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Write India Season 2

The wait is over!
Write India is back with its Season 3
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Launched in the year 2015 with 11 leading Indian authors, Write India is a unique platform where we inspire, encourage and evaluate good writing with the help of established authors. An unprecedented crowd-sourced short story contest, Write India attracts people of all ages and professions and has already turned many dreams into reality. Of the 111 winners declared for Season 1, 33 have already been printed, while many others are in the process of being published. Our second season uncovered more of India’s story-telling potential with a panel of 10 star authors!

To know more about Season One, click here!


Season 1 Trends

  • Season 1 concluded with a creative writing workshop and a grand finale.
  • People from all walks of life participated and they wrote for all genres.
  • Write India Season 1 received a whopping 25000 entries in 11 months!
  • Write India saw India’s 11 bestselling authors coming together.
Write India Campaign
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  • As a storyteller, I feel writing is a form of expression, I guess that’s enough to keep me going!
    - Sudha Murty
  • A great book is a friend that never lets you down. You can return to it again and again and the joy first derived from it will still be there.
    - Ruskin Bond
  • The driven, passionate ones give their best on ordinary days and that is why they are extraordinary.
    - Twinkle Khanna
  • Stories, I believe, should be about questions, never about answers.
    - Anand Neelakantan
  • I believe that what we read makes a difference in terms of the person we become.
    - Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni