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Sustainability Champions are SU student-staff who work within their academic departments in partnership with staff and other students to embed climate justice-orientated sustainability (environmental + social justice) into the curriculum and academic experience. These students are employed and managed by the Students’ Union, and are funded by a variety of departments including the Schools in which the students work. This programme forms an important part of the University's Education for Sustainable Development strategy, the Climate Action Plan (CAP) programme run by the University's Sustainability Office, and more widely, for delivering on the University of Bristol’s commitment to embed sustainability as a cross-cutting theme. Sustainability Champions' primary responsibilities are to: represent student voice and students' academic interests with courage and integrity; work in partnership with academics and staff to embed and embody sustainability across programmes; collaborate with student leaders including our Full Time Officers, Academic Reps, Liberation networks, student societies, BILT Student Fellows, Race Inclusion Advocates, and others; uphold the SU's values in their work (EDI, wellbeing, sustainability, community, and fun).

If you would like to get involved in the Sustainability Champion programme please contact Shandin Rickard-Hughes, Education for Sustainability Lead. Opportunities include:

  • Appointing a Sustainability Champion to work within your School or Faculty. Please note that appointing a Sustainability Champion within a School/Faculty requires financial sponsorship, and whilst we endeavour to recruit Champions for the Schools which pledge support, we cannot guarantee appointable applicants. Applications for 2024-25 roles will be advertised in summer 2024 to enable Champions to begin working by mid-October. The funding call for 2024-25 is now closed. 
  • Supporting the Sustainability Champion programme. Support could mean funding, helping to promote/communicate our activities, partnering with us on projects, delivering workshops, or other opportunities. We are happy to work with student groups, staff networks, internal departments, and University/ SU educational partners. Note that we are not open to external commercial sponsorship.

Internal and external media/comms enquiries should be made to Shandin Rickard-Hughes.

Meet our 2023-24 Sustainability Champions below. The 2024-25 cohort will be revealed in October!

Shandin Rickard-Hughes

Education for Sustainability Lead

I am honoured to be leading the team of Sustainability Champions for Bristol SU. Most universities in the UK don’t have paid student staff roles to work on sustainability, challenging the status quo and bringing democracy into their learning and research experience. This is such an exciting time to be working at the University of Bristol and in the SU, charged with potential to make real impact and change within HE.

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My remit is to guide the Sustainability Champions in their work across disciplines and levels (UG/PG), ensuring that we represent inclusive student voices in our change-making efforts. Get in touch with me if you have questions about the Sustainability Champion programme, or would like to work with us: [email protected]

I am specialised in education for sustainable futures, with my work falling in the better-known fields of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) and Decolonisation. I am particularly interested in higher education leadership and transformative change in education, as well as in the concept of futures, prescribed and potential, and the power of imagination and narrative to create a healthy and just future for people and planet.

Amy-Rose Richardson

School of Civil Engineering

Hello, I’m Amy-Rose for the Faculty of Engineering school which encompasses civil, aerospace, electrical, mechanical, CSE, engineering math and engineering design. One of the most prominent reasons toward my degree in civil engineering is learning the skills to encompass sustainability and better environmental thinking into my career and degree.

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I have previously been involved in assisting research into data collection for a sustainability group in my district and wanted to carry on working in like-minded areas at university. I will be looking at how we can encourage an even more impactful emphasis on sustainable behaviours into our course and the students represented by the School of Engineering.

If you have any ideas or feedback for the Civil Engineering curriculum that you'd like to discuss, please email [email protected].

Asia Reid

School of Education

I'm a second-year Education Studies student and the Sustainability Champion for the School of Education this year!

I'm really passionate about making positive change and raising awareness surrounding the topic of sustainability to encourage collective impact.

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Climate change and sustainability are topics which have become of increasing importance in the world around us, and I believe that it is our duty to educate ourselves on the topic for a future that flourishes! Small steps are the beginning of something greater, so I would love to be a voice that champions that!

I would love to hear any questions, comments, or suggestions that you may have relating to sustainability within the School of Education! My email is [email protected].

Efa Wilson

School of Chemistry

Chemistry is applicable to every aspect of life. I love the range of topics discussed, in particular atmospheric and environmental chemistry.

I want every student at Bristol to have access to a basic sustainable education as we are the leaders of tomorrow that will be helping our planet.

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If you have any ideas or feedback for our Chemistry curriculum and sustainability, email [email protected].

Eve Evans Perks

Cabot Institute for the Environment

I'm one of the Sustainability Champions of the Cabot Institute for the Environment. I'm currently doing the Global Environmental Challenges MScR with the physics department, working on reducing energy usage of buildings through electrochromic 'smart' windows. It's great being able to specialise within my physics discipline while becoming part of such a diverse community of like-minded people all with a passion for the environment.

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I'd like to ensure that all students have the opportunity to learn about sustainability either in a wider context or specific to their subject, and the Cabot Institute is in the perfect position to make this happen! I think it's important that students graduate with an understanding of how sustainability can be integrated into any career they choose, and how their skills within their subject can be utilised to aid our transition to a green planet.

