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How Hosting Institutions Apply

There are no Jack Eddy Postdoctoral Fellowship positions available for 2025.

Please check back in the fall of 2025.

Responsibilities of Host

In order to succeed at such cross-disciplinary research, the host institution and the mentoring scientists will play critical roles. Consequently, applicants must select a host scientist who is different than their PhD advisor, and coordinate a joint application with the host scientist and institution. Awardees must change institutions from which their PhD is earned. Only in compelling circumstances will this requirement be waived. Please contact Kate Rodd: [email protected], with any questions.

How to Apply

Hosts should provide the following materials to the potential postdoctoral fellow for submission with their application. 

Host Institution Materials

The following documents are needed from the Host(s) with whom you intend to work. Applicants are responsible for collecting these materials from their Host(s) and must submit these documents as part of the application packet. If you intend to have Co-Hosts, the Letter of Intent should be co-written by both Hosts. We require separate documents for the remaining material (Resumes, Mentoring Plans, and Current and Pending Research Support) from each Co-Host.

*Note that you can work with a host institution not listed on the UCAR Database of Hosts.

* Please see How Hosting Institutions Apply for more information.

  • Letter of Intent – in the case of specific laboratory needs, a letter should accompany the application from the specific institution willing to provide the resources.
  • Host(s) Curriculum Vitae/Resume
  • Host(s) proposed Mentoring Plan
  • Host(s) list of current and pending research support 


Examples of mentoring activities include, but are not limited to: career counseling; training in preparation of grant proposals, publications and presentations; guidance on ways to improve teaching and mentoring skills; guidance on how to effectively collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds and disciplinary areas; and training in responsible professional practices.

Hosts are expected to mentor the fellow as well as provide office space, a computer workstation, and any other unique research costs associated with this fellowship. UCAR sets aside some funds to help offset the high cost of publishing scientific results, but we request that hosts also help the postdoctoral fellows with some of these costs.

Host Database

See the Host database

NOTE: Even though a host is included in the host database, a potential host needs to submit their letter of intent to host the applicant, provide their abbreviated CV, mentoring plan, and their list of current research support. Interested hosts may enter their research expertise information in our searchable database. Candidates for fellowships use this resource to find suitable hosting mentors.


General questions regarding this fellowship program may be addressed to Kate Rodd ([email protected]).

Note: For additional information, please visit the NASA Jack Eddy - How to Apply page.