Језици (3)
Етимологија {{{2}}}
Од Француски indépendant.
independent (comparative more independent, superlative most independent)
- Not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free.
- 2022 мај 14, Jari Tanner, “Putin warns Finland NATO membership would harm relations”, in AP News[1], archived from the original on 14 May 2022:
- Niinisto pointed out that he had already told Putin at their first meeting in 2012 that “each independent nation would maximize its own security.”
“That is still the case. By joining NATO, Finland will strengthen its own security and assume its responsibilities. It is not something away from anybody,” Niinisto said.
- (politics) Not affiliated with any political party.
- the independent candidate
- 2000 октобар 3, Tim Paluch, “Gore vs. Bush: That's Debatable”, in Iowa State Daily:
- At one point in the debate, the moderator asked a tough question that had the candidates stumped.
Moderator: "This question is for both of the candidates. Those ever-important independent voters who haven’t decided who to vote for would like to know what the real differences between you two are."
Gore: "I think the real difference between Governor Bush and I is that he is in fact a Republican, and I am currently a Democrat."
Moderator: "That doesn’t really answer the question, I am talking about issues."
Bush: "No, he is right. I am a Republican, and he is a Democrat."
- Providing a comfortable livelihood.
- an independent property
- Not subject to bias or influence; self-directing.
- a man of an independent mind
- Separate from; exclusive; irrespective.
- 1795, Robert Plumer Ward, An Enquiry into the Foundation and History of the Law of Nations in Europe from the Time of the Greeks and Romans to the Age of Grotius:
- That obligation in general, under which we conceive ourselves bound to obey a law, independent of those resources which the law provides for its own enforcement.
Derived terms
- act of independent significance
- affinely independent
- algebraically independent
- Commonwealth of Independent States
- defense-independent pitching statistics
- independency
- independent city
- independent clause
- independent contractor
- independent counsel
- independent function
- independent genitive
- independentism
- independentist
- independentization
- independentize
- independently
- independent means
- independent mini-nation
- Independent Olympic Participant
- independent possessive
- independent scholar
- independent set
- independent variable
- language-independent
- linearly independent
- mini-independent country
- nonindependent
- platform-independent
- redundant array of independent disks
- semi-independent
- teal independent
- time-independent
Related terms
not dependent; not contingent or depending on something else; free
not aligned with any political party
- Преводе у наставку треба проверити и уметнути изнад у одговарајуће табеле превода. Видите инструкције на Викиречник:Унос § Преводи.
independent (plural independents)
- A candidate or voter not affiliated with any political party, a freethinker, free of a party platform.
- A neutral or uncommitted person.
- A small, privately owned business.
- 2022 новембар 25, Sarah Baxter et al., “Britain's 15 best high streets – where Christmas shopping is a pleasure”, in The Telegraph[2]:
- It’s a great hub for shopping: the high street is pedestrianised and many of the town’s 600-odd listed buildings house fabulous independents – speciality food stores, cafes, antique shops, clothing boutiques.
- (sports) A team not affiliated with any league or conference.
a candidate or voter not affiliated with any political party
a neutral or uncommitted person
a team not affiliated with any league or conference
Further reading
- independent at OneLook Dictionary Search
- Шаблон:R:Keywords 21st
- independent in The Century Dictionary, The Century Co., New York, 1911
- Риме: -ent
independent m or f (masculine and feminine plural independents)
- independent
- Антоним: dependent
Derived terms
Related terms
Further reading
Audio (Béarn): (file)
- independent
- Антоним: dependent
Derived terms
Related terms
Позајмљено од Француски indépendant. Equivalent to in- + dependent.
- Енглески говор
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- Српскохрватски terms with redundant script codes
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- Urdu terms with redundant transliterations
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- Појмови са Вијетнамским преводима
- Јапански terms with redundant script codes
- Urdu terms with non-redundant manual transliterations
- Захтеви за преиспитивање Persianх превода
- Енглески именице
- Енглески countable nouns
- en:Sports
- en:Personality
- Риме:Каталонски/ent
- Риме:Каталонски/ent/4 слогова
- Каталонски adjectiveм
- Каталонски epicene adjectiveм
- Каталонски adjectiveм with red links in their headword lines
- Occitan појмови са аудио везама
- Румунски изрази позајмљени од Француски
- Румунски термини изведени од Француски
- Румунски терминии са префиксом in-