Pytorch implementation of conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cGAN) [1] and conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (cDCGAN) for MNIST [2] and CelebA [3] datasets.
The network architecture (number of layer, layer size and activation function etc.) of this code differs from the paper.
CelebA dataset used gender lable as condition.
If you want to train using cropped CelebA dataset, you have to change isCrop = False to isCrop = True.
you can download
- cGAN
- Generate using fixed noise (fixed_z_)
- MNIST vs Generated images
MNIST | cGAN after 50 epochs | cDCGAN after 20 epochs |
- Learning Time
- MNIST cGAN - Avg. per epoch: 9.13 sec; Total 50 epochs: 937.06 sec
- MNIST cDCGAN - Avg. per epoch: 47.16 sec; Total 20 epochs: 1024.26 sec
- Generate using fixed noise (fixed_z_; odd line - female (y: 0) & even line - male (y: 1); each two lines have the same style (1-2) & (3-4).)
cDCGAN | cDCGAN crop |
- CelebA vs Generated images
CelebA | cDCGAN after 20 epochs | cDCGAN crop after 30 epochs |
- CelebA cDCGAN morphing (noise interpolation)
cDCGAN | cDCGAN crop |
- Learning Time
- CelebA cDCGAN - Avg. per epoch: 826.69 sec; total 20 epochs ptime: 16564.10 sec
- Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- NVIDIA GTX 1080 ti
- cuda 8.0
- Python 2.7.6
- pytorch 0.1.12
- torchvision 0.1.8
- matplotlib 1.3.1
- imageio 2.2.0
[1] Mirza, Mehdi, and Simon Osindero. "Conditional generative adversarial nets." arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.1784 (2014).
(Full paper:
[2] Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner. "Gradient-based learning applied to document recognition." Proceedings of the IEEE, 86(11):2278-2324, November 1998.
[3] Liu, Ziwei, et al. "Deep learning face attributes in the wild." Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. 2015.