Missions flown from 2007 through current.

MaGIXS launches from White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
RockSat-X sounding rocket launching. Credit:NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

August 13, 2024

46.042 WO Terrier-Improved Malemutet sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 13, 2024. The primary objective of RockSat-X is to offer undergraduate student teams the opportunity to design and build unique experiments that will fly onboard a rocket borne carrier that provides full exposure to the space environment. This opens the range of investigations that can be conducted and is a logical step forward towards fostering the development of future space scientists and engineers.

MaGIXS launches from White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico.
MaGIXS-2 sounding rocket launching. Credit: United States Navy.

July 16, 2024
Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS) 2

36.385 NS Terrier-Black Brant sounding rockets was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 16, 2024. The mission’s goal is to determine the heating mechanisms in active regions on the Sun by making critical observations using X-ray spectroscopy.

RockOn mission launches from Wallops Island, VA.RockOn launches from Wallops Island, VA. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

June 20, 2024

41.133 WO Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rockets was launched from Wallops Island, Va on June 20, 2024.This mission carries two types of student experiments, RockOn experiments and RockSat-C experiments. The RockOn experiments are built, tested and integrated by University students and faculty attending the week long workshop held at Wallops starting on June 15th.

The RockSat-C experiments are more advanced and are built by teams of students prior to arrival at Wallops. Payload support systems are similar to RockOn experiments.
In 2024 five canisters carry workshop experiments, and three canisters carry RockSat-C experiments. Five Universities and Cubes-in-Space are providing RockSat-C experiments.

CIBER integration activities at Wallops.CIBER integration at Wallops..

May 5, 2024
Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER) 2

36.396 UG Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM, on May 5, 2024.CIBER 2 investigated the spectral and spatial properties of the extragalactic near-infrared background and required acquisition of multiple targets with minimum contamination from terrestrial sources of infrared emission

April 17, 2024
Hi-C Flare (High resolution Coronal imager solar Flare)

36.371 NS Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Poker Flat Reserch Range on May 17, 2024. The science goals of the Hi-C Flare experiment is to determine 1) the mechanisms that drive continual heating of flares into the decay phase, 2) how energy is transferred from the corona to the chromosphere during flares, and 3) the morphology of the source regions associated with particles that are accelerated into the heliosphere. 36.371 Savage is a refly of 36.342 Winebarger with some new hardware and component-level modifications, and was the fourth flight of the Hi-C instrument.

April 17, 2024
FOXSI-4 (Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager)

36.370 US Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Poker Flat Reserch Range on May 17, 2024. The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager payload (FOXSI) has flown previously as36.255, 36.295, and 36.325. The science objective of 36.370 was to develop an instrument that studies hard and soft X-raysusing direct focusing optics, and to advance toward understanding the high-energy aspects of solar flares.

Launch image of the first APEP-2 rocket. The first APEP-2 rocket takes off.. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

April 8, 2024
Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP)

36.392, 36.393, 36.394 UE Black Brant IX sounding rockets were launched from Wallops Island, Va on April 8, 2024.The APEP-2 rockets aimed to collect data to answer the following science questions: Does the eclipse shadow directly seed discernible irregularities in the mid-latitude ionosphere? What are the associated vertical length and time scales of these irregularities? What are the impacts of the Temperature Gradient Instability (TGI) and Gradient Drift Instability (GDI) in seeding small scale (10s to 100s of meters) ionospheric irregularities in the presence of solar eclipse? How do the various regions of the ionosphere behave differently at small scales in response to the overall cooling effect of the thermosphere?

Beam-PIE integration at Wallops.Beam-PIE integration at Wallops. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

November 9, 2023
Beam-Plasma Interactions Experiment (Beam-PIE)

52.009 AE Black Brant XII-A sounding rocket was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on November 9, 2023.The purpose of the Beam PIE experiment iwas to use an electron beam to generate VLF radio waves, detect the resulting radio waves using electric field antennas on a separate receiver payload and to measure ambient plasma conditions and dependence of waves on those conditions.

DISSIPATION payload in the deployment facility.DISSIPATION payload in the deployment facility. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

November 8, 2023

45.007 GE Terrier-Oriole sounding rocket was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on November 8, 2023.The DISSIPATION experiment provided, for the first time, comprehensive and concurrent in-situ measurements of the response of the thermosphere to Joule heating in the auroral transition region. Most of the knowledge of this dissipati ve process is based on remote and/or limited observations of neutral
gas and plasma parameters. DISSIPATION is designed to provide more direct observati ons.

INFUSE on the vibration table at WallopsINFUSE on the vibration table at Wallops. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

October 29, 2023
Integral Field Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Experiment (INFUSE)

36.375 UG Black Brant IX sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 29, 2023. INFUSE is a new ultraviolet instrument from the University of Colorado. It is a far-UV integral field spectrograph comprised of a 0.49m Cassegrain telescope.The purpose of INFUSE was to study shock fronts in supernova remnants and to observe the transition, traced in the far-UV, from non-radiative to radiative shocks as material from the supernova begins to interact with the ambient interstellar medium.

One of the APEP payloads after boom deployment testing.One of the APEP payloads after boom deployment testing. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

October 14, 2023
Atmospheric Perturbations around Eclipse Path (APEP)

36.386, 36.387, 36.388 UE Black Brant IX sounding rockets were launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 14, 2023. APEP was designed to study the dynamics of Earth’s ionosphere during the Annular Solar Eclipse on October 14, 2023. Three Black Brant IX sounding rockets were launched study the ionosphere before, during, and after the peak eclipse.

RockOn integration 2023RockOn integration.. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

August 17, 2023


41.032 UO Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 17, 2023. The purpose of the RockOn mission is to provide university undergraduate level students and instructors with a space flight opportunity that involves minimal cost, minimal time investment, minimal complexity, and minimal impact on the NASA Sounding Rockets Program. The mission is intended to be an introductory flight opportunity to provide exposure to, and spark interest in, space-based science missions.

RockSat-X experiment integration.RockSat-X experiment integration. Credit: NASA Photo/Berit Bland.

August 16, 2023

46.038 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 16, 2023. The primary objective of RockSat-X is to offer undergraduate student teams the opportunity to design and build unique experiments that will fly onboard a rocket borne carrier that provides full exposure to the space environment. This opens the range of investigations that can be conducted and is a logical step forward towards fostering the development of future space scientists and engineers.

May 3, 2023
SDO EVE Underflight Calibration Experiment

36.389 US Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 3, 2023. The primary objective for this mission was to provide an underflight calibration for the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite.

SubTEC-9 launch from Wallops Island.SubTEC-9 launch from Wallops Island, VA. Credit: NASA Photo/Kyle Hoppes..

April 25, 2023

46.032 WT Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on April 25, 2023. SubTEC-9 was the ninth technology development flight and included both in-house experiments and one GSFC partnered piggy-back experiment. The primary objective of this mission was to test a new high data rate (~40 Mbps) C-band telemetry system. Additional experiments included a new start tracker as well as Ethernet cameras, a new battery system, and several other technologies.

Drawing of the two MesOrion vehicles.CIBER-2 integration at Wallops.

April 16, 2023
Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER) 2

36.383 UG Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM, on April 16, 2023. No science was collected due to termination of flight shortly after launch. CIBER-2 (Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment) is a near-infrared rocket-borne instrument designed to conduct comprehensive multi-band measurements of extragalactic background light (EBL) anisotropy on arcsecond to degree angular scales.

The first two VortEx rockets launching from Andoya Space, Norway. Credit:NASA photo/Danielle Johnson.The first two VortEx rockets launching from Andoya Space, Norway. Credit:NASA photo/Danielle Johnson.

41.127 & 36.361 UE Lehmacher/Clemson University
March 23, 2023
Vorticity Experiment (VortEx)

41.127 UE Terrier-Improved Orion and 36.361 UE Black Brant IX sounding rockets were launched from Andoya Space, Norway, on March 23, 2023.The science objective of the Vorticity Experiment (VortEx) is to better understand nonlinear gravitywave interactions in the upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere, the formation of vortices, and the importance of mesoscale stratified turbulence.

Drawing of the two MesOrion vehicles.Drawing of the two MesOrion rockets.

12.089 & 12.090 WT Edwards/NASA Wallops Flight Facility
February 16, 2023

12.089 & 12.090 WT single stage Orion sounding rockets were launched from Wallops Island, VA on February 16, 2023.The purpose of these launches were to test a new capability to support science reseach in the mesosphere.

Composite image of two Terrier-Black Brant sounding rockets launching from Andoya Space, Norway.Composite image of two Terrier-Black Brants launching from Andoya, Norway. Credit: NASA photo Lee Wingfield.

36.359 & 36.364 UE Bounds/University of Iowa
November 20, 2022
Aurora Current and Electrodynamics Structure (ACES) 2

36.359 & 36.364 UE Terrier-Black Brant sounding rockets were launched from Andoya Space in Norway on November 20, 2022.The purpose of the ACES-2 experiment was to determine the distribution of the ionospheric currents and the associated energy dissipation in a stable arc, and determine the role of the Alfven resonator in governing the structuring of current closure. Two Black Brant IX sounding rockets were launched for these experiments.

Science team working on tREXS during integration at Wallops.Science team working on tREXS during integration at Wallops.

36.367 UH McEntaffer/Penn State Univ
September 25, 2022
the Rockets for Extended-Source X-ray Spectroscopy (tREXS)

36.367 UH Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM, on September 25, 2022.The purpose of the tREXS mission was to study the soft x-ray emissions from the Cygnus Loop Supernova Remnant. Supernovae are a key source of energy in the interstellar medium.

SpEED Demon team with payload.SpEED Demon team with payload.

August 23, 2022

Sporadic E ElectroDynamics Demonstration (SpEED Demon)

46.025 UE Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 23, 2022. Sporadic E ElectroDynamics Demonstration (SpEED Demon), is a technology demonstration mission for the SEED campaign. SpEED Demon’s goal is to reduce risk surrounding new experiment instrumentation and possibly capture comparative mid-latitude science with in-situ measurements of Es layers with thesame instruments planned to fly on SEED.

August 21, 2022

36.355 UH Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on August 21, 2022. Micro-X uses a type of X-Ray sensor called a Transition-Edge Sensor (TES). The sensor array will be cooled by an AdiabaticDemagnetizing Refrigerator (ADR). The goal of Micro-X was to obtain microcalorimeterspectra from an astronomical source.

RockSat-X launches from Wallops Island, VA.RockSat-X launches from Wallops Island, VA.

August 11, 2022

41.036 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 11, 2022. RockSat-X student experiments are developed with an objective of providing students with an enhanced experience of flying experiments that are exposed to the space environment. The students gain experience in designing, building, testing, and then flying their experiments on a sub-orbital space flight. It also exposes students to the design and mission lifecycle. The payload was recovered and the experiments returned to the students.

July 11, 2022
Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Spectrograph (DEUCE)

36.350 UG Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Arnhem Space Center, Australia on July 11, 2022. The
Purpose of the DEUCE experiment was to generate the first EUV spectrum of the most accessible potential exoplanetary system, the Alpha (α) Centauri A+B System. The spectrum range for DEUCE was in the 500 – 900 Å range. At present, no low-mass star other than the Sun has ever been observed in the 500 – 900 Å spectral window. These observations will provide a crucial, and unique, input for models of planets orbiting G-type and K-type stars.

July 6, 2022
Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet host stars (SISTINE)

36.339 UG Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Arnhem Space Center, Australia on July 6, 2022. The objective of the SISTINE mission was to spectroscopically observe the science target— α Cen A+B, a binary star system composed of G and K stars.  By examining this relatively nearby solar system analog with a claimed exoplanet candidate, SISTINE aimed to characterize the FUV spectral energy distribution of these low mass systems.

XQC payload team with rocket in Australia.XQC payload team in Australia. Credit: NASA photo Brian Bonsteel

June 26, 2022
X-ray Quantum Calorimeter Experiment (XQC)

36.347 UH Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Arnhem Space Center, Australia on June 26, 2022.The purpose of the XQC mission was to collect high resolution spectroscopy of thediffuse X-ray background in the .1 to 3 keV range.

RockOn launches from Wallops Island, VA.RockOn launches from Wallops Island, VA.

