InfinityFreedom-NG is a Luci theme customized for Homelede firmware, based on HTML5, CSS3, responsive layout, suitable for PC, Pad, and mobile devices.
Copyright 2024 Eric [email protected]
This theme can also be used in other distributions of OpenWrt and is currently compatible with Luci18.
For information on HomeLede firmware please see:
Edit your feeds.conf.default and add the following to it:
src-git infinityfreedomng
Update your build environment and install the package:
$ scripts/feeds update infinityfreedomng
$ scripts/feeds install luci-theme-infinityfreedom-ng
$ make menuconfig
Go to LuCI -> Themes, select luci-infinityfreedom-ng, exit, save and build as usual.
You can also compile the the theme without compile the whole firmware, make sure you are in the firmware's root build path, and then execute:
make package/feeds/infinityfreedomng/luci-theme-infinityfreedom-ng/compile V=s
After the command finish , you can find the ipkg in the path below (if you are not build a x86_64 firmware, change the path accordingly)
- Go to System -> System -> Language and Style
- Choose 'infinityfreedomNG' in the Design selectbox