- 👋 Hi, I’m @zqw1103
- 👀 I’m interested in quantitatively drawing insights from big datasets using appropriate programming toolkits
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Bioinformatics and Data Science
- Technical skills:
- ML:
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
Here will contain multiple projects I have done throughput learning processes and projects will be in seperate repositories. The following listed project name in a dictionary format like(Where is the project from: name of project inside repository):
- Udacity: Udacity_R_Github_Proj
- Udacity: Udacity_R
- Udacity: Udacity_SQL
- NYU: NYU_Problem_solving
- NYU: NYU_Transcriptomics
- scrna_practice
- NEU: DA5020_Collect/Store/Retrieve_Data
- NEU: INSH5301_Computational_Statistics
- NEU: Bioinfo methods 1
- NEU: Stats for Bioinfo
- Chronic Kidney Disease Prediction ML Project
- TCGA BRAC Subtype Classification ML Project