June 24, 2022

41.131 UO Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 24, 2022.This was the fourteenth flight of the hands-on, university-level rocketflight-training workshop known as “RockOn.” RockOn is a collaborative effort between the Colorado Space GrantConsortium (COSGC), the Virginia Space Grant Consortium, and Wallops Flight Facility.

BOLT-2 launches from Wallops Island, VA.Endurance launches from Svalbard, Norway. Credit: NASA photo Brian Bonsteel

May 11, 2022
PI: Dr. Collinson/NASA GSFC

47.001 GE Terrier-Oriole-Nihka sounding rocket was launched from Svalbard, Norway on May 11. 2022.The purpose of the Endurance mission is to make the first measurement of the magnitude and structure of the electric field generated by Earth’s Ionosphere. The primary instrument is the Photoelectron Spectrometer (PES) consisting of eight Dual Electrostatic Analyzers (DESA).

BOLT-2 launches from Wallops Island, VA.INCAA launch from Poker Flat Research Range, AK.. Credit: NASA photo Terry Zaperach

April 7, 2022
Ion-Neutral during Active Aurora (INCAA)

36.360 UE Terrier-Black Brant and 46.031 UE Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rockets were launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on April 7. 2022.The science objective for the INCAA sounding rocket mission is to understand the interactions between the plasma and the neutral atmosphere during active aurora, and how this interaction affects energy deposition in the E-region ionosphere. Two rockets were launched to measure these variables.

BOLT-2 launches from Wallops Island, VA.BOLT-2 launch from Wallops Island, VA. Credit: NASA photo Allison Stancil

March 21, 2022
BOundary Layer Turbulence 2 (BOLT-2)

46.027 DR Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on March 21, 2022. BOLT-2 investigated boundary layer transition, turbulent heating, and drag at hypersonic conditions. Boundary layer transition to turbulence is the process where smooth, laminar flow becomes unstable after which turbulence dominates and significantly increases heating and drag on high-speed vehicles.

March 9, 2022
HElium Resonance Scatter in the Corona and HELiosphere (HERSCHEL)

36.307 DS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on March 9, 2022.The HERSCHEL program investigated the origin of the slow solar wind, variation of helium abundance in coronal structures and facilitated future investigation of Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs), kinematics, and solar cycle evolution of the electron, proton, and helium corona.

LAMP launch from Poker Flat, AlaskaLAMP launches from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska. Credit: NASA photo Terry Zaperach

March 6, 2022
Loss through Auroral Microburst Pulsations (LAMP)

36.351 GE Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on March 6, 2022. The overall objective of the Loss thru Auroral Microburst Precipitation (LAMP) mission was to measure pulsating aurora, the highest energy aurora, to see if it plays a role in emptying the radiation belts.

DXL-4 payload undergoing testing at Wallops.DXL payload during testing at NASA Wallops.

36.363 UH Galeazzi/University of Miami
January 9, 2022
Diffuse X-Rays from the Local Galaxy (DXL) 4

36.363 UH Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on January 9, 2022. The Diffused X-ray emission from the Local galaxy (DXL) is a series of sounding rocket missions to study the Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) and Local Hot Bubble (LHB) X-ray emissions which are believed to be major contributors to the Diffused X-ray Background (DXB). This was the fourth launch in the series.

C-REX 2 launches from Andoya Space, Norway.CREX-2 Launch from Andoya Space, Norway. Credit: NASA Photo Lee Wingfield.

49.004 UE Conde/University of Alaska
December 1, 2021
Cusp Region EXperiment (C-REX) 2

49.004 UE Oriole IV sounding rocket was launched from Andoya Space, Norway on December 1, 2021. The purpose of the Cusp Region Experiment 2 (C-REX-2) experiment was to identify mechanisms responsible for sustaining a region of neutral mass density at 400km altitude that appears to be a permanent feature of the Earth’s cusp-region thermosphere.



36.373 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on November 8, 2021.SISTINE is designed to enable studies of the ultraviolet radiation environment around low-mass stars and the effects of that UV on potential exoplanet atmospheres.The target for SISTINE-2 is the Procyon A+B binary star system composed of a late main sequence F-type star and a cool white dwarf companion. The primary target is Procyon A, with Procyon B as a secondary target. Procyon A is a good candidate for characterization of a low-to-intermediate mass star for which there are no models that accurately predict the FUV spectral energy distribution (SED).

CLASP 2.1 team with rocket.CLASP 2.1 team photo. Credit:Mike Smith, WSMR Visual Information Branch.

36.374 NS McKenzie/NASA MSFC
October 8, 2021
Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro Polarimeter 2.1 (CLASP)

36.374 NS Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range on October 8, 2021. The science goal of the CLASP2.1 mission was the mapping of circular polarization of the Mg II h&k lines over a solar active region caused by scattering and magnetic effects.

HOTShot launches from Wallops Island.HOTShot launches from Wallops Island, VA. Credit: Jamie Adkins/NASA.

46.033 AR Leathe/Sandia
September 11, 2021

46.033 AR Terrier-Improve Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 11, 2021. The flight is part of the HOTShot program, short for High Operational Tempo, which collects scientific data that benefits aerospace research and informs future weapon designs for the U.S. nuclear enterprise. Its non-nuclear scientific experiments evaluate prototypes and help develop high-fidelity computer models and mechanical flight simulators

36.353 US Woods/University of Colorado -
September 9, 2021
SDO EVE Underflight Calibration Experiment

36.353 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on September 9, 2021. The primary objective for this mission was to provide an underflight calibration for the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. The EVE program provides solar EUV irradiance data for NASA’s Living With the Star (LWS) program, including near real-time data products for use in operational atmospheric models that specify the space environment and to assist in forecasting space weather operations.

RockSat-X launches from Wallops Island.RockSat-X launches from Wallops Island, VA.

46.030 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant Consortium
August 19, 2021

46.030 UO Terrier-Improve Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 19, 2021. RockSat-X student experiments are developed with an objective of providing students with an enhanced experience of flying experiments that are exposed to the space environment. The students gain experience in designing, building, testing, and then flying their experiments on a sub-orbital space flight. It also exposes students to the design and mission lifecycle. The payload was recovered and the experiments returned to the students.

36.319 NS Winebarger/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center -
July 30, 2021
Marshall Grazing Incidence X-ray Spectrometer (MaGIXS)

36.319 NS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 30, 2021. The science goal of MaGIXS was to determine the frequency of heating in active region cores on the Sun by making four critical observations.

Dynamo-2 payload launches from Wallops Island, VA.Second Dynamo launch from Wallops Island, VA. NASA Photo/Allison Stancil

July 11, 2021

36.357 GE Black Brant IX was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 11, 2021. The Dynamos, Winds, and Electric Fields in the Daytime Lower Ionosphere missions (Dynamo-2) are newly designed identical payloads. Each payload includes a GSFC main payload with a deploying Maynard sphere and a UNH sub-payload. The objective of the Dynamo-2 missions is to measure DC electric fields, plasma density, currents, neutral winds, neutral density and temperature, and ion mass distributions. The missions are supported with NASA’s ICON satellite measurements, and Wallops ground based measurements from the GSFC magnetometer, the Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar (VIPIR), and the digital ionosonde. The 36.357 payload was launched into disturbed conditions.

Dynamo-2 payload launches from Wallops Island, VA.First Dynamo launch from Wallops Island, VA. NASA Photo/Allison Stancil

July 7, 2021

36.358 GE Black Brant IX was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 7, 2021. The Dynamos, Winds, and Electric Fields in the Daytime Lower Ionosphere missions (Dynamo-2) are newly designed identical payloads. Each payload includes a GSFC main payload with a deploying Maynard sphere and a UNH sub-payload. The objective of the Dynamo-2 missions is to measure DC electric fields, plasma density, currents, neutral winds, neutral density and temperature, and ion mass distributions. The missions are supported with NASA’s ICON satellite measurements, and Wallops ground based measurements from the GSFC magnetometer, the Vertical Incidence Pulsed Ionospheric Radar (VIPIR), and the digital ionosonde. The 36.358 payload launched into quiet conditions. The 36.357 payload will be launch into disturbed conditions.

RockOn launches from Wallops Island, VA. NASA Photo/Allison Stancil.RockOn launching from Wallops Island, VA. NASA Photo/Allison Stancil

June 25, 2021

41.130 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 25, 202. This mission was the thirteenth flight of the hands-on, university-level rocket flighttraining workshop known as “RockOn.” RockOn is a collaborative effort between the Colorado Space Grant Consortium (COSGC), the Virginia Space Grant Consortium, and Wallops Flight Facility

CIBER 2 science team at Wallops.CIBER 2 Science Team at Wallops in January 2020.

June 7, 2021
Cosmic Infrared Background ExpeRiment (CIBER) 2

36.381 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on June 7, 2021. CIBER 2 investigated the spectral and spatial properties of the extragalactic near-infrared background, and required acquisition of multiple targets with minimal contamination from terrestrial sources of infrared emission.

VIPER launches from Wallops Island, VA. Credit: Terry ZaperachVIPER Launch. Credit:Terry Zaperachl/NASA Wallops

May 26, 2021
Vlf trans-Ionospheric Propagation Experiment Rocket (VIPER)

46.028 UE Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on May 26, 2021.The VIPER mission is an observational and modeling effort to understand Very Long Frequency (VLF) wave penetration through and propagation above the Earth’s ionosphere.

36.322 GS Daw/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center -
May 18, 2021
Extreme Ultraviolet Normal-Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS)

36.322 GS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 18, 2021. The EUNIS mission observed high temperature lines to detect super-heated (~10MK) plasma thought to drive energization and eruptive events of solar atmosphere & space weather. A new channel provided first imaging spectroscopy of the Sun in 92-113 Å soft X-ray wavelength region.

KiNET-X launches from Wallops Island, VA. Credit: Allison Stancil.KiNET-X Launch. Credit:Allison Stancil/NASA Wallops

May 16, 2021
Kinetic-scale Energy and momentum Transport eXperiment

52.007 UE Black Brant XII-A was launched from Wallops Island, VA on May 16, 2021.The KiNET-X mission studied how momentum transport is affected by kinetic-scale physics, i.e. formation of parallel electric fields and dissipation, how electromagnetic energy is converted into plasma kinetic and thermal energy, and what the interplay is between fluid- and kinetic-scale processes

SHIELDS science team at Wallops.SHIELDS Science Team at Wallops in February 2020.

36.324 US Harris/University of Arizona -
April 19, 2021
Spatial Heterodyne Interferometric Emission Line Dynamics Spectrometer (SHIELDS)

36.324 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on April 19, 2021. The objective of the SHIELDS mission was to obtain a spatial map of scattered solar ultraviolet (UV) emission from interplanetary hydrogen (IPH) that has crossed, and been modified by, the ion pile-up along the outer edge of the heliosphere.

ABFT on the launcher at White Sands Missile Range12.088 ABFT on the launcher. Credit:Visual Information Branch/WSMR

12.088 NR Gilbert/NASA Langley Research Center
March 30, 2021
Aerodynamic Buffet Flight Test (ABFT)

12.088 NR was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on March 30, 2021.  Dynamic loads resulting from transonic aerodynamic buffet are often the largest contributor to launch vehicle structural load margins, and proper understanding of that phenomenon is an important aspect of launch vehicle design. Over predicting those loads will lead to an inefficient, heavier than necessary structural design, while under predicting  them could lead to structural failure. This mission is designed to gather flight data on a vehicle shape that has only been tested in wind tunnels previously.

36.368 UG Green/University of Colorado - November 2, 2020
Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Experiment (DEUCE)

36.368 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on November 2, 2020. The Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Experiment (DEUCE) is a spectrograph operating from 650 – 1100Å. DEUCE measured how much ionizing photons B stars, such as the target star for this mission ß canis major, produce.

DUST mission launch from White Sands Missile Range.DUST-2 Launch from WSMR. Credit:Visual Information Branch/WSMR

36.365 GB Nuth/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center - September 8, 2020
Determining Unknown yet Significant Traits (DUST)2

36.365 GB Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM
on September 8, 2020. The purpose of the DUST-2 experiment was to measure important variables in the end-to-end process of grain formation in circumstellar outflows around AGB stars and model the physical and chemical properties of the dust.

