App available at Heroku ππ
Omykuji is the SPA that judges user's emotional state from a picture.
Omykuji judges a user's emotional state from an uploaded picture, and stabilizes their mood by providing text and gifs.
Its design and name are inspired by omikuji, traditional Japanese fortune telling slips, that predict positive and negative outcomes.
Omykuji is built using VueJS and Vuetify.js, and calls Rakuten Rapid APIs and Microsoft Azure Face API.
Potential future plans are:
- Better mobile experience
- Better social media sharing
As of 25 March 2019, this application is available at Heroku.
This build relies on API keys that are not included. You will need one key from RakutenRapid API to operate Giphy and Slapbot. You will need to obtain another from Microsoft Azure's Cognitive Services to access the facial detection API.
Create a .env file and paste the following in:
[your api key]
[your api key]
Be sure to include your .env in your .gitignore if you plan to push to a local branch.
yarn install
ββ this installs all the dependencies.
yarn local-test
ββ this allows you to build on your local computer
Visit localhost:8080 and try it out!
yarn serve
-- this runs development server (use for working on frontend)
yarn prod
-- this creates production build and run production server (use for working on backend)
yarn build
-- this creates production build of static files
To contribute to this app, make sure you create a branch and ALWAYS make a pull request. DO NOT EDIT THE MASTER!
git checkout -b <branch_name>
If you want to push your edited files to your remote file, run the following:
git push <remote_name> <branch_name>