Steps: - Data Preprocessing -> Feature Extraction -> Classifier (Emotion recognition)
Note: - Import data from data-lake Dropbox or Google Drive to folder ./data/
After data acquisition, The data were processed and extracted features. Emotion database is available in a data lake. The structure and file description can be described as follows:
• Task 2-5 Emotion/
• EEG/ [*]
• feature extracted/
· EEG ICA.npy: Power Spectral Density of each frequency band and channel as Table 4.1 with ICA method in shape (N.subjects x N.clips, N.channels, N.freq bands, 1) = (645,8, 4, 1)
· EEG no ICA.npy: Power Spectral Density of each frequency band and channel as Table 4.1 with out ICA method in shape (N.subjects x N.clips, N.channels, N.freq bands, 1) = (645, 8, 4, 1)
• preprocessed/
· EEG ICA.npy: EEG signal with ICA method in shape (N.subjects x N.clips, N.channels, N.freq bands, N.sampling points (56sec)) = (645, 8, 4, 14000)
· EEG no ICA.npy: EEG signals with out ICA method in shape (N.subjects x N.clips, N.channels, N.freq bands, N.sampling points (56sec)) = (645, 8, 4, 14000)
• raw/ [**]
· EEG.npy: raw EEG signals(µV) with sampling rate 250 Hz recorded from OpenBCI in shape (N.subjects, N.clips, N.channels, N.sampling points(56sec)) = (43, 15, 8, 14000)
• E4/
• feature extracted/
· BVP.npy: Data from photoplethysmography after preprocessing as Table 4.1 in shape (N.subject, N.clip, N.of features) =(43, 15, 13)
· EDA.npy: Data from the electrodermal activity sensor after preprocessing as Table 4.1 in shape (N.subject, N. clip, N.features) = (43, 15, 21)
· TEMP.npy: Data from Data from temperature sensor after preprocessing as Table 4.1 in shape (N.subject, N.clip, N.features) = (43, 15, 4)
• raw/ [**]
· ACC.npy: Data from 3-axis accelerometer sensor with sampling rate 32 Hz recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N.clip, N. x, y, and z axis, N.sampling points (56 sec)) = (43, 15, 3, 1792)
· BVP.npy: Data from photoplethysmography with sampling rate 64 Hz recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N. clip, N.sampling points (56 sec)) = (43, 15, 3584)
· EDA.npy: Data from the electrodermal activity sensor expressed as microsiemens (µS) with sampling rate 4 Hz recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N.clip, N.sampling points (56 sec)) = (43, 15, 224)
· HR.npy: Data from heart rate with sampling rate 1 Hz recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N.clip, N.sampling points (56 sec)) = (43, 15, 56)
· HRV.npy: Heart rate variability recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N.clip) = (43, 15)
· IBI.npy: Inter-beat interval recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N.clip) = (43, 15)
· TEMP.npy: Data from Data from temperature sensor (°C) with sampling rate 4 Hz recorded from Empatica E4 in shape (N.subject, N.clip, N.sampling points (56 sec)) = (43, 15, 224)
• score/
• label/
· arousal.npy: Labeling by of arousal score (0:low or 1:high).
· excite.npy: Labeling by of excite score (0:low or 1:high).
· fear.npy: Labeling of fear score (0:low or 1:high).
· happy.npy: Labeling of happy score (0:low or 1:high).
· rating.npy: Labeling of rating score (0:low or 1:high).
· valence.npy: Labeling of valence score (0:low or 1:high).
• raw/
· Raw.npy: Self emotional score of all participants in shape (43, 15, 1) = ( N.subject, No. of a clip, emotional score) in each emotion (happy, fear, excite, arousal, valence, rating).
• clip/
· All video clips which were played to participants.
• Clip list.csv : Name of clips that were played for each participant. (15 clips/person)
[*] The EEG channels include Fp1, Fp2, Fz, Cz, T3, T4, Pz and Oz, respectively.
The frequency bands include theta (3–7 [Hz]), alpha(8–13 [Hz]), beta(14–29 [Hz]) and gamma(30–47[Hz]).
[**] (Raw data are not provided in this repository.)
• Set up python libraries: numpy, scipy, sklearn, mne, pandas, and matplotlib
• Create a directory named data at emotion-monitoring-system/data
• Copy data from data-lake to the above directory
2.Pre-processing data
• Go to ./src
• Open and run all cells in EEGPreprocessing.ipynb
• Answer the question "Do you want to re-run all? (y/n):"
– If this is the first time of preprocessing the data, type y.
– Otherwise, type y if you want to re-run all again or n if you want to continue from the latest pre-processed signal.
• The program will perform preprocessing to each sample including
– Independent Component Analysis (ICA): In this step, it allows experts to specify which components should be removed from
the EEG signals.
– Common Average Reference (CAR)
– Bandpass filter to sub-frequency bands including
– Reshape data to (number of samples per subject * number of subjects, number of channels, number of sub-frequency bands, number of sampling points) = (645, 8, 4, 14000)
• The program automatically saves all data into data/EEG/preprocessed/EEG_ICA.npy
3.Feature Extraction
– Go to ./src
– Open and run all cells in EEGFeatureExtraction.ipynb
– The software automatically
* Calculates Power Spectral Density (PSD) of each sub frequency band.
* Saves into data/feature_extracted/EEG.npy
• Body signals
– Go to ./src
– Open and run all cells in E4_Extract_Feature.ipynb
– The software automatically
* Calculate all features from E4 (Empatica)
* Saves EDA.npy, TEMP.npy, and BVP.npy into data/E4/feature_extracted/
When using (any part) of this dataset, please cite our paper
author={P. {Lakhan} and N. {Banluesombatkul} and V. {Changniam} and R. {Dhithijaiyratn} and P. {Leelaarporn} and E. {Boonchieng} and S. {Hompoonsup} and T. {Wilaiprasitporn}},
journal={IEEE Sensors Journal},
title={Consumer Grade Brain Sensing for Emotion Recognition},
keywords={brain;brain-computer interfaces;electroencephalography;emotion recognition;feature extraction;learning (artificial intelligence);medical signal processing;affective video clips;elicited signals;classification model;peripheral physiological signals;emotional EEG brainwaves;pre-selected clips;unsupervised machine learning;audio-visual stimuli;emotion classification;research grade EEG system;diverse emotion-eliciting stimuli;distinctive brain activities;emotional state recognition;emotion recognition;consumer grade brain sensing;Electroencephalography;Emotion recognition;Biomedical monitoring;Feature extraction;Sensors;Brain;Prediction algorithms;Consumer grade EEG;low-cost EEG;OpenBCI;emotion recognition;affective computing},