wget -O - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/xinglixing/deploy/master/go.sh | bash
- Run sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default
- Add server_name <your-domain/subdomain> directive into "server" group
- Run sudo systemctl restart nginx.service
- Run sudo certbot --nginx -d <your-domain/subdomain> --non-interactive --agree-tos --register-unsafely-without-email
- Run sudo systemctl restart nginx.service
- Run sudo nano /var/www/html/.env
- Change APP_URL= variable content with your https://your-domain/subdomain
- Run cd /var/www/html/
- Run php artisan config:cache
- Run ssh root@
- Run sudo nano /etc/nginx/cipi/.conf
- Edit your custom configuration
- Run sudo systemctl restart nginx.service
- Run ssh @
- Run rm -rf /home//web (all application web contents will be delete)
- Copy /home//git/deploy.pub into Github SSH Keys
- Run nano /home//git/deploy.sh
- Edit your Git repository name, branch and optional post deploy scripts
- Run sh /home//git/deploy.sh to deploy Git on your server
- You can create a PHP webhook (git ignored) into your /web folder with command with exec commant to deploy.sh
- Run ssh root@
- Run sudo nano /etc/supervisor/supervisord.conf
- Edit your custom configuration
- Run sudo service supervisor restart
- Run ssh @
- Run crontab -e
- Edit your crons
- Run ssh @
- Run nano /home//bks/db.sh
- Edit your database informations and set backup retain days
- Run nano /home//bks/fs.sh
- Set backup retain days
- Run sh /home//bks/db.sh to dump your Application database
- Run sh /home//bks/fs.sh to backup your web directory
- Backups are avalable into /bks subdirs. You can use a cron to automate backups