Tags: yucnet/allwpilib
Modified COunter kSemiPeriod mode to use "Reset" slave mode rather th… …an "Gated".
Fixed bug in HAL_GetCounterPeriod that was returning incorrect counte… …r values.
Fix bug in HAL_Pulse which was causing the requested pulse length to … …be sent to the VMX-pi HAL as a 0 pulse length.
Fixed a few bugs in the Addressable support found during unit testing.
Modified SPI Read/Write/Transaction functions to - upon success - cor… …rectly return the number of bytes successfully transferred, rather than 0.
Fixed bug in HAL_CAN_ReadStreamSession() to correctly populate the "s… …ize" parameter for all received stream messages.
Fix range-check bug prohibiting allocation of DIO Channel 21.
Removed addition of libvmxpi_hal_cpp.so to linuxraspbian artifact zip… …s; this component is now published as a separate artifact (groupId: com.kauailabs.vmx.platform, artifact: vmxpi-hal)
Added libvmxpi_hal_cpp.so to linuxraspbian artifacts.
Fixed compilation warning in ErrorOrPrintMessage module. Updated build script to reference Java 11.