Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements.
C Other UpdatedSep 10, 2021 -
Semantic-Segmentation Public
Repo for several different Semantic Segmentation models
carla-dataset-runner Public
Forked from AlanNaoto/carla-dataset-runnerData collector for CARLA 0.9.6
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 7, 2020 -
PointPainting Public
Coloring/Costing lidar points based on semantic-segmenation
yeshas1994.github.io Public template
Forked from evanca/quick-portfolioUse this template if you need a quick developer / data science portfolio! Based on a Minimal Jekyll theme for GitHub Pages.
HTML The Unlicense UpdatedOct 27, 2020 -
monodepth2 Public
Forked from nianticlabs/monodepth2Monocular depth estimation from a single image
Jupyter Notebook Other UpdatedApr 27, 2020 -
darknet_ws Public
Final Year Project for human detection and tracking
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 9, 2019 -
handson-ml Public
Forked from ageron/handson-mlA series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in python using Scikit-Learn and TensorFlow.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 15, 2019 -
arcwardens_ws Public
Forked from LeeYiyuan/arcwardens_wsFor Hack&Roll 2019
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 25, 2019 -
ros_tutorials Public
Forked from ros/ros_tutorialsCode used in tutorials found on ROS wiki
C++ UpdatedJun 4, 2018