A numpy implementation of several learning rate schedulers
This scheduler increases lr during warming up after each iteration. So you should use * iterations instead of epochs in warmup. -
This scheduler manages lr during training after each epoch. In fact, lr may not decay as the current epoch is not in the milestones. -
This scheduler decays lr during training after each epoch in a linear manner. Once the milestone encountered, lr decays by gamma. -
This scheduler decays lr during training after each epoch in a exponential manner. Once the milestone encountered, lr decays by gamma. -
This scheduler decays lr during training after each epoch in a cosine manner. Once the milestone encountered, lr decays by gamma. Notice that the curve in which lr decays by gamma is shorter than a period. -
This scheduler decays lr during training after each epoch in a cosine manner. Once the milestone encountered, lr decays by gamma. Notice that the curve in which lr decays by gamma is half a period. -
This scheduler decays lr during training after each epoch in a dampening manner. Once the milestone encountered, lr decays by gamma. Now it decays using a linear manner and dampens after each epoch, while you can extend this method to decay by other curves
All the classes except WarmupLR provide resume function to recover the learning rate from a given epoch.