ci_dark Public
adb-interface-vscode Public
Forked from vinicioslc/adb-interface-vscode🔌 A tool that allows you to execute ADB.exe commands/actions without having to interact with the terminal.
equinusocio-material.vim Public
Equinusocio's material theme for vim
vscode-theme-github-light Public
Try this theme if others don't meet your needs.
TermuxSocks Public
TermuxSocks helps you to setup socks proxy on android without root
async_builder Public
A async building pipeline for speeding up android debugging
1 UpdatedAug 9, 2021 -
crossterm Public
Forked from crossterm-rs/crosstermCross platform terminal library rust
tui-rs Public
Forked from fdehau/tui-rsBuild terminal user interfaces and dashboards using Rust
vim-js Public
Forked from yuezk/vim-js💯The most accurate syntax highlighting plugin for JavaScript and Flow.js
vision Public
Forked from pytorch/visionDatasets, Transforms and Models specific to Computer Vision
vim-racket Public
Forked from wlangstroth/vim-racketvim bundle for Racket
auto-pairs Public
Forked from jiangmiao/auto-pairsVim plugin, insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair
dna-visualization Public
Technical DNA visualization tool
warp Public
Forked from seanmonstar/warpA super-easy, composable, web server framework for warp speeds.
digitalocean-debian-to-arch Public
Forked from gh2o/digitalocean-debian-to-archScript to convert a Debian installation on DigitalOcean to Arch Linux
iterm2-equinusocio-material Public
OpenCC Public
Forked from BYVoid/OpenCCConversion between Traditional and Simplified Chinese
pytorch_ssn Public
Forked from CYang0515/pytorch_ssnA pytorch version of SSN
superpixel_fcn Public
Forked from fuy34/superpixel_fcn[CVPR‘20] SpixelFCN: Superpixel Segmentation with Fully Convolutional Network