PolarNOx launch from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.PolarNOx launch from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska.. Credit:Chris Perry/NASA.

36.356 UE Bailey/Virginia Tech - January 27, 2020
Polar Night Nitric Oxide (Polar NOx)

36.356 UE Black Brant IX was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK
on January 27, 2020. The purpose of the Polar Night Nitric Oxide “Polar NOx” experiment was to measure the concentration of nitric oxide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere in the nighttime polar region.

ICI-5 launches from Svalbard.CHI launch from Svalbard, Norway. Credit:Allison Stancil-Ervin/NASA.

36.349 UE Larsen/Clemson University - December 10, 2019
Cusp Heating Investigation (CHI)

36.349 UE Black Brant IX was launched from Svalbard, Norway on December 10, 2019. The purpose of the mission was to measure neutral upwelling and high-resolution electric fields over an extended region in the Cusp. The CHI mission is part of the Grand Challenge Initiative - Cusp, an international scientific data sharing partnership.

ICI-5 launches from Svalbard.ICI-5 launch from Svalbard, Norway. Credit:Allison Stancil-Ervin/NASA.

46.029 IE Moen/University of Oslo - November 26, 2019
Investigation of Cusp Irregularities (ICI) 5

46.029 IE Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Svalbard, Norway on November 26, 2019. The Investigation of Cusp Irregularities (ICI) 5 mission is part of the Grand Challenge Initiative - Cusp, an international scientific data sharing partnership.

FORTIS payload sequence testing during integration at Wallops. FORTIS payload sequence testing at Wallops.

36.352 UG McCandliss/Johns Hopkins - October 27, 2019
Far-Ultraviolet Off Rowland-circle Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy

36.352 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 27, 2019. FORTIS is a multi-object spectro/telescope equipped with a next-generation microshutter array (NGMSA) capable of imaging individual stars within NGMSA slitlets while simultaneously obtaining their far-UV spectra.The primary science goal for this mission was to study blue stragglers in the Globular Cluster M33.

SubTEC 8 launch. SubTEC 8 launch. Credit: Wallops Imaging Lab.

46.020 GT Hesh/NASA WFF - October 24, 2019
SubTEC 8

46.020 GT Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on October 24, 2019. The SubTEC 8 mission tested several new technologies under development by the Sounding Rockets Program Office (SRPO). The main purpose for the mission was to test deployable su-payloads with telemtery transmitters to enable distributed measurements during science flights.

36.353 G Nuth/NASA GSFC - October 7, 2019
Determining Unknown yet Significant Traits (DUST)

36.343 G Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 7, 2019. The purpose of the Determining Unknown yet Significant Traits (DUST) experiment was to measure important variables in the end-to-end process of grain formation in circumstellar outflows around AGB stars and model the physical and chemical properties of the dust. The scientific goal was to determine the most important physical properties controlling dust production and measure the infrared spectrum of the analog dust grains during formation and agglomeration in the laboratory and in microgravity. The DUST instrumentation included four double wavelength interferometers and two in-situ IR spectrometers.

36.320 US Kankelborg/Montana State University - September 30, 2019
EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph (ESIS)

36.320 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on September 24, 2019. Every few seconds, a small (approximately Earth sized) explosion occurs somewhere on the solar disk. These transition region explosive events are an example of magnetic reconnection, the same mechanism that is responsible for the much larger release of energy in solar flares. The purpose of the EUV Snapshot Imaging Spectrograph (ESIS) mission was to observe these events in enough detail to characterize the triggering of and release of magnetic energy.

36.340 DR Launch 36.340 DR Abbett launch.

36.340 DR Abbett - September 18, 2019

36.340 DR Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 18, 2019. This launch was conducted for the Department of Defense.

RockSat-X student group. RockSat-X students on Wallops Island.

46.022 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - August 12, 2019

46.022 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 12, 2019. The RockSat-X mission carried student developed experiments and is a follow on mission to RockOn and RockSat-C. RockSat-X experiments are more advanced than RockOn and RockSat-C and include full featured sounding rocket support systems, such as telemetry, attitude control and recovery. RockSat-X experiments are exposed to the space environment enabling measurement of variables outside the payload.

36.346 UG France/University of Colorado - August 11, 2019
Suborbital Imaging Spectrograph for Transition region Irradiance from Nearby Exoplanet host stars (SISTINE)

36.346 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on August 11, 2019. SISTINE is designed to enable studies of the ultraviolet radiation environment around low-mass stars and the effects of that UV on potential exoplanet atmospheres. For this mission, SISTINE aimed to study how the outer envelope of stars is dispersed back into the interstellar medium by observing the science target NGC 6828, a planetary nebula.

RockOn! launch. RockOn! launches. Credit:Chris Perry/NASA

41.126 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - June 20, 2019

41.126 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 20, 2019. The RockOn workshop is an introductory flight opportunity for college students and faculty and provides exposure to space based science missions. Students construct experiments during the week long workshop at Wallops, and attend the launch on Wallops Island. The payload is recovered and the experiments returned to the students.

TooWINDY launch. TooWINDY launches. Credit:C. Lanier/NASA

36.344 & 36.345 UE Hysell/Cornell University - June 19, 2019
Waves and Instabilities from a Neutral Dynamo-2 (TooWINDY)

36.344 and 36.345 UE Black Brant IX were launched from Roi Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands on June 19, 2019.The TooWINDY payloads investigated the stability of the post sunset equatorial F region ionosphere and the factors that predispose it to equatorial spread F (ESF), a spectacular phenomenon characterized by broadband plasma turbulence which degrades radio and radar signals at low magnetic latitudes.

AZURE launch. CLASP-2 team. Credit: U.S. Army/Louis Rosales

36.332 NS McKenzie/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center - April 11, 2019
Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro Polarimeter (CLASP)-2

36.332 NS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on April 11, 2019. The aim of CLASP-2 was the detection of linear polarization (Hanle effect) of the Mg II h & k lines from the solar chromosphere, due to scattering and magnetic effects, and the detection of the circular polarization due to magnetic effects. The Hanle effect (i.e. the magnetic field induced modification of the linear polarization due to scattering processes in spectral lines) is believed to be a powerful tool for measuring the magnetic field in the upper chromosphere.

AZURE launch. AZURE launches from Norway. Credit: Lee Wingfield/NASA

51.001 & 51.002 UE Larsen/Clemson University - April 5, 2019
Auroral Zone Upwelling Rocket Experiment (AZURE)

51.001 and 51.002 UE Black Brant XI-A were launched from Andoya Space Center, Norway on April 5, 2019. The AZURE mission was designed to make measurements of the atmospheric density and temperature with instruments on the rockets and deploying visible gas tracers. The vapors were released over the Norwegian Sea at 71 through 150 miles altitude.

DEUCE team with rocket at White Sands. RockSat-XN launches from Norway. Credit: Chris Perry/NASA

46.018 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - January 13, 2019

46.018 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Andoya Space Center, Norway on January 13, 2019. This was the ninth flight of the RockSat-X mission architecture.This particular mission featured international participation by students from Norway, Japan, and the United States, including Puerto Rico. RockSat-X student experiments are developed with an objective of providing students with an enhanced experience of flying experiments exposed to the space environment. The students gain experience in the design, build, test and sub-orbital space-flight of their experiments during the mission lifecycle.

DEUCE team with rocket at White Sands. CAPER-2 launches from Norway. Credit: Chris Perry/NASA

52.005 UE Labelle/Dartmouth College - January 4, 2019
Cusp Alfven and Plasma Electrodynamics Rocket (CAPER) 2

52.005 UE, Black Brant XII-A sounding rocket was launched from Andoya Space Center, Norway on January 4, 2019. This mission studied Alfven wave acceleration in the cusp by using the same key instruments that were used on complementary missions that studied night-side aurora.

DEUCE team with rocket at White Sands. DEUCE team with rocket at White Sands. Credit: White Sands Missile Range

36.331 UG Green/University of Colorado - December 18, 2018
Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Spectrograph (DEUCE)

36.331 UG, Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range on December 18, 2018. The Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Spectrograph (DEUCE) payload observed one of the only two non-white-dwarf stars in the Milky Way known to have a sufficiently low neutral hydrogen column density to measure their ionizing radiation directly: Beta Canis Major (βCMa) and Epsilon Canis Major (εCMa). The target for this mission will be εCMa.

TRICE 2 launch from Andoya Space Center. Composite image of two TR"ICE-2 launches. Credit:Jamie Adkins/NASA

52.003 & 52.004 UE Kletzing/University of Iowa - December 8, 2018
Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics II

The purpose of the Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics II (TRICE-2) missions was to measure cusp signatures of reconnection occurring at the magnetopause during steady IMF Bz southward conditions. This was accomplished by launching two nearly identical instrumented payloads, flying at low and high altitudes, with a variety of separations in time and space.

VISIONS 2 launch from Svalbard. Composite image of two VISIONS-2 launches. Credit:Allison Stancil-Ervin/NASA

35.039 & 35.040 GE Rowland/NASA GSFC - December 7, 2018
VISualizing Ion Outflow via Neutral atom Sensing-2

The purpose of the VISualizing Ion Outflow via Neutral atom Sensing-2 (VISIONS-2) missions was to study the nature and extent of low altitude ion outflow (>10 eV) from the cusp. The investigation aims to determine the spatial and temporal variations of ion outflow; the total energetic ion outflow in the remotely sensed volume; and how regions of enhanced ion outflow compare in detail to the locations of field aligned currents, optical auroral emissions, enhanced electric fields, energetic particle precipitation, wave activity, and regions of enhanced/depressed electron density.

ASPIRE-3 sounding rocket lift-off from Wallops Island, VA.Monitoring the launch from Wallops Flight Facility.

36.325 US Glesener/University of Minnesota- September 7, 2018
Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)

36.325 US, Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range on September 7, 2018. This was the 3rd flight of the FOXSI payload. FOXSI is developing an instrument that studies hard X-rays using direct focusing optics. Direct focusing optics may make it possible to observe hard X-ray emissions from quiet areas of the Sun.

ASPIRE-3 sounding rocket lift-off from Wallops Island, VA.ASPIRE-3 lift-off from Wallops Island, VA.

36.328 NR Clark/NASA JPL - September 7, 2018
Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research and Experiments

36.328 NR, Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 7, 2018. The purpose of this mission is to research in the physics of supersonic Disk Gap Band (DGB) parachute inflation to enable the development of the parachute required for the Mars Sample Return Sample Retrieval Lander.

RockSat-X lift-off. Credit: Wallops Imaging Lab.

46.021 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - August 14, 2018

46.021 UO Terrier-Improve Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 14, 2018. RockSat-X student experiments are developed with an objective of providing students with an enhanced experience of flying experiments that are exposed to the space environment. The students gain experience in designing, building, testing, and then flying their experiments on a sub-orbital space flight.  It also exposes students to the design and mission lifecycle.

Micro-X payload at Wallops for integraiton and testing.

36.245 UH Figueroa/Northwestern Univ - July 22 , 2018

36.245 UH Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 22, 2018. This was the first flight of Micro-X. This mission was designed to investigate the plasma conditions (such as temperature, electron density and ionization) and the velocity structure of the Cassiopeia A Supernova remnant (SNR).

RockOn launches from Wallops Island, VA.

41.125 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant- June 21 , 2018

41.125 UO Terrier-Orion sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 21, 2018. The RockOn student and faculty workshop is intended to be an introductory flight opportunity to provided exposure to, and spark interest in, space based science missions. The RockOn mission is a collaborative effort between the Colorado Space Grant Consortium, the Virginia Space Grant Consortium and Wallops Flight Facility.

EVE calibration payload lifts off from White Sands Missile Range, NM. Credit:CU/LASP

36.336 UE Woods/University of Colorado - June 18 , 2018
SDO EVE Underflight Calibration Experiment

36.336 UE Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on June 18, 2018. The EVE calibration sounding rockets carry a copy of the EVE instrument on NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory to correct for effects of degradation. Measurements from the EVE sounding rocket are used to calibrate several other extreme ultraviolet instruments aboard other spacecraft.

