This is a fork of branch v2
. No development will happen here, this is just intended to fix building the code.
As the references inside the v2
branch reference the master branch this broke building the golang version of this code.
docker run --network host
- Visit
- Go 1.11
- Go < 1.11 will be like any other go project without vendor or dependency management
make kubeyaml-server
- Visit
- Go 1.11
- Probably other versions of Go. Haven't tested.
go get
cat test-yaml/deployment.yaml | kubeyaml
cat test-yaml/deployment.yaml | kubeyaml -versions 1.12
cat test-yaml/pod.yaml | kubeyaml -versions 1.11,1.12
`cat test-yaml/pod.yaml | kubeyaml -versions 1.12 -silent`
- Make the binary with
make kubeyaml
- Build the image with
- Push the image with
- On the server, restart the kubeyaml service which will pull and restart the image.
- Make the binary
IMAGE_TAG=staging ./scripts/
IMAGE_TAG=staging ./scripts/
service kube-validate-staging restart
- Add new minors to scripts/update-schemas.go
- Run
go run scripts/update-schemas.go
- Update lookup.go to add new minor versions
- Update cmd/generate/main.go
- Update cmd/server/main.go
use certbot on the host
sudo cerbot --nginx
and fill out the details
Most json schema validators do not validate YAML against json schemas.
I did try this but then realized go can't do dynamic object lookup and only loads objects that are directly referenced.
I did but then deleted it because I am not a good python programmer.