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vue2 + vue-router + vuex 入门项目
The implementation of cvpr 2023 paper "Unsupervised Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification via Progressive Graph Matching and Alternate Learning"
ByteTrack with ReID module following the paradigm of FairMOT, tracking strategy is borrowed from FairMOT/JDE.
[ECCV 2022] ByteTrack: Multi-Object Tracking by Associating Every Detection Box
Learn OpenCV : C++ and Python Examples
[TIP 2022] Pytorch implementation of "Attentive WaveBlock: Complementarity-enhanced Mutual Networks for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Person Re-identification and Beyond"
[NeurIPS-2020] Self-paced Contrastive Learning with Hybrid Memory for Domain Adaptive Object Re-ID.
[ICLR-2020] Mutual Mean-Teaching: Pseudo Label Refinery for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on Person Re-identification.
SECRET: Self-Consistent Pseudo Label Refinement for Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
[ICCV-2021] TransReID: Transformer-based Object Re-Identification
[CVPR 2022] Part-based Pseudo Label Refinement for Unsupervised Person Re-identification
Framework for Analysis of Class-Incremental Learning with 12 state-of-the-art methods and 3 baselines.
Code for CVPR 2022 Oral paper: 'Few-Shot Object Detection with Fully Cross-Transformer'
Deep Learning papers reading roadmap for anyone who are eager to learn this amazing tech!
A PyTorch implementation of RandomErasing
Cutout / Random Erasing implementation, especially for ImageDataGenerator in Keras