12.081-BZ DR Creekmore/SMDC - June 7, 2018
Boosted Zombie

12.081-BZ DR was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on June 7, 2018. The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate the new two stage Terrier MK70 Boosted Zombie vehicle configuration. This test flight verified hardware, software, support equipment and concept of operations.

36.342 NS Winebarger/NASA Marshall Space Flight Center - May 29, 2018
Hi-C 2.1

36.342 NS Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 29, 2018.  The goal for Hi-C 2.1 was to look for connection between chromospheric and coronal heating. Specifically, it was Hi-C 2.1’s goal to answer if there are coronal counterparts to type II spicules and the connection between coronal, transition region, and chromopsheric heating in active region cores.

CHESS launch from Roi Namur. Credit:Wallops Imaging Lab.

36.333 UG France/University of Colorado - April 16, 2018
Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) 4

36.333 UG, Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands on April 16, 2018. The purpose of this mission was to sudy the Local InterStellar Medium (LISM) by sampling sightlines in the lower edge of the translucent cloud regime between the diffuse and dense phases of the ISM targeting gamma Ara.

WRX-R after recovery in the ocean.

36.330 UH McEntaffer/Penn State Univ - April 4, 2018
Water Recovery X-ray Rocket (WRX-R)

36.330 UH, Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Roi-Namur, Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands on April 4, 2018. The purpose of this mission was to make observations of soft X-ray emissions from Vela Supernova Remnant with large field of view detector.

ASPIRE 2 rocket launches from Wallops. Image: Wallops Imaging Lab.

36.327 NR Clark/NASA JPL - October 4, 2017
Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research and Experiments (

36.327 NR, Terrier-Black Brant sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on March 31, 2018. The purpose of this mission is to research in the physics of supersonic Disk Gap Band (DGB) parachute inflation to enable the development of the parachute required for the Mars Sample Return Sample Retrieval Lander.

USIP rocket launches from Wallops. Image: Wallops Imaging Lab.

University Student Instrument Program (USIP) - March 25, 2018

46.019 UO, Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, VA on March 25, 2018. The purpose of the University Student Instrument Program (USIP) is to encourage participants to seek future involvement in space-based science missions by providing university undergraduate level students and faculty with a space flight opportunity that will allow their custom built experiments to be exposed to the space environment.

One of the SuperSoaker payloads on the MOI table at Wallops.

41.119, 41.120 & 41.122 CE AZEEM/ASTRA
SuperSoaker - January 26, 2018

41.119, 41.120 & 41.122 CE, three Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rockets were launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on January 26, 2018. The purpose of the Super Soaker missions is to study the time dependent neutral chemistry and transport of water in the upper atmosphere and to determine the resultant impact on the local temperature and Polar Mesospheric Cloud (PMC) formation.

Galeazzi mission launches from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska. Credit:Alison Stancil/NASA

36.329 UH Galeazzi/University of Miami - January 19, 2018
Diffuse X-Rays from the Local Galaxy (DXL-3)

36.329 UH Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on January 19, 2018. The purpose of the Diffuse X-Rays from the Local Galaxy (DXL-3) mission was to study the physics associated with the Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) and the Local Hot Bubble (LHB).

DEUCE payload at Wallops for testing.

36.311 UG Green/University of Colorado - October 30, 2017 Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Spectrograph (DEUCE)

36.311 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range on October 30, 2017. The Dual-channel Extreme Ultraviolet Continuum Spectrograph (DEUCE) payload was designed to observe the only two non-white-dwarf stars in the Milky Way known to have a sufficiently low neutral hydrogen column density to measure their ionizing radiation directly: Beta Canis Major (βCMa) and Epsilon Canis Major (εCMa). The target for this mission was βCMa.

WINDY payload after door deployment testing at Wallops.

36.326 NR Clark/NASA JPL - October 4, 2017
Advanced Supersonic Parachute Inflation Research and Experiments (

36.326 NR Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Wallops Island, VA on October 4, 2017. The main objective of the ASPIRE mission was to test parachute systems in a low-density, supersonic environment for future missions to Mars.

WINDY payload after door deployment testing at Wallops.

29.042 & 36.321 UE Hysell/Cornell University - September 9, 2017

29.042 UE Terrier-Malemute and 36.321 UE Terrier-Black Brant were launched from the Kwajalein Atoll, Marshall Islands on September 9, 2017. The Waves and Instabilities from a Neutral Dynamo (WINDY) payloads were designed to investigate the post-sunset equatorila F-region ionosphere and the factors that predispose it to equatorial spread F (ESF).

RockSat-X students with their payload on the balancing table at Wallops.

46.017 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant Consortium - August 13, 2017

46.017 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 13, 2017.The RockSat-X mission carried student developed experiments and is a follow on mission to RockOn and RockSat-C. RockSat-X experiments are more advanced than RockOn and RockSat-C and include full featured sounding rocket support systems, such as telemetry, attitude control and recovery. RockSat-X experiments are exposed to the space environment enabling measurement of variables outside the payload.  

Hall mission launches from Wallops Island. Terrier-Improved Malemute lifts off from Wallops Island. Credit: Terry Zaperach/Wallops Imaging Lab.

46.015 GT Hall/NASA GSFC-WFF - JUNE 29, 2017
Ampule deployment test flight

46.015 GT Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 29, 2017.The primary objective of this mission was to test a new ampule deployment system.

SubTec-7 launches from Wallops Island, VA. CHESS being prepared for flight. Credit: Dr. Kevin France

36.323 UG France/University of Colorado/LASP - JUNE 26, 2017
Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS)→

The Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) is designed to enable new scientific studies of the Local InterStellar Medium (LISM). The LISM provides an opportunity to study general ISM phenomena up close and in three dimensions, including interactions of different phases of the ISM, cloud collisions, cloud evolution, ionization structure, thermal balance, turbulent motions, etc. Understanding the structure of the LISM is important in evaluating the cosmic ray environment and the potential habitability of nearby exoplanets.

SubTec-7 launches from Wallops Island, VA. RockOn! launches from Wallops island, VA. Credit: Alison Stancil


41.121 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 22, 2017. The RockOn workshop is an introductory flight opportunity to provided exposure to, and spark interest in, space based science missions. This is accomplished by flying two classes of experiments. First time participants will generally fly the simpler kit built experiment. As educational institutions gain more experience, it is expected they will progress towards developing their own unique RockSat-C class experiments. This was the 10th flight of the RockOn! payload.

SubTec-7 launches from Wallops Island, VA. SubTec-7 launches from Wallops island, VA.


36.317 GP Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Wallops Island, VA on May 16, 2017.The primary purpose for this technology demonstration mission was to test the NSROC Forward OGIVE Recovery System (N-FORSe) and the Water Recovery Shutter Door. Both technologies are developed to enhance program capabilities. Several other experiments were also supported on this flight.

RAISE payload in a clean tent at White Sands. The RAISE payload, partially enclosed in a clean tent, is shown after completion of testing before going to the launch pad. Credit: Amir Caspi, Southwest Research Institute

Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph Experiment (RAISE)

36.309 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range on May 5, 2017. The purpose of the RAISE sounding rocket mission was to observe and analyze dynamics and heating of the solar chromosphere and corona on time scales as short as 100 ms.

ISINGLASS mission launches from Poker Flat, Alaska. ISINGLASS 36.303 mission launches from Poker Flat. Photo Credit: Terry Zaperach/NASA

36.304 UE Lynch March 1, 2017
Ionospheric Structuring: In Situ and Ground based Low Altitude StudieS (ISINGLASS)

36.304 UE Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on March 1, 2017. The purpose of the ISINGLASS sounding rocket mission is to sample multiple locations simultaneously in the auroral ionosphere and to take gradient measurements of plasma parameters. This was the first of two identical rockets to be flown into two separate events (ie, quiet early evening arc vs dynamic rayed arc); each rocket had a large subpayload, and four small deployable payloads.

Two Jets rockets launch from Alaska. Jets missions launch from Poker Flat. Photo Credit: Terry Zaperach/NASA

36.301 & 36.306 UE Pfaff March 1, 2017
Neutral Jets Associated with Auroral Arcs

36.301 and 36.306 UE Terrier-Black Brants were launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on March 1, 2017. The two rockets were launched 90 seconds apart to two different apogees. The main objective of this investigation was to understand the height dependent coupling processes that create localized neutral “jets” in the upper atmosphere associated with the aurora, their driving conditions, and their associated heating and neutral structuring.

ISINGLASS mission launches from Alaska. ISINGLASS 36.303 mission launches from Poker Flat. Photo Credit: NASA

36.303 UE Lynch February 22, 2017
Ionospheric Structuring: In Situ and Ground based Low Altitude StudieS (ISINGLASS)

36.303 UE Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 22, 2017. The purpose of the ISINGLASS sounding rocket mission is to sample multiple locations simultaneously in the auroral ionosphere and to take gradient measurements of plasma parameters. This was the first of two identical rockets to be flown into two separate events (ie, quiet early evening arc vs dynamic rayed arc); each rocket had a large subpayload, and four small deployable payloads.

Bailey mission launches from Alaska. Bailey mission launches from Poker Flat. Photo Credit: Jamie Adkins

36.302 UE Bailey January 27, 2017
Polar Night Nitric Oxide (PolarNOx)

36.302 UE Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on January 27, 2017. The purpose of the PolarNOx mission was to measure the abundance and altitude of peak abundance for nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is created by the Aurora, but in the polar night there is no signicant process for destroying the nitric oxide. Under appropriate conditions nitric oxide can be transported to the stratosphere where it will catalytically destroy ozone.

Zombie vehicle at Wallops.

12.080 DR Chrisley December 15, 2016
Pathfinder ZOMBIE (PZ)

12.080 DR was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on December 15, 2016. The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate the Pathfinder Zombie hardware, software, support equipment and concept of operations.

RockSat-X Terrier-Improved Malemute on the launch pad.

46.014 UO Koehler August 17, 2016
RockSat-X →

46.014 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute carrying the RockSat-X payload was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 17, 2016. RockSat-X is the most advanced, of three, student sounding rocket flight opportunity. The opportunity is a collaboration between NASA and Colorado Space Grant Consortium.

Sounding Rocket carrying the CARE II payload launches from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway. Final sequence testing for Hi-C. Credit: Ted Gazek

36.314 NS Cirtain July 27, 2016
High Resolution Coronal Imager (Hi-C)

36.314 NS Black Brant 9 was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 27, 2016. The main objective of the Hi-C investigation is to determine the geometric configuration and topology of the structures making up the inner corona. The secondary objective is to examine the dynamics of those structures, within the constraints of the 300-seconds of observing time available from a sounding rocket.

RockSat-C students with the payload during integration at Wallops.

46.116 UO Koehler - June 24, 2016
RockOn! Student Flight Mission

46.116 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 24, 2016. The RockOn workshop is intended to be an introductory flight opportunity to provided exposure to, and spark interest in, space based science missions. This will be accomplished by flying two classes of experiments.  First time participants will generally fly the simpler kit built experiment.  As educational institutions gain more experience, it is expected they will progress towards developing their own unique RockSat-C class experiments.

EVE payload during integration at White Sands. EVE payload during integration at White Sands. Credit: Ted Gazek

36.318 UE Woods - June 1, 2016
EUV Variability Experiment (EVE)

The primary objective for this mission is to provide an underflight calibration for the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. The EVE program provides solar EUV irradiance data for NASA’s Living With the Star (LWS) program, including near real-time data products for use in operational atmospheric models that specify the space environment and to assist in forecasting space weather operations.

Sounding Rocket carrying the CARE II payload launches from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway. Terrier-Improved Orion launches from Wallops, VA Credit: Wallops Imaging Lab

41.114 NP DeLeon - March 7, 2016
Technology Test Flight

41.114 NP Terrier-Improved Orion sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, Virginia on March 7, 2016. This mission supported three experiments from the Flight Opportunities program of NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate (STMD). The experiment from Montana State University is a Radiation Tolerant Computer System (RadPC) provided by Brock La Meres. The experiment from Controlled Dynamics is Vibration Isolation Platform (VIP) provided by Scott Green. SOAREX9 is the third experiment flying, provided by Marc Murbach, NASA-ARC.

