This is a modified version of GuyCarver's ST7735 TFT LCD driver for MicroPython.
This version is for micropython-esp32.
A font file is necessary for displaying text (some font files are in GuyCarver's repo).
Text nowrap option added(default: nowrap=False). is a sample code. I wrote this to make it similar to Adafruit's graphicstest sketch for Arduino.
Replace initr() at line 8 to initg() or initb() if your LCD module doesn't work correctly. You can also change rgb(True) to rgb(False) to switch red and blue pixels if your LCD module shows incorrect colors.
Pin connections:
LCD | ESP32-DevKitC |
VLED | 3V3 |
RST | IO17 |
A0 | IO16(DC) |
SDA | IO13(MOSI) |
SCK | IO14(CLK) |
VCC | 3V3 |
CS | IO5 |
GND | GND | is another sample similar to Adafruit's tftbmp sketch for Arduino.
Place bmp file named 'test128x160.bmp' in the file system of MicroPython using file uploading tool such as ampy, etc.