Copy the file into /etc/systemd/sytstem
and the run the command lines:
sudo apt update
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
sudo apt install shadowsocks-libev simple-obfs
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable obfs-80.service obfs-443.service obfs-8080.service shadowsocks-libev-8964.service
sudo systemctl start obfs-80.service obfs-443.service obfs-8080.service shadowsocks-libev-8964.service
Now you have gotten a shadowsocks server with port 8964 and three obfs-server in the port 80,443 and 8080. All of the servers have the same password and encrypt method.
The obfs method for 80 port is http
The obfs method for 443 port is tls
The obfs method for 8080 port is http
PS: If you are using Ubuntu, maybe you have to modify the obfs-server
path in the obfs-*