46.011 GP MILLINER/NASA GSFC-WFF - March 1, 2016
Multiple User Suborbital Instrument Carrier (MUSIC)

46.011 GP Terrier-Improved Malemute sounding rocket was launched from Wallops Island, Virginia on March 1, 2016. The purpose of the MUSIC missions is to allow NASA Applied Engineering and Technology Directorate (AETD) engineering personnel to gain experience in developing sounding rocket technology, conduct systems engineering processes and Test NASA AETD experiments. This mission will result in a Standard payload carrier with predefined mechanical, telemetry, power and attitude control capabilities to offer to reimbursable customers and other Wallops Flight Facility developments.

36.297 UG FRANCE/UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO - February 21, 2016
Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) 2

36.297 UG Black Brant IX sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range on February 21, 2016. The Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS) 2 sounding rocket experiment facilitates observations of Atomic-to-Molecular transitions phases in translucent clouds for the local Interstellar Medium (ISM) by observing nearby stars that were too bright for Hubble and FUSE. Detailed composition and temperature maps at the diffuse/translucent ISM boundary will be possible for the first time with data from CHESS 2.

36.312 UG McCandliss/Johns Hopkins University- December 18, 2015
The Far-ultraviolet Off Rowland-circle Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy (FORTIS)

36.312 UG Black Brant IX sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range on Decemeber 18, 2015. The Far-ultraviolet Off Rowland-circle Telescope for Imaging and Spectroscopy (FORTIS) studied the Great Barred Spiral Galaxy to measure the Lyman alpha escape from its star-forming areas and the active Galactic Nucleus containing a black hole.

RENU payload at Wallops for integration and testing.52.002 UE Lessard/University of New Hampshire- December 13, 2015
Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling II (RENU)

52.002 UE Black Brant XII-A sounding rocket was launched from Andoya Space Center, Norway on Decemeber 13, 2015. The primary goals for this mission were to transit the cusp region during a neutral upwelling event. RENU was equipped with a suite of instruments that build on previous observations of this phenomenon. RENU also acquired new types of data to provide a fresh perspective on neutral upwelling.

36.305 UH Galeazzi/University of Miami- December 5, 2015
Diffuse X-ray emission from the Local galaxy (DXL)

36.305 UH Black Brant IX sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on Decmeber 5, 2015. The primary goals for this mission were to study the heliospheric Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) and Local Hot Bubble (LHB) using DXL and UXT suborbital instruments and image the solar wind interaction with the terrestrial magnetosphere using the CuPID soft X-ray camera using newly-developed micropore reflector technology.

49.003 UE Labelle/Dartmouth College - November 30, 2015
Cusp Alfven and Plasma Electrodynamics Rocket (CAPER) →

49.003 UE Oriole 4 was launched from Andoya Space Center, Norway on November 30, 2015. The CAPER mission intended to establish the role and nature of Alfvén wave acceleration in the cusp and discover the causes of the observed differences in the Langmuir waves in the cusp versus the nightside. CAPER also included the first ever wave-particle correlator measurements to be made in the cusp. The results affect a range of NASA programs in geospace, planetary, heliospheric and astrophysical sciences and are pertinent to multiple objectives of NASA’s Heliophysics research program.

36.293 UG Chakrabarti/University of Massachusetts Lowell - November 24, 2015
Planet Imaging Concept Testbed Using a Rocket Experiment (PICTURE)→

36.393 UT Black Brant 9 was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on November 25, 2015. The PICTURE mission was designed to observe the planetary environment around the star Epsilon Eridani and to directly image the planet.

Sounding Rocket carrying the CARE II payload launches from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway. Black Brant IX launches from Wallops, VA Credit: NASA/Patrick Black

36.310 GT Hesh/NASA GSFC WFF - October 7, 2015
Technology Test Flight

36.310 GT Black Brant 9 was launched from Wallops Island, VA on October 7, 2015. This mission is a test flight of the new Black Brant Mk4 sustainer motor. The primary objective is to characterize the motor performance in a Black Brant IX configuration. The secondary objective of this mission is to provide NASA and NSROC an opportunity to test new technology experiments.

Sounding Rocket carrying the CARE II payload launches from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway. Black Brant IX launches from Wallops, VA Credit: NASA/Chris Perry

39.012 DR Bernhardt/Naval Research Laboratory - September 16, 2015
Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) II→

39.012 DR Black Brant XI was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway on September 16, 2015.The CARE II mission examined the effect of artificially-created, charged-particulate layers on the scatter of UHF, L-Band and S-Band radars. The artificial particles were created from 37 CRV7 C14 motors ignited in the ionosphere. CARE II studied the exhaust plume physics including MHD waves and electric fields. The optical signature was measured from scattered sunlight and ion-molecule-electron reactions.

36.291 US Winebarger/University of Alabama - September 3, 2015
Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro Polarimeter (CLASP)→

36.291 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on September 3, 2015.The aim of CLASP mission was to achieve the first measurement of magnetic field in the upper chromosphere and transition region of the Sun through the detection and measurement of Hanle effect polarization of the Lyman alpha line.

36.282 US Kankelborg/Montana State University - August 27, 2015
Multi-Order Solar EUV Spectrograph (MOSES)→

36.282 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on August 27, 2015. The purpose of the MOSES mission was to obtain line intensity images for Ciii 459.3A and Ne vii 465.2A at 1.2” resolution over a 20’ x 10’ field of view with reasonable cadence (approx.. 45 s) and obtain simultaneous line width and doppler shifts for the Ne vii line.. The cadence will be nominally lower than that of MOSES-1 due to the necessarily longer exposure times for Ne vii.

RockSat-X launches from Wallops Island, VA. 46.012 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - August 12, 2015
RockSat-X →

The RockSat-X student mission, 46.012 UO Koehler, was launched from Wallops Island, VA on Wednesday, August 12, 2015. RockSat-X carrier experiments developed by University students from around the country.

Black Brant IX launches from Wallops, VA Credit: A. Stancil

36.313 NP Milliner/NASA Wallops Flight Faciltiy - July 7, 2015
Technology test

36.313 NP Black Brant IX was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 7, 2015. The primary objective of this mission was to provide a technology test flight opportunity for researchers from NASA Ames Research Center and NASA Glenn Research Center.

RockOn launches from Wallops Island, VA.41.113 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - June 25, 2015
RockOn/RockSat C

41.113 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 25, 2015. The primary objective of this effort is to conduct the RockOn Space Flight Workshop that is intended to provide University level students and instructors with a space flight opportunity that involves minimal cost, minimal time investment, minimal complexity, and minimal impact to the NASA Sounding Rockets Program.

36.300 UE Woods/University of Colorado - May 21, 2015
SDO EVE Underflight Calibration Experiment

36.300 UE Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 21, 2015. The primary objective for this mission is to provide an underflight calibration for the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. The EVE program provides solar EUV irradiance data for NASA’s Living with the Star (LWS) program, including near real-time data products for use in operational atmospheric models that specify the space environment and to assist in forecasting space weather operations.

Science team with the OGRESS instrument.36.292 UH McEntaffer/University of Iowa - May 2, 2015
Off-plane Grating Rocket for Extended Source Spectroscopy (OGRESS)

36.292 UH Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 2, 2015. The OGRESS instruments provided high spectral resolving power for large diffuse X-ray sources. The science target was the Cygnus Loop supernova remnant which is one of the brightest and largest soft X-ray emitters in the sky. The observation provided global plasma conditions from this object which are typified by interactions between the supernova blast wave and a precursor formed cavity wall. The payload also contains a critical NASA X-ray technology ― off-plane reflection grating arrays.  Combined with parallel technology development efforts, this mission will provide a flight proving platform for future X-ray missions.

RockSat-X launches from Wallops Island.46.008 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - April 18, 2015

46.008 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on April 18, 2015. This mission is an advanced student mission and a follow on to the RockOn and RockSat-C student payloads.  The mission provides experimenters from several schools the opportunity to fly a payload, of their design, exposed to the space environment. The design of a payload and vehicle with pre-defined mechanical, power, instrumentation and flight performance capabilities were developed to provide exposure to the environment for these university student experimenters.  There were six experiments on this mission.

RockSat-X students preparing their experiments.46.008 UO Koehler/Colorado Space Grant - March 24, 2015 RockSat-X

The RockSat-X mission is currently going through integration and testing activities at NASA Wallops Flight Facility.

Science team with the OGRESS instrument.36.292 UH McEntaffer/University of Iowa - March 13, 2015
Off-plane Grating Rocket for Extended Source Spectroscopy (OGRESS)

The OGRESS mission is currently going through integration and testing activities at NASA Wallops Flight Facility.

36.299 DS Pedersen/AFRL - February 25, 2015
Ionospheric Control Experiment

36.299 DR Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on February 25, 2015. The Department of Defense’s Space Test Program, based at Kirtland Air Force Base sponsored this mission which carried a payload designed by scientists and engineers from the Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Space Vehicles Directorate also at Kirtland Air Force Base. The launch vehicle which is designed to reach an altitude over 100 miles provided an opportunity for the payload to release small amounts of Samarium vapor to create clouds of plasma, or ionized gas into the near-vacuum of space to study processes responsible for formation of the Earth’s ionosphere. Dr. Todd Pedersen/AFRL is the Principal Investigator.

ASSP launch from Poker Flat. Photo by Jamie Adkins/NASA. ASSP launches from Poker Flat, Alaska. Image Credit: NASA/Jamie Adkins

49.002 UE Swenson - January 28, 2015
Auroral Spatial Structures Probe (ASSP)→

49.002 UE Oriole-4 was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on January 28, 2015. The ASSP mission attempts to answer questions about what the contributions of small spatial scale and rapid temporal scale fluctuations of electric fields are relative to the larger-scale electrodynamic processes? ASSP investigated the small scale spatial and temporal variability in the E-field that is known to contribute significantly to the overall heating at high latitudes. and the statistics of small spatial and temporal scales relative to the much larger scale electric field patterns. Read More

Dr. Collins stowing booms after deployment testing.

46.009 & 46.010 UE Collins - January 26, 2015
Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (M-TEX)→

46.009 and 46.010 UE Terrier-Improved Malemutes were launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on January 26, 2015. The M-TEX mission objectives include obtaining a better understanding of how meteorological processes control the impact of solar processes on the Earth’s atmosphere through investigating the atmosphere’s response to auroral, radiation belt, and solar energetic particles, and associated effects on nitric oxides and ozone.Read More

MIST payload at Wallops for testing.

41.111 & 41.112 UE Larsen - January 26, 2015
Mesospheric Inversion-layer Stratified Turbulence experiment (MIST)→

41.111 and 41.112 UE Terrier-Improved Orions were launch launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on January 26, 2015.The purpose of the Mesospheric Inversion-layer Stratified Turbulence (MIST) mission is to look for evidence of changes in the stratified turbulence properties within long-lived mesospheric inversion layers in the atmosphere between 80km and 140km. Especially of interest is the structure function, i.e., power spectrum, of the turbulent fluctuations in that region. Read More

FOXSI launches from White Sands Missile Range, NM>

36.295 US Krucker - December 11, 2014
Focusing Optics X-Ray Solar Imager (FOXSI)→

36.295 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on December 11, 2014. The FOXSI instruments test the fabrication and function of focusing optics for solar high energy x-ray observations in the 4-15 keV energy range. FOXSI observed the non-flaring “quiet” Sun and searched for non-thermal x-rays in these regions. These seven detectors are a pathfinder for future observatories investigating particle acceleration on the Sun. Read More

C-REX payload at Wallops for testing prior to flight.

52.001 UE Conde - November 24, 2014
Cusp-Region Experiment (C-REX)→

52.001 UE a Black Brant XII-A was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway on November 24, 2014. The scientific objective of the mission is to identify mechanisms responsible for creating a region of enhanced neutral mass density at 400 km altitude that appears to be a permanent feature of Earth’s cusp-region thermosphere.  Earth’s cusps are magnetic field features in the magnetosphere associated with regions through which plasma from the Sun can have direct access to the upper atmosphere.  Neutral and ion flow fields in the region of the density anomaly will be measured to see if that flow is consistent with establishing the observed density enhancement. Read More

The payload before launch at White Sands.

