Papers for incremental learning to avoid catastrophic forgetting on object detection.
- Overcoming Catastrophic Forgetting in Incremental Object Detection via Elastic Response Distillation (CVPR 2022) [paper] [code]
- Incremental Object Detection via Meta-Learning (TPAMI 2021) [paper] [code]
- Bridging Non Co-occurrence with Unlabeled In-the-wild Data for Incremental Object Detection (NeurIPS 2021) [paper]
- Wanderlust: Online Continual Object Detection in the Real World (ICCV 2021) [paper]
- Always Be Dreaming: A New Approach for Data-Free Class-Incremental Learning (ICCV 2021) [paper] [code]
- Towards Open World Object Detection (CVPR 2021) [paper] [code] [video]
- Incremental Few-Shot Object Detection (CVPR 2020) [paper]
- RODEO: Replay for Online Object Detection (BMVC 2020) [paper] [code]
- An End-to-End Architecture for Class-Incremental Object Detection with Knowledge Distillation (IEEE ICME 2019) [paper]
- Incremental Learning of Object Detectors Without Catastrophic Forgetting (ICCV 2017) [paper]
- iCaRL: Incremental classifier and Representation Learning (CVPR 2017) [paper] [code]
- Distilling the Knowledge in a Neural Network(NIPS 2014)[paper]
Knowledge distillation can be used for object detection.
- Focal and Global Knowledge Distillation for Detectors (CVPR 2022) [paper] [code]
- Localization Distillation for Dense Object Detection (CVPR 2022) [paper] [code]
- Decoupled Knowledge Distillation (CVPR 2022)[paper] [code]
- Knowledge Distillation for Object Detection via Rank Mimicking and Prediction-guided Feature Imitation (AAAI 2022)[paper]
- G-DetKD: Towards General Distillation Framework for Object Detectors via Contrastive and Semantic-guided Feature Imitation (ICCV 2021) [paper]
- End-to-End Semi-Supervised Object Detection with Soft Teacher (ICCV 2021)[papaer] [code]
- Distilling Knowledge via Knowledge Review (CVPR 2021) [paper] [code]
- General Instance Distillation for Object Detection (CVPR 2021) [paper]
- Distilling Object Detectors via Decoupled Features (CVPR 2021) [paper] [code]
- Improve Object Detection with Feature-based Knowledge Distillation: Towards Accurate and Efficient Detectors (ICLR 2021) [paper] [code]
- Learning Efficient Object Detection Models with Knowledge Distillation (NIPS 2017) [paper]