If you have any ideas or are keen to get involved please feel free to get in touch with me at: [email protected].

Hannah Whitworth-Debney

School of Cellular and Molecular Medicine

I am in my final year studying Cellular Molecular Medicine. Our course slogan is turning science into medicine; I love seeing the therapeutic value and potential impact of what we learn about and the skills we gain. I believe the school of CMM is already making a great effort to integrate sustainability into the curriculum and the changes are already evident, I want to support these changes and push for even more.

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I think integrating sustainability into the curriculum is important since scientific research is a large contributor to CO2 emissions and generate large amounts of waste. I think it is important students know the practical methods the University or other research facilities are integrating to reduce the environmental impact of their research facilities. A 2022 Nature paper reported that 58% of infectious diseases have been aggravated by climate hazards, and I believe it is important our curriculum also includes how infectious disease is impacted by global warming. I think integrating sustainability into our core curriculum will have a lasting impact on students careers and lifestyles.

If anyone has any questions or ideas around sustainability within CMM, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Harman Helena Kaur

School for Policy Studies

I am studying a BSc International Social and Public Policy. I chose my course as it is interdisciplinary, helps you develop your critical thinking skills, while interpreting the topic of social policy on a global level. I hope to improve awareness on climate justice.

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I hope to collaborate with other schools and create meaningful and successful projects with the department of SPS, in order to achieve more climate justice within curriculum. I hope to create exciting and engaging content for students and colleagues to understand the climate justice curriculum in SPS better.

If you have any questions or ideas around sustainability within Policy Studies, please email [email protected].

Haydn Davies

School of Economics

I'm the Sustainability Champion for the School of Economics this academic year. Economic policy is going to be a huge part of the global effort to combat climate change and meet the requirements of the Paris Agreement. It's therefore very important that we continue to adapt the economics curriculum to accurately reflect the type of challenges students are likely to face in employment. As the School's first Sustainability Champion, there is definitely no shortage of work to be getting on with this year.

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Fortunately, economics has very strong foundations in resource allocation, evident from just how regularly we engage in constrained optimisation problems. This means that many of our existing modules are already very well suited for the incorporation of sustainable themes. One of my main goals for this year is therefore to facilitate the slight adjustment of several modules to incorporate sustainability challenges more effectively.

If you want to get involved, shoot me a message at [email protected].

Jack Middleton

Business School

I study International Business Management. I chose this degree as I didn't know what I wanted to do as a career, and the degree offered a wide range of topic areas. It was actually when studying abroad in Australia where I really found an academic passion for environmental and social work. I now look to tailor my degree to this topic area, which can luckily be done within the Business School.

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This year I would love to create collaboration around sustainable development between students in different faculties and schools. I aim to create an environment where students with diverse skill sets can come together, exchange thoughts, and work collectively to develop entrepreneurial concepts, whether they are geared towards charitable endeavours or sustainable businesses. It is through interdisciplinary interaction where I believe we can make the greatest change.

If you have any questions or ideas around sustainability within the Business curriculum, please email [email protected].

Julia Roughton-Terry

School of Biological Sciences

I became interested in using computer models to research the effects of climate change on ecosystems during my undergraduate degree at Bristol, and now I do a research masters looking at this. So much of biology is already very relevant to many aspects of sustainability, but it can also have a huge impact on the environment with field work to far-away and vulnerable places. It is important to me that this is taught in the curriculum and that there is a focus on content and research to help the climate crisis, rather than exacerbate it.

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This year I am keen to make sure that the ideas and recommendations I made as Champion last year are put into action, such as proposing more sustainability be incorporated across the degree programme and helping to design a sustainability-focussed field course.

If you're a student or staff member in Biological Sciences and you have any ideas or feedback on our curriculum, please contact me at [email protected].

Kenneth De Leon

School of Physics

I study Physics with Innovation and I really love being a part of both the School of Physics and the Centre for Innovation. The student community in both faculties are great, the staff are really approachable and there are so many opportunities within the schools for students in terms of careers and getting involved in different projects. Climate change has been a prevalent topic for a long time and it's really important for students to know not just about the facts and figures, but how their degree is related to it.

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I believe that sustainability should be embedded into the curriculum so that it is a recurring theme whilst learning about their degree. Furthermore, learning how to tackle climate change is not reliant on one degree. Understanding how things are connected further highlights the need for interdisciplinary understanding and learning because I feel that by knowing the connections that we are a part of, we can use those connections to flourish in the future.

If you have any questions or ideas around sustainability within the Physics or Innovation curriculum, please email [email protected].

Markella Syrgkani

School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience

I am the Sustainability Champion for the School of Physiology, Pharmacology and Neuroscience from the Life Sciences Faculty. Last year I was the Champion for CMM. I am very excited to see that so many people are interested in matters surrounding sustainability in Bristol and specifically at the university.