36.253 US Hassler - November 6, 2014
Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph Experiment

36.253 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range on November 6, 2014. The Rapid Acquisition Imaging Spectrograph Experiment (RAISE) has an extremely high speed scanning-slit imaging spectrograph designed to observe and analyze dynamics and heating of the solar chromosphere and corona on time scales as short as 100 ms, with TRACE-like spatial resolutions, and velocity sensitivity of 1-2 km/s. Read More.

Payload being prepared for testing.

49.002 Swenson - October 28, 2014
Auroral Spatial Structures Probe (ASSP)→

The ASSP mission is currently going through integration and testing activities at NASA Wallops Flight Facility.

M-TEX science team with the payload.

46.009 & 46.010 UE Collins - October 10, 2014 Mesosphere-Lower Thermosphere Turbulence Experiment (M-TEX)→

The M-TEX mission has completed most of the  integration and testing activities at NASA Wallops Flight Facility.

CAPER payload in the EMI chamber at Wallops.

49.003 UE Labelle - September 2014
Cusp Alfvén and Plasma Electrodynamics (CAPER)→

The CAPER mission integration and testing activities at NASA Wallops Flight Facility.

36.288 DS VOURLIDAS/NRL - September 14, 2014
Very high Angular resolution Ultraviolet Telescope (VAULT 2.0)

The scientific observationsduring this mission included viewing the magnetic footprint-driven evolution and heating of the solar atmosphere. Coronal loops, special hot structures, and other features were present during the observation period with the sun being very active.Read More

Vapor trail released from the payload.

36.308 GT HALL/NASA WFF - August 28, 2014

36.308 GT Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 28, 2014. The primary objective of this mission was to test an ejection system for a future science mission, as well as, test a new High Temperature Antenna. Read More

Degradation Free Spectrometers (DFS)

36.289 US Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range on July 22, 2014. This was a re-fly of the 36.263 payload that contained the new prototype experiment instruments known as the Degradation Free Spectrometers (DFS) for Solar Physics. The mission objectives are to: Improve our knowledge of solar physics driven spectral variability over all solar cycle time scales through stable, radiometrically accurate spectral irradiance measurements in the highly dynamic EUV/soft X-ray range. These are improvements on the previous work for SDO/EVE/ESP and SOHO/SEM. Read More

Sub-Tech payload in testing at Wallops.

46.007 GP ROSANOVA/NASA WFF July 2, 2014
Sub-TEC 6

46.007 GP Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 2, 2014. The primary objective of this mission is to develop a new standard carrier for periodic technology demonstration missions. The secondary objective is to provide flight opportunity for several NSROC developmental systems and components. Read More

RockOn mission launches.


41.110 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 26, 2014.The RockOn workshop is intended to be an introductory flight opportunity to provided exposure to, and spark interest in, space based science missions. This will be accomplished by flying two classes of experiments.  First time participants will generally fly the simpler kit built experiment.  As educational institutions gain more experience, it is expected they will progress towards developing their own unique RockSat-C class experiments. Read More

The Chess payload at Wallops.

Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS)

36.285 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 24, 2014. This mission, the Colorado High-resolution Echelle Stellar Spectrograph (CHESS), is designed to enable new scientific studies of the Local Interstellar Medium (LISM). The LISM provides an opportunity to study general ISM phenomena up close and in three dimensions, including interactions of different phases of the ISM, cloud collisions, cloud evolution, ionization structure, thermal balance, turbulent motions, etc. Understanding the structure of the LISM is important in evaluating the cosmic ray environment and the potential habitability of nearby exoplanets. Read More

The HYPE payload at Wallops for testing.

36.235 US HARRIS/UNIVERSITY OF ARIZONA TUCSON 5-3-2014 Hydrogen Polarimetric Explorer (HYPE)

36.235 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 3, 2014. The scientific objective of the Hydrogen Polarimetric Explorer (HYPE) mission is to measure Hydrogen Lyman light reflected by interplanetary hydrogen (IPH) in the Geocorona. IPH is an important transitional medium that flows from its origin in the local interstellar cloud (LIC) through the LIC-solar wind boundary zones into the inner heliosphere, where it interacts with the solar wind, and radiation pressure. HYPE will measure the line shape of the IPH, yielding information about the thermal structure of the interplanetary medium, the shape and location of the LIC-solar wind boundary areas, and the ionization state of the ILC. Read More

GREECE launches from Poker. Photo by Chris Perry.

36.287 UE SAMARA/SWRI 3-3-2014
Ground-to-Rocket Electrodynamics-Electrons Correlative Experiment (GREECE)

36.287 UE Black Brant IX was launched from Poker Flat Research Range on March 3, 2014. The purpose of the Ground-to-Rocket Electrodynamics-Electrons Correlative Experiment (GREECE) is to significantly enhance our knowledge of the structure and dynamics of the electron precipitation responsible for the aurora, on both large and small scales, which can ultimately be used to set stronger constraints on models of auroral electrodynamics. Read More

The VeSpR payload at Wallops for intergration.

Venus Spectral Rocket (VeSpR)

36.261 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range on November 26, 2013.The goals of Venus Spectral Rocket (VeSpR) project are to obtain a high resolution spectrum of the Hydrogen (H) and Deuterium (D) Lyman alpha emissions from the atmosphere of Venus, and thereby determine the D/H ratio at the top of Venus’ atmosphere, and to obtain an H / Lyman-alpha image of the extended emissions from the Venus corona. Both the present D/H ratio and the extent of the emission from the coronal atmosphere are related to the present day escape of water from the atmosphere of Venus into space. The end goal is to learn of the history of water on Venus. Read More

Far-Ultraviolet Off-Rowland Telescope (FORTIS)

36.296 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range on November 19, 2013.The purpose of the Far-Ultraviolet Off-Rowland Telescope (FORTIS) for Imaging and Spectroscopy mission was to study comet ISON. Read More


36.294 UH Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range on November 3, 2013.The purpose of this mission is to measure the spectrum of the diffuse X-ray emission from the interstellar medium over the energy range 0.10 to 1.00 keV. Read More

EVE launch from White Sands. Photo by White Sands Missile Range.


36.290 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range on October 21, 2013.The primary purpose of this mission is to provide the fourth underflight calibration for the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. Read More

RockSat-X team


46.005 UO Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 13, 2013. This mission is the 3rd in the series of RockSat-X payloads which provide expanded flight opportunities for University students. The payload provides students from several schools an opportunity to fly an experiment of their choosing and be exposed to the space environment. The mission also served as a testbed for technologies under development by NASA. Read More


36.239 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on August 8, 2013.The purpose of the Very High Resolution Imaging Spectrograph (VERIS) mission was to advance the understanding of fundamental solar physics such as coronal heating, solar wind acceleration, flares, and coronal mass ejections. VERIS conducted observations that simultaneously incorporated high spatial and temporal resolution, broad temperature coverage, high temperature fidelity, and sensitivity to velocities and densities. Read More

Daytime Dynamo Black Brant V launches. Image by Chris Perry.


41.090 and 21.140 GE a Terrier-Improved Orion and Black Brant V were launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 4, 2013.The purpose of this mission is to explore, for the first time, the ion-neutral coupling, wind shears, and electrodynamics of the mid-latitude lower ionosphere during the daytime. In particular, it will determine the cause of intense daytime irregularities that are consistently observed in the mid-latitude, ionosphere during the summer. Read More

RockOn launch 2013. Photo by Chris Perry.


41.106 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 20, 2013.The RockOn workshop is intended to be an introductory flight opportunity to provided exposure to, and spark interest in, space based science missions. This will be accomplished by flying two classes of experiments. First time participants will generally fly the simpler kit built experiment. As educational institutions gain more experience, it is expected they will progress towards developing their own unique RockSat-C class experiments. Read More

The CIBER-4 payload team with the payload at Wallops.


40.030 UG Black Brant XII was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 5, 2013. The purpose of this mission is to investigate the spectral and spatial properties of the extragalactic near-infrared background, and will require acquisition of multiple targets with minimal contamination from terrestrial sources of infrared emission. Read More

The FORTIS payload at Wallops for testing.


36.268 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 10, 2013. The scientific objective of this mission is to investigate Lyman alpha escape from nearby star-forming galaxies and to quantify its relationship to the local gas-to-dust ratio using multi-object far-ultraviolet spectroscopy. The first-flight of the Far-ultraviolet Off Rowland-Circle for Imaging and Spectroscopy (FORTIS) is designed to observe extended bright HII regions of low red-shift star-forming galaxies. Read More

Terrier-Orion rocket launches from Kwajalein.


41.102 DR Terrier-Orion was launched from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands on May 8, 2013. The primary objective of the Metal Oxide Space Cloud (MOSC) experiment is to demonstrate increases in ionospheric density for future application in technology to mitigate and/or control scintillation effects on COM/NAV operational systems. The secondary objective is to provide a technical basis for DSC use of on-demand space plasma generation (e.g., HF propagation). Read More

Rocket launches from Kwajalein.

45.005 & 46.001 UE KUDEKI/UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 5-7-2013

45.005 Terrier-Oriole and 46.001 Terrier-Improved Malemute were launched from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands on May 7, 2013. The scientific objective of the Equatorial Vortex Experiment (EVEX) mission is to validate/falsify models of post-sunset electrodynamics via direct measurements of their drivers, specifically zonal winds. The experiments are designed to obtain in-situ measurements of E- and F-region AC and DC electric fields, plasma velocity, neutral winds, and plasma densities. Read More


41.100 DR Terrier-Orion was launched from Kwajalein, Marshall Islands on May 1, 2013. The primary objective of the Metal Oxide Space Cloud (MOSC) experiment is to demonstrate increases in ionospheric density for future application in technology to mitigate and/or control scintillation effects on COM/NAV operational systems. The secondary objective is to provide a technical basis for DSC use of on-demand space plasma generation (e.g., HF propagation). Read More

EUNIS being prepared for flight.


36.269 GS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on April 23, 2013.The purpose of this mission is to probe the structure and dynamics of the inner solar corona Study evolving and transient structures by obtaining spectra with a high cadence. Study diagnostics of wave heating and reconnection in the solar wind acceleration region provide absolute intensity calibration of orbital instruments including Hinode/EIS, Stereo/EUVI. SOHO/CDS & EIT, and TRACE. Read More

SLICE team with rocket.


36.271 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on April 21, 2013.Suborbital Local Interstellar Cloud Experiment (SLICE) is a re-fly of the 36.270 payload, DICE. DICE was to sample the interface at the local cavity wall and determine whether the gas at the interface is flowing into the cavity or away from it. The current hot bubble model assumes a conductive heating interface, which the DICE instrument was to directly confirm or deny. SLICE is to further the study of the hot gas inside the local bubble and the interface between the local bubble and the ambient interstellar medium. Read More


41.104 GT Terrier Improved Orion was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on February 15, 2013. This was a test flight to verify uplink resources relocated to WSMR LC-36 VAB facility with multiple technology experiments. Read More

The Rowland payload at Wallops for testing.


49.001 UE Oriole IV (Talos – Terrier Mk70 – Oriole – Nihka) was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on February 6, 2013. The VISualizing Ion Outflow vie Neutral atom imaging during a Substrom (VISIONS) science objective is to understand: How, when, and where, are ions accelerated to escape velocities in the auroral zone below 1,000 Km following a sub-storm onset. Read More

The Galeazzi payload at Wallops for testing.


41.107 NT Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on January 29, 2013. The objective for this mission was to test two different methods for creating the lithium vapor were tested to determine which configuration is best for observing various science phenomena in space. Read More

The Galeazzi payload at Wallops for testing.


36.283 UH Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on December 13, 2012. The objectives of the Diffuse X-ray Emission from the Local Galaxy (DXL) experiment were to:obtain geometric measurements of the heliospheric Solar Wind Charge Exchange (SWCX) using an existing, large collecting area (1000 cm2 at 1 keV) suborbital instrument, differentiate the foreground SWCX emission from the background LHB emission separately in the ¼ keV and ¾ keV bands, and to obtain geometric information for input to the heliospheric SWCX models that are necessary for interpreting astrophysical observations using large observatories. Read More

Cook payload team at Wallops.


