This is a ROS wrapper for publishing Apriltag with Jetson nano and RPI camera V2 through CSI
It is truely easy to use. On jetson nano with ROS. A constant velocity EKF filter is introducted to enhance the performance.
- Ubuntu 16.04 + ROS Kinetic
- AprilTag
Follow the instruction to dogit clone cmake . sudo make install
Please follow the official instruction to install ros-kinetic
- Eigen3
sudo apt install libeigen3-dev
- OpenCV
sudo apt install libopencv-dev
- cmake_modules Find the position of Eigen3
- CMakeLists.txt Cmake file
- CalibrationResults Internal and external parameters of the camera through Kalibr
- Detail implmentation of constant velocity filter
- filter.h Declaration of filter
- filter_pose Subscribe the information from apriltag detect as measurements to filting
- Detection and pose estimation of Apriltag
- For simulation
21 Dec 2019
To avoid some out of view situation , a constant velocity kalman filter has been added to the package. It now can output 100Hz pose estimation of apriltag and able to compensate some undesirable situation.