Physics of the Cosmos
Exploring fundamental questions regarding the physical forces of the universe

Future Innovations in Gamma Rays

This group’s activity will focus on identifying future science drivers, necessary capabilities, and priorities for the future of gamma-ray astronomy.

Questions to be evaluated include:

  1. Gamma-Ray Science Priorities: What are the opportunities to probe astrophysical phenomena, fundamental physics, and cosmology that are uniquely afforded by gamma rays? How do these opportunities connect to the priorities of the wider astrophysics community? For each of these phenomena, how can future gamma-ray observations advance our current understanding and what is lost by not including gamma-ray constraints? What are the observational capabilities and requirements for these future studies?
  2. Theory / Modeling / Analysis / Fundamental Physics Needs: What theoretical or analysis (e.g., Machine Learning) advances are needed to maximize the impact of these observations and low-level data products? What connections to physics disciplines should be developed to maximize science impact. Which observations require higher fidelity analysis or modeling methods and implementations?
  3. Technology Investment: What are new technologies/methodologies available since the launch of Swift and Fermi? How do these map to the science priorities outlined above, and what areas need further development and investment in order to enable that science?
  4. Gamma-Ray Mission Capabilities: What science can only be done or is best done by future space-based gamma-ray missions? What science will be done by currently funded missions in development, such as COSI? What gamma-ray science can be accomplished by small-, medium-, and large-scale missions?
  5. Synergies with Other Programs: How can future gamma-ray missions complement the fleet of NASA missions and current thrusts like multi-messenger astronomy and its ties to ground-based missions? Are there key facilities that set necessary timelines for future gamma-ray missions? What synergies exist with other agencies with efforts in detector technology, physics, and analysis research (e.g., detector or associated electronics research and development, data analysis techniques, laboratory astrophysics, modeling methods, software, data archiving)?

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