36.260 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on November 21, 2012. The primary goal of this project is to image the unique galaxy M101 in three medium ultraviolet bands to probe the dependence of the UV dust extinction features on formation and processing mechanisms. Read More


36.255 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on November 2, 2012. The Focusing Optics X-ray Solar Imager (FOXSI) sounding rocket tests the fabrication and function of focusing optics for solar hard X-ray observations in the 5—15 keV energy range. Read More

Talos Terrier Oriole launches from Wallops Island.


12.075 GT Talos-Terrier-Oriole was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 22, 2012. The primary objective of this mission was to verify performance and dynamic stability of the vehicle stack with an Oriole as the third stage. This mission also provided a test flight for the 20 Mbit MV encoder, Digital Spin System, and Altitude Prediction, Reporting and Accuracy (APRA) Experiment. Read More

IRVE-3 launch from Wallops Island, VA.


46.004 GO Terrier Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 21, 2012. The mission provided student experimenters from several schools the opportunity to fly a payload, of their design, exposed to the space environment. The design of a payload and vehicle with pre-defined mechanical, power, instrumentation and flight performance capabilities were developed to provide exposure to the space environment for these university student experimenters. Secondarily, this mission will demonstrate the development and operation of a newly designed flotation aide for technology development under the Sounding Rockets Program Office. Read More


36.263 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range on July 24, 2012. The mission objectives of the Degradation Free Spectrometers (DFS) for Solar Physics are to improve our knowledge of solar physics driven spectral variability over all solar cycle time scales through stable, radiometrically accurate spectral irradiance measurements in the highly dynamic EUV/soft X-ray range, demonstrate flight quality, degradation-free solar EUV and soft X-ray flight instruments and to provide well calibrated, significantly improved absolute irradiance measurements for intercalibration with on orbit EUV instrumentation. Read More

IRVE-3 launch from Wallops Island, VA.


39.011 NR Black Brant XI was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 23, 2012. The mission objectives for this third Inflatable Reentry Vehicle Experiment (IRVE-3) are to 1) execute a flight-test that demonstrates inflation and survivability at a relevant dynamic pressure, 2) assess the performance of the vehicle from a thermal, and structural dynamics perspective, and 3) validate the analysis and design techniques used in the development of the Reentry Vehicle (RV); all at higher heating loads than previous IRVE missions. Read More


36.272 NS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 11, 2012. The primary objective of this mission is to capture a high resolution image of the solar corona. This improved spatial resolution (0.1 arcsecond) image will allow study of the solar coronas Active Region Fine Structure (Strands), Structure of the transition region, unresolved active region corona, and Magnetic topologies in the corona. Read More


36.284 NS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 5, 2012. The purpose of the Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph Investigation (SUMI) experiment is to detect and interpret the full stokes profile in the Upper Chromosphere and Transition Region. SUMI will measure the spectra of Mg II and C IV at several different polarization angles and use the variation in the measured spectral intensity to infer the magnetic field strength and direction. Using this data, a connection can be found between the magnetic fields and dynamic events found in these regions. The investigation will also coordinate imaging and spectroscopic observations with Hinode/SOT-EIS. Read More

36.286 UE Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on June 23, 2012. The purpose of the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) is to provide underflight calibrations for solar EUV imagers aborad Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO), SOHO, GOES, PRoba1 and Hinode satellites. Read More

RockON mission launches from Wallops Island.


41.101 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 21, 2012.The primary objective of the RockSat/RockOn mission is to provide university undergraduate level students and instructors with a space flight opportunity that involves minimal cost, minimal time investment, minimal complexity, and minimal impact on the NASA Sounding Rocket Program (NSRP). Read More

The payload during testing at Wallops.

41.097, 41.098, 46.002, 46.003, 45.004 UE LARSEN/CLEMSON UNIVERSITY 3-27-2012

Two Terrier-Improved Orions (41.097&41.098), two Terrier-Improved Malemutes (46.002&46.003) and one Terrier-Oriole (45.004) were launched from Wallops Island, VA on March 27, 2012. The scientific objective of the Anomalous TRansport EXperiment (ATREX) is to obtain measurements of the turbulent fluctuations over an extended horizontal range of 550 km. Specifically, it will measure the structure function for the velocity fluctuations over a range of horizontal spatial lags that covers a decade or more. The structure function parameters, including the Hurst or fractal exponent, are critical in distinguishing the different types of turbulent processes. The relative separation velocities as a function of horizontal separation are also an important diagnostic of the dynamics responsible for the anomalous transport. Read More

The payload during testing at Wallops.


36.277 UG Terrier-Black Brant  was launched from White Sands Missile Range on March 22, 2012. The purpose of Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER) is to investigate the spectral and spatial properties of the extragalactic near-infrared background,and will require acquisition of multiple targets with minimal contamination from terrestrial sources of infrared emission. Read More

The payload during testing at Wallops.


36.273 UE Terrier-Black Brant  was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Fairbanks, AK on February 19, 2012. The Magnetosphere-Ionosphere Coupling in the Alfvén resonator (MICA) sounding rocket measured ion temperature and density, electron temperature and density, electron precipitation, ion upflow, convection and ULF electric fields, magnetic fields from which field-aligned current (FAC) can be inferred, and plasma waves. Read More

Terrier-Improved Malemute launch from Wallops Island.


12.074 GT Terrier-Improved Malemute  was launched from Wallops Island, VA on January 11, 2012. This mission will provide the second test flight of the Terrier Improved Malemute vehicle configuration. The primary objective is to characterize the performance of this vehicle configuration, to determine the suitability of the Improved Malemute to be used in the Sounding Rocket Program. Read More


36.274 UH Terrier-Black Brant  was launched from White Sands Missile Range on December 10, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to obtain a high resolution x-ray spectra of the Vela and Puppis supernova remnants. Read More

McCammon team with rocket.


36.264 UH Terrier-Black Brant  was launched from White Sands Missile Range on November 6, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to measure the spectrum of the diffuse X-ray emission from the interstellar medium over the energy range 0.07 to 1 keV. Read More

Terrier Mk12 lift-off.


41.093 UE Terrier-Improved Orion  was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Andenes, Norway on October 13, 2011. The purpose of the CHAMPS missions is to provide in situ measurements of the number, density, and size distribution of the aerosol particles (meteor dust) that are the nucleation sites for the icy particles that create noctilucent clouds and polar summer mesospheric radar echoes.  Read More

Terrier Mk12 lift-off.


41.094 UE Terrier-Improved Orion  was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Andenes, Norway on October 11, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to provide in situ measurements of the number, density, charge, and mass distribution of meteoritic smoke particles (MSPs) as a function of altitude.  Read More

Terrier Mk12 lift-off.


36.225 UG Terrier-Black Brant  was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 8, 2011. The mission contains a newly designed and fabricated payload. The Planet Imaging Concept Test bed Using a Rocket Experiment  (PICTURE) will mature the technology needed to obtain the first direct image of a  Jupiter-like planet around a Sun-like star.  PICTURE will observe the debris disk around Epsilon Eridani (ε Eri b).  Read More

Terrier Mk12 lift-off.


12.076 GT Terrier Mk12 was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 8, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to verify the design modifications made to the MK12 Terrier motor to compensate for grain shrinkage issues that occur due to aging. Read More

RockOn launch 2011


41.092 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 21, 2011. The primary objective of this mission is to develop and launch the first RockSat-X, which will provide expanded opportunities for RockOn participant and other schools with experiment bays exposed to the space environment. The secondary objective is to provide a flight demonstration of a floatation aid technology option for the Sounding Rocket Program. Read More

Daytime Dynamo Rockets lift-off


21.141 and 41.091 UE Black Brant and Terrier-Improved Orion were launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 10, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to explore, for the first time, the ion-neutral coupling, wind shears, and electrodynamics of the mid-latitude lower ionosphere during the daytime. In particular, it will determine the cause of intense daytime irregularities that are consistently observed in the mid-latitude, ionosphere during the summer. Read More

RockOn launch 2011


41.095 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 23, 2011.The primary objective of the RockSat/RockOn mission is to provide university undergraduate level students and instructors with a space flight opportunity that involves minimal cost, minimal time investment, minimal complexity, and minimal impact on the NASA Sounding Rocket Program (NSRP). Read More

Sub-TECH payload on balance table.


41.096 GT Terrier-Improved Orions was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 10 2011.The primary objective of this mission is to flight test SMART payload technologies designed and built by GSFC for the ORS program. The secondary objectives are to provide a flight demonstration of the GSFC/Space Cube flight processor and to provide a test flight opportunity for NSROC components. Read More


36.278 GT Black Brant IX was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, AK on April 27, 2011.The primary objective of this mission is to conduct a test flight of a recently manufactured Black Brant motor that was cast using a new mixing process. Read More


36.275 UE Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on March 23, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to provide the second underflight calibration for the EUV Variability Experiment (EVE) aboard the NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. Read More

Bailey launch at Poker Flat, Alaska.


36.256 UE Black Brant IX was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on Feburay 5, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to measure the concentration of nitric oxide in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere in the nighttime polar region. Read More

Green payload team with payload.


36.257 UG Black Brant IX was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on January 28, 2011. The purpose of this mission is to search for young stars in nearby galaxies.  FIRE imaged a spectral region unexplored astronomically. The imaging band of FIRE(~900‐1100 Å) will help fill the current wavelength imaging observation hole existing from~620 Å to the GALEX band near 1350 Å. Read More

Lessard payload in deployment bay.


40.026 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway on December 12, 2010. The purpose of the Rocket Experiment for Neutral Upwelling (RENU) mission is to investigate netural upwelling in the cusp. Read More

Heyne team in front of payload.

41.087 NT HEYNE/JPL 12-6-10

41.087 NT Terrier-Orion was launched from White Sands, NM on December 6, 2010. The purpose of this mission is to advance Terrain-Relative Navigation (TRN) technology by collecting a set of correlated ground imagery, inertial Measurement Unit (IMU), and Global Position System (GPS) data during a sounding rocket flight and performing postflight data analysis. Read More

SubTEC 3 payload on vibration table.


41.082 NP Terrier-Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on September 21, 2010. The mission, Suborbital Technology Experiment Carrier (SubTEC) III, was designed to demonstrate multiple technologies, improve sounding rocket capabilities, and support range development initiatives. Read More


36.219 US Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on August 23, 2010.The purpose of this mission is to observe and analyze dynamics and heating of the solar chromosphere and corona. Read More


12.073 GT Black Brant X was launched from Wallops Island, VA on August 4, 2010. This flight was a demonstration of the new production Nihka motor and ignition system in a dynamic environment representative of a nominal altitude. Read More


36.213 NS Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 30, 2010. The primary objective of  the Solar Ultraviolet Magnetograph Investigation (SUMI) experiment is to test the technologies that have been developed for making magnetic field measurements in the upper chromosphere/lower transition region. Read More

Bock 36.226, which is similar to 36.265, being tested at Wallops.


36.265 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on July 11, 2010. The purpose of this mission is to conduct a pioneering search for IRB anisotropies and is specifically designed to measure fluctuations at wavelengths and spatial scales where a putative first-light galaxy signal can be best detected and discriminated from foregrounds. Read More

RockOn launch takes off from Wallops Island


41.088 UO Terrier-Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 24, 2010. This mission was the third flight of the hands-on, university level rocket flight workshop known as “RockOn” which is the collaborative efforts of Colorado Space Grant Consortium (COSGC), the Virginia Space Grant Consortium (VSGC), and Wallops Flight Facility. Read More

Green payload on vibration table at Wallops.


36.270 UG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 21, 2010. The purpose of this mission is to sample the interface at the local cavity wall and determine whether the gas at the interface is flowing into the cavity or away from it. Read More


36.258 UE Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 3, 2010. The purpose of this mission is to provide a calibration underflight for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) satellite. Read More

12.067 Hall launch


12.067 GT Terrier-Improved Malemute was launched from Wallops Flight Facility, VA on March 27, 2010. The purpose of this mission was to test flight the Improved Malemute vehicle. Two student CubeSats also were flown on this mission. Read More

Liftoff image of Koehler 2009

NASA hosts RockOn! 2010 University Rocket Science Workshop

NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia is hosting the RockOn! 2010 workshop June 19-24 in partnership with the Colorado and Virginia Space Grant Consortia. Registrations for the 2010 workshop are being accepted through March 22. Read More

Labelle payload on EMI chamber


40.025 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 15, 2010. The purpose of the Correlation of High Frequency and Auroral Roar Measurements (CHARM) II mission is answer several outstanding questions about the physics of high frequency waves in the Earth's aurora.

