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Uiser:Cobra 3000

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Born10t August 1994
ResidenceNorth Lanarkshire
Ither namesCobra 3000, Cobradabest
EthnicityCaucasian (Italian)
Years active15
Kent forHings tae dae wi Scots, a guess
sco This uiser haes Scots as a mither tung.
gd-2 Tha inbhe meadhanach de Ghàidhlig aig an neach-cleachdaidh seo.
This user is a native speaker of Scottish English.
it-4Questo utente ha una conoscenza da madrelingua dell'italiano.
nap-1Chesta perzona pò parlà napulitano a nu livello semprice.
ain-1Aynu itak ani taankur poonno isoitak。
Sairch uiser leids

(in Scots) Awricht, ma name's Cobra!, fae Glesgae, bit a bide in North Lanarkshire nou. A'm mad intae leids an wint tae lairn aw o'aim! Am a native in Scots an Scots Inglis, learin Gaelic an Italian.

A pit gemms an fulms thegither an aw!

(in Scots Gaelic) Halò, is mise Cobra!, a Glaschu, ach tha mi a' fuireach ann an Siorrachd Lannraig a Tuath a-nise. Is toil leam gu mòr cànain agus tha mi ag iarraidh a h-uile iad ag ionnsachadh! Tha Albais agus Beurla agam, agus tha mi ag ionnsaichadh Gàidhlig agus Eadailtis.

Bidh mi a' dèanamh geamaichean agus filmichean, cuideachd.

(In Northumbrian) Areet. Mee nyem's Cobra!, frem Glasgow, but aa live in Nuth Lanarkshire noo. Aa's varra inte lenguches an want te larn them aal! Aa's a native in Scots an English, an aa's larnin Scottish Gaelic, Nuthumbyren, Italian, Neapolitan an Ainu.

Aa myek games an short films an aal.

(in Inglis) Hello, I'm Cobra!, from Glasgow but I now live in North Lanarkshire. I am obsessed with languages and want to learn them all! I'm a native in Scots and Scottish English, learning Gaelic and Italian.

I also make games and films.

(in Italian) Ciao, io sono Cobra!, di Glasgow, ma abito in North Lanarkshire adesso. Sono ossessionat dalle lingue, e ne voglio imparare tutte! Lo scozzese e l'inglese scozzese sono le mie lingue native, e imparo il gaelico scozzese e l'italiano.

Faccio dei giochi e film, anche.

(in Neapolitan) Uè, ije so' Cobra! 'a Glasgow. Alluggio in North Lanarkshire.

(in Ainu) イランカラㇷ゚テ。コプラ!クネ。スコットラント オロワ クエㇰ。スコットラントイタㇰ ヘㇺヘㇺ ケルイタㇰ ヘㇺヘㇺ アメリカイタㇰ ヘㇺヘㇺ イタリアイタㇰ クイタㇰ。アイヌイタㇰ ポンノ クエラムアン。ケム ヘㇺヘㇺ モイモイケノカハ クキ。

Whit a dae

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This memmer is pairt o The Big Wiki Rewrite an is oot tae gie a haun in sortin oot the Scots Wiki.

A help tae host the editathons an sort oot ony airticles a fun interestin thit's needin sortin oot.

Personal Airtins

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