This is a functional web applicaiton that has several features:
- Submit a reading.
- Display the factorials of all readings ordered by timestamp.
- Automatically generate ID to readings.
- Search all submissions by the reading.
The backend is built with FastAPI and the frontend is built with React, partly following the tutorial by Eric Roby (
Note: Following steps are only tested on Mac.
git clone
Go to cd webapp
Then python3 -m venv myenv
source myenv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Go to cd FastAPI
Then run uvicorn main:app --reload
, click the http link to see backend.
Open a new terminal
Go to cd webapp/React/webapp
In case of sh: react-scripts: command not found
, install a pacakge npm install react-scripts
Then run npm start
, a webpage will automatically open.
Open the folder webapp in VScode
Go to path cd FastAPI
Then run python3 -m unittest