Conde payload on vibration table at Wallops.


41.084 UE

Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 9, 2010.The purpose of this mission is to develop a new technique for measuring wide spread wind gradients from a single rocket.

Erdman payload at Wallops.


41.086 UE Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from White Sands Missile Range on December 17, 2009.The purpose of this mission is to measure with high resolution the individual mesospheric OH emission profiles for spectrally isolated transitions.

Mesquito launch


A M26/MLRS vehicle was launched from Wallops Flight Facility, VA on December 16, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to evaluate the performance of new vehicle configuration under development.



A Black Brant IX sounding rocket was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM, on November 13, 2009. The scientific goal of this mission is to obtain x-ray spectral diagnostics of a nearby extended supernova remnant, the Cygnus Loop.

Black Brant XI sounding rocket launching from Wallops Island


A Black Brant XI sounding rocket was launched from NASA Wallops Flight Facility, VA on September 19, 2009. The Charged Dust Release Experiment (CARE) forms a dust cloud in space to simulate a noctilucent cloud with a Nihka motor igniting on the downleg of a BB XI trajectory (the Nihka motor is used as an experiment and not for propulsion of the vehicle) and includes an experiment beacon operating at two frequencies. The cloud will be observed from multiple ground sites and a satellite.

Terrier-Brant launch from White Sands


36.221 DS Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on September 14, 2009.The purpose of this mission is to combine, extend and refine the capabilities of the SOHO EIT, LASCO and UVCS instruments.

IRVE II launch from Wallops


36.254 NR Terrier-Black Brant was launched from NASA Wallops Flight Facility on August 17, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to execute a flight test of an inflatable body that demonstrates inflation and survivability ata relevant dynamic pressure. Read More

Green payload on vibration table


36.244 UGTerrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on June 27, 2009.The purpose of this mission is to study the interstellar medium.

41.083 Koehler lift-off


41.083 UO Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA on June 26, 2009.The purpose of this mission is to provide university undergraduate level students and instructors with a hands-on space flight opportunity.

Murbach payload on vibration table

41.080 NR MURBACH/NASA-AMES 5-28-09

41.080 NR Terrier-Improved Orion was launched from NASA Wallops Flight Facility, Wallops Island, VA on May 28, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to study the Ames Research Center deployable SCRAMP design and investigate super/hypersonic decelerator concepts. The mission also tests Systima Technologies' restraint and dispense system. Read More

Lynch payload on vibration table at Wallops.


40.023 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Poker Flat, AK on March 20, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to investigate motions and structure of electron precipitation in a pre-midnight poleward edge discrete aurora.

Bock payload in spin deployment bay.


36.226 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on February 25, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to investigate the spectral and spatial properties of the extra-galactic near-infrared background by observing seven science targets. Read More

Lehmacher payload


41.077 UE Terrier-Improve Orions was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on February 18, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to determine the uppermost levels of neutral air turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere.

Lehmacher payload


41.079 UE Terrier-Improve Orions was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on February 18, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to determine the uppermost levels of neutral air turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere.

Lehmacher payload


41.078UE Terrier-Improve Orions was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on February 18, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to determine the uppermost levels of neutral air turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere.

Lehmacher payload


41.076 UE Terrier-Improve Orions was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on February 18, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to determine the uppermost levels of neutral air turbulence in the Earth's atmosphere.

Bounds 21.139 at Wallops


21.139 UE Black Brant V was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on January 29, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to study electric fields and current structure within an aurora.

Bounds 36.242 at Wallops


36.242 UE Terrier-Black Brant was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on January 29, 2009. The purpose of this mission is to study electric fields and current structure within an aurora.

Thorsen rocket launches from Poker


30.073 UO Improved Orion was launched from Poker Flat, Alaska on January 10, 2009. The purpose of this student mission is to measure plasma and geomagnetic structure of the high latitude D-region.

Kowalski payload on vibration talbe


36.207 DG Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on October 20, 2008. The purpose of this mission is to observe white dwarf Feige 24 with a high resolution extreme ultraviolet spectrometer.

Sub-TEC 2 payload on spin/balance table at Wallops


41.075 GT Terrier Mk70 Improved-Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on July 14, 2008. The Sub-TEC II (Suborbital Technology Experiment Carrier) technology demonstration mission included the NASA/Wallops Beamformer system, KSC Command and Telemetry Processor and Rf Health Node, and multiple NSROC (NASA Sounding Rockets Operations Contract) systems.

Orion launch


30.074 NO Orion was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June27, 2008. The purpose of the mission is to conduct a pilot mission for the RockOn Space Flight Workshop concept. Read More

Black Brant XI launch


39.008 DR Black Brant XI was launched from Wallops Island, VA on June 26, 2008. The purpose of the mission is to enable new sensor technology and improve mission assurance of sensor flight experiments.


36.223 UH Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on May 1, 2008. The purpose of the mission is to measure the spectrum of the diffuse x-ray emission from the interstellar medium over the energy range 0.07 to 1keV.


36.240 UE Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on April 14, 2008. The purpose of the mission is to provide under-flight alibration of the Solar EUV Experiment (SEE) aboard the Thermosphere Ionosphere Mesosphere Energetics and Dynamics (TIMED) Satellite.

Bock payload in spin deployment bay.


A new telescope, Cosmic Infrared Background Experiment (CIBER) from Caltech has been prepared for its maiden flight scheduled for June 2008 from White Sands MissileRange. Read More


40.021 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway on January 18, 2008. The purpose of the mission is to investigate ionospheric outflows between 200 km and 1400 km in the polar cusp.


36.243 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range,NM on January 11, 2008. The purpose of the mission is to image long split spectra of the Orion Nebula.

Kletzing Black Brant XII launching. Photo by Scott Hesh/NSRPOC.


40.018 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway on December 10, 2007. The experiments, Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics (TRICE), study the phenomenon of magnetic reconnection by making high-resolution measurements in a near-Earth space plasma environment. 40.018 was the first of two rockets to launch as part of the TRICE mission. Read More

Kletzing Black Brant XII launching. Photo by Scott Hesh/NSRPOC.


40.022 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Andoya Rocket Range in Norway on December 10, 2007. The experiments, Twin Rockets to Investigate Cusp Electrodynamics (TRICE), study the phenomenon of magnetic reconnection by making high-resolution measurements in a near-Earth space plasma environment. 40.022 was the second of two rockets to launch as part of the TRICE mission. Read More

Rockets on rail at the Andoya Rocket Range in Norway


Two payloads, Kletzing 40.018 and 40.022, are staged and ready to launch at Andoya Rocket Range in Norway. The purpose of this mission is to study magnetic reconnection in the polar cusp.


36.241 GS Black Brant IX was launched from White Sands Missile Range, NM on November 6, 2007. The Extreme Ultraviolet Normal-Incidence Spectrograph (EUNIS) is designed to study the physical properties of the solar corona by simultaneously observing the two spectral ranges of 17-21 nm and 30-37 nm.

Sounding Rocket launching


36.218 UE Black Brant IX was launched from Wallops Flight Facility, VA on October 30, 2007. The purpose of the mission is to investigate Mid-Latitude Ionospheric irregularities associated with terrestrial weather systems.

Kletzing payload during boom deployment test at Wallops


Two payloads to study magnetic reconnection in the polar cusp are at Wallops for Testing and Evaluation. The payloads will be launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway in December 2007. Read More


41.055 NP Terrier Mk70-Improved Orion was launched from Wallops Flight Facility, VA on September 6, 2007. The purpose of the mission is to test and validate an inflatable ballute decelerator concept.


36.220 UG Terrier-Black Brant was launched from White Sands Missile Range,NM on August 13, 2007. The purpose of the mission is to image long split spectra of the Trifid Nebula.

Robertson rocket launch from Norway. Photo by Scott Hesh


41.070 UE Terrier Mk 12 - Improved Orion was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway on August 6, 2007. The purpose of the MASS missions is to provide in situ measurements of the number, density, and size distribution of the aerosol particles responsible for noctilucent clouds (NLCs) and polar summer mesospheric radar echoes (PMSEs) and measurements of associated electric fields and of electron densities.

41.069 UE ROBERTSON 8-3-07

41.069 UE Terrier Mk 12 - Improved Orion was launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway on August 3, 2007. The purpose of the MASS missions is to provide in situ measurements of the number, density, and size distribution of the aerosol particles responsible for noctilucent clouds (NLCs) and polar summer mesospheric radar echoes (PMSEs) and measurements of associated electric fields and of electron densities.

12.059 GT COSTELLO/NSROC 6-21-07

12.059 GT Terrier Mk 12 - Improved Orion was launched from White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico on June 21, 2007. The purpose of this mission was to demonstrate and flight qualify the ST5000 Star Tracker and the NSROC Celestial Attitude Control System.

Robertson payload with booms deployed


Two payloads to study Noctilucent clouds are at Wallops for Testing and Evaluation. The payloads will be launched from Andoya Rocket Range, Norway in August 2007.


NASA has selected four universities to conduct suborbital scientific research that is a new step in reinvigorating the agency's sounding rocket science program.

Embry-Riddle student working on Wallops Island


Embry-Riddle University Students launched their "Icarus" rocket from Wallops Island on Mark 22, 2007, at 06:15 EDT.

ACS on airbearing


The new Celestial Attitude Control System (ACS) is undergoing testing on the air-bearing. A flight test of the system will be conducted in April from White Sands in New Mexico. Future flights of this type of ACS includes the PICTURE mission in July.

Beam Former test preparation


The Beam Former Instrument, developed by JEM Engineering under the SBIR program, was prepared for vibration testing. The Beam Former is part of a Phase Array antenna and will be flown on the Sub-TEC payload in the Fall on 2007.


Students from the Air Force Academy were at Wallops for Testing and Evaluation of their payload. All tests were completed without any problems and the vehicle is scheduled for launch in the late Spring 2007.


40.019 UE Black Brant XII was launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 28, 2007. This vehicle was the last of ten rockets flown during the January - February launch window. The purpose of this mission is to study the Correlation of High-Frequencies and AuroralRoar Measurements (CHARM). The principal investigator for this mission is Dr. LaBelle of Dartmouth College. Read More

Image of Poker Flat range with Aurora


41.062 UE Terrier-Orion was successfully launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 14, 2007. This vehicle was part of a salvo of four rockets launched in sequence to investigate Mesoscale Drivers for Vertical and Horizontal Winds in the High-Latitude Lower Thermosphere. The principal investigator for this mission is Dr. Craven of the University of Alaska. Read More


41.063 UE Terrier-Orion was successfully launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 14, 2007. This vehiclewas part of a salvo of four rockets launched in sequence to investigate Mesoscale Drivers for Vertical and Horizontal Winds in the High-Latitude Lower Thermosphere. The principal investigator for this mission is Dr. Craven of the University of Alaska. Read More


35.037 UE Black Brant X was successfully launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 14, 2007. This vehiclewas part of a salvo of four rockets launched in sequence to investigate Mesoscale Drivers for Vertical and Horizontal Winds in the High-Latitude Lower Thermosphere. The principal investigator for this mission is Dr. Craven of the University of Alaska. Read More


41.061 UE Terrier-Orion was successfully launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 14, 2007. This vehiclewas part of a salvo of four rockets launched in sequence to investigate Mesoscale Drivers for Vertical and Horizontal Winds in the High-Latitude Lower Thermosphere. The principal investigator for this mission is Dr. Craven of the University of Alaska. Read More


40.020 UE Black Brant XII was successfully launched from Poker Flat Research Range, Alaska on February 12, 2007. The purpose of this mission is to investigate various aspects of pulsating aurora. The principal investigator for this mission is Dr. Marc Lessard of the University of New Hampshire. Read More