 0)
except Exception as exc:
    raise RuntimeError("could not divide by zero") from exc

To do a similar thing in nanobind, you can use the :cpp:func:`nb::raise_from <raise_from>` function, which requires a :cpp:class:`nb::python_error <python_error>` and re-raises it with a chained exception object.

nb::callable f = ...;
int arg = 123;
try {
} catch (nb::python_error &e) {
    nb::raise_from(e, PyExc_RuntimeError, "Could not call 'f' with %i", arg);

The function is internally based on the Python function PyErr_FormatV and takes printf-style arguments following the format descriptor.

An even lower-level interface is available via :cpp:func:`nb::chain_error <chain_error>`.

Handling unraisable exceptions

If a Python function invoked from a C++ destructor or any function marked noexcept(true) (collectively, "noexcept functions") throws an exception, there is no way to propagate the exception, as such functions may not throw. Should they throw or fail to catch any exceptions in their call graph, the C++ runtime calls std::terminate() to abort immediately.

Similarly, Python exceptions raised in a class's __del__ method do not propagate, but are logged by Python as an unraisable error. In Python 3.8+, a system hook is triggered and an auditing event is logged.

Any noexcept function should have a try-catch block that traps :cpp:class:`nb::python_error <python_error>` (or any other exception that can occur). A useful approach is to convert them to Python exceptions and then discard_as_unraisable as shown below.

void nonthrowing_func() noexcept(true) {
    try {
        // ...
    } catch (nb::python_error &e) {
        // Discard the Python error using Python APIs, using the C++ magic
        // variable __func__. Python already knows the type and value and of the
        // exception object.
    } catch (const std::exception &e) {
        // Log and discard C++ exceptions.