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Living in a time where the consequences of climate change are increasingly more severe, adopting adequate sustainability practices in every aspect of our lives and work is of the utmost importance. This is why I am very pleased to be doing my part to promote sustainability through this role! This year I will be focusing on promoting employability, trying to make labs a little bit more sustainable, and also embedding sustainability in specific units and tasks within the new PPN curriculum!

If you are interested in helping out, discussing any matters surrounding sustainability, or have any ideas you think would be helpful, please contact me at [email protected].

Matthias Mitra

School of Medicine

Hi! I’m a third-year medical student and the Sustainability Champion for the Medical School!

As Sustainability Champion, my duties mainly pertain to acting on the Planetary Health Report Card (PHRC), an international scoring system used to assess the sustainability of medical schools.

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Having witnessed the amount of waste the healthcare sector generates, I am passionate about finding ways to further implement sustainable development into our medical curriculum. I also help the Medical School itself identify areas in which it can make its practice more sustainable.

If you have any questions or would like to reach me, please don't hesitate to email [email protected].

Nix Cobb

School of Earth Sciences

I love studying the evolution of ancient life, and how different things, such as climate, influence them. The school is great as it brings together many academics from different areas of earth sciences to tackle big questions in Earth history and life.

I want economic, social and cultural sustainability to be integrated more into the curriculum, as I think that when people think about sustainability, it should not just be about environmental or ecological sustainability.

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I'm always happy to discuss sustainability with anyone, so just send me an email and we can arrange a time to meet up! If you have any questions or ideas to discuss for Earth Sciences, please email [email protected].

Riju Prasai

School of Sociology, Politics and International Studies (SPAIS)

Growing up, my dad nicknamed me 'PM,' short for Prime Minister. Although my career ambitions steer clear of entering government, this nickname sparked an enduring interest in politics and international relations. As Sustainability Champion for SPAIS this year...

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I would like to 1) develop hands-on modes of assessment that allow students to engage with sustainability e.g. project work with local charities to develop sustainability initiatives; 2) equip all SPAIS students with a basic level of sustainability literacy in their first year; 3) introduce a more critical teaching and discussion framework aimed at challenging students' worldviews and questioning theories that contribute to an unsustainable and unjust world.

If you have any ideas for the SPAIS curriculum or would like some support with any sustainability or climate justice related events or initiatives, please don't hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

Ritah Pavin Nakanjako

Cabot Institute for the Environment

As one with a background in climate science and passionate for the environment, I realized understanding different climate risks, hazards and challenges is not enough, adaptation and mitigation is one step to making a difference. Climate Change adaptation creates avenues of creativity in tackling climate issues in prospects of creating sustainable futures for the ones after us.

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This year I will be creating a community of different researchers using different tools but with similar goals to make a difference towards understanding and practicing sustainability both within and outside Cabot Institute. Bringing the environmental experts and enthusiasts at the fore front of change.

If you have any questions or ideas you'd like to discuss, please email [email protected].

Riya de Caires

School of Mathematics

The logical nature of maths encourages me to study it, as it engages my mind in problem-solving and finding solutions. I also find much mathematical beauty in elegant proofs and visual concepts. As Sustainability Champion, I hope to get more Maths students involved in creating a sustainable future.

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I would like to do this via curriculum change, providing students with opportunities to solve real world problems with applied maths. A talk 'Can Maths Save the Wales?' by Chris Budd, Gresham Professor that I attended prior to university really motivated me to its study, and so I aim to also organise extracurricular talks and events that may similarly inspire change.

If you have any questions or ideas around sustainability within the Mathematics curriculum, please email [email protected].

Sinéad Burke

Veterinary School

I have always dreamed of becoming a vet, and I am now in my 2nd year of the graduate veterinary programme, based in the beautiful Langford campus. The sense of community within the Vet School is unmatched - sharing a common love for animal health and welfare brings us all together, and with sustainable veterinary practices becoming more popular, I'm excited to explore this topic with my peers and faculty.

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Sustainability is the future of veterinary, and I want to have an active role in bringing change to the vet school that inspires others to keep the momentum rolling. I want to improve staff and student knowledge of sustainability within the veterinary field, see where sustainability can be linked in with current lecture material, and then ensure it is highlighted when being taught.

If you have any questions or ideas around sustainability within the Vet curriculum, please email [email protected].

Thomas Rees

School of Mathematics

As a Mathematics and Philosophy student I wanted to study a wide breadth of topics and develop a range of skills. I find that both subjects complement each other well since they rigorously tackle fundamental questions. I'm hoping to demonstrate to other Mathematics students that their technical skills are foundational to our understanding of many aspects of sustainability such as climate science.

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This will empower them to make career choices that apply these skills to finding innovative solutions to the problems we face. To do so, I'm looking for opportunities to embed sustainability within the Mathematics curriculum directly or through interdisciplinary/extracurricular events.

If you have any ideas or feedback on sustainability within the Maths curriculum, please email [email protected].