Physical constants used for the Homogeneous Studies






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Physical constants used in calculating the properties of the planets and their parent stars

Constant Value Unit Reference
Stefan-Boltzmann constant 5.67040 × 10-8 W m-2 K-4 US National Institute of Standards and Technology (2006 constants)
Gravitational constant, G 6.67428 × 10-11 m3 kg-1 s-1US National Institute of Standards and Technology (2006 constants)
G times the mass of the Sun 1.32712421 × 1020m3 s-2 IERS Conventions 2010 (Petit & Luzum 2010)
Astronomical Unit 1.49597871 × 1011m 2010 Astronomical Almanac
Radius of the Sun 6.95508 × 108 m Brown & Christensen-Dalsgaard (1998)
Luminosity of the Sun 3.844 × 1026 W Bahcall et al. (1995)
Equatorial radius of Jupiter 7.1492 × 107 m 2010 Astronomical Almanac
Solar mass divided by Jupiter mass1.0473486 × 103   JPL DE405 Ephemerides
Volume of Jupiter 1.43128 × 1024 m3 NASA NSSDC Jupiter fact sheet


Values for some quantities of interest resulting from the physical constants used above

Constant Value Unit
Mass of the Sun 1.98842 × 1030kg
Surface gravity of the Sun 4.43831 log(c.g.s.)
Mean density of the Sun 1410.95 kg m-3
Mass of Jupiter 1.89852 × 1027kg
Equatorial surface gravity of Jupiter24.7916 m s-2
Mean density of Jupiter 1326.45 kg m-3


Last modified: 2014/04/23           John Southworth   (Keele University, UK)