Sharon Carter (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Sharon Carter is a character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), portrayed by actress Emily VanCamp. Based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name, she is introduced as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent and the niece of Peggy Carter, a key figure in the MCU and a love interest of Captain America, Steve Rogers.
Fictional character biography
[change | change source]Throughout her appearances, Sharon Carter is portrayed as a strong, capable fighter and a loyal ally to Steve Rogers and the broader Avengers team. Her character evolves from a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent to someone grappling with betrayal and survival in a complicated world.
[change | change source]Sharon's character arc touches on themes of loyalty, sacrifice, and the personal cost of being a hero, especially given her connections to Peggy and Steve. Her journey reflects the impact of the Infinity Saga on individual characters and their decisions, as well as the broader moral dilemmas faced by superheroes.
As of October 2023, Sharon Carter remains a compelling character in the MCU, contributing to its ongoing narrative and rich universe.
[change | change source]Movie appearances
[change | change source]Year | Movie | Portrayed by |
2014 | Captain America: The Winter Soldier | Emily VamCamp |
2016 | Captain America: Civil War |
Television appearances
[change | change source]Year | Television series | Seasons | Episodes | Portrayed by |
2021 | The Falcon and the Winter Soldier | 1 | 6 | Emily VamCamp |