Documents and Links

NACP Implementation Plan, 2023
NACP Implementation Plan References, 2023
Draft Implementation Plan, 2021
Science Steering Group Charter for the North American Carbon Program, 2021 A Science Plan For Carbon Cycle Research In North American Coastal Waters, 2016
US Carbon Cycle Science Plan, 2011
Science Plan: Mid-Continent Intensive Campaign of the North American Carbon Program, 2006
The Mid-Continent Regional Intensive Campaign is primarily a large-scale test to compare and reconcile, to the extent possible, regional carbon fluxes on hourly to annual time scales using "top-down" atmospheric budgets versus "bottom-up" ecosystem modelbased inventories. A secondary goal is to identify the mechanisms governing the regional fluxes.
The Science Implementation Strategy for the North American Carbon Program, 2005
Prepared for the U.S. Carbon Cycle Scientific Steering Group and Interagency Working Group by the NACP Implementation Strategy Group.
MCI Concept Paper, 2003
The concept paper for the mid-continent campaign provides a complete overview of this effort.
The North American Carbon Program Science Plan, 2002
A plan for carbon cycle research focused on measuring and understanding sources and sinks of CO2, CH4, and CO in North America and adjacent oceans. The plan outlines how to implement a principal recommendation of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Plan (1999). Prepared by the NACP Committee of the U.S. Carbon Cycle Science Steering Group, at the request of the Agencies of the U.S. Global Change Research Program.