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X-ray Astronomy Field Guide: Normal Stars & Star Clusters
Chandra Images by Category: Normal Stars & Star Clusters

-Stellar coronas, clusters of stars and hot gas produced by outflow from young stars.

26 Aug 24
A region of active star formation about 170,000 light-years from Earth.
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
22 Jul 24
25 Images for Chandra's 25th Anniversary
11 Jul 24
Four images of objects that combine X-ray and infrared data.
11 Jul 24
Four images of objects that combine X-ray and infrared data.
12 Jun 24
A study of 57 nearby exoplanets.
04 Jun 24
A star cluster located about 13,000 light-years from Earth.
03 Jan 24
A supernova remnant about 160,000 light-years from Earth in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
19 Dec 23
A star cluster located about 2,500 light years from Earth.
30 Nov 23
A globular cluster located about 17,700 light-years from Earth.
26 Sep 23
A double-star system located about 7,500 light-years from Earth.
20 Jun 23
Three new translations of data into sound of R Aquarii, Stephan’s Quintet, and M104.
23 May 23
A star cluster located about 200,000 light-years from Earth.
23 May 23
A nebula located about 6,500 light-years from Earth.
09 Jan 23
A region of active star formation about 170,000 light-years from Earth.
15 Dec 22
An open cluster of stars located about 8,300 light-years from Earth.
29 Nov 22
A region of star formation about 2,900 light-years from Earth.
02 Nov 22
A study of nearly three dozen exoplanets and their host stars.
04 Oct 22
A galaxy cluster, a galaxy group, a star-forming nebula, and a galaxy.
25 Jul 22
A hot star located about 440 light-years from Earth.
02 Feb 22
A selection of multiwavelength images with Chandra data.
02 Feb 22
A selection of multiwavelength images with Chandra data.
25 Jan 22
A massive star system located about 7,500 light years from Earth.
12 Nov 20
A planetary nebula located about 7,800 light years from Earth.
30 Oct 20
A red dwarf star located about 6 light years from Earth
02 Sep 20
A sample of multiwavelength images with data from Chandra and other telescopes.
02 Sep 20
A sample of multiwavelength images with data from Chandra and other telescopes.
18 Jun 20
A young protostar located about 1,400 light years from Earth.
20 Feb 20
A globular cluster located about 20,000 light years from Earth.
30 Oct 19
Six objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light years away.
30 Oct 19
Six objects in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light years away.
23 Jul 19
A collection of images including Chandra data that range in object type and distance.
23 Jul 19
A collection of images including Chandra data that range in object type and distance.
31 May 19
A star located about 450 million light years from Earth.
17 Dec 18
A collection of images including Chandra data that range in object type and distance.
17 Dec 18
A collection of images including Chandra data that range in object type and distance.
17 Dec 18
A collection of images including Chandra data that range in object type and distance.
18 Jul 18
A young star located about 450 light years from Earth
12 Jul 18
A nearby star-forming region about 5,700 light years from Earth.
02 May 18
A cluster of stars located about 5,200 light years from Earth.
18 Sep 17
An orbiting red giant and white dwarf star system located about 25,000 light years from Earth.
06 Sep 17
Sun-like stars: A survey of 24 Sun-like stars more than a billion years old
12 Jul 17
A giant molecular cloud where stars are forming about 17,000 light years from Earth.
06 Jun 17
A binary star system located about 710 light years from Earth.
19 Dec 16
A star formation region about 5,500 light years from Earth.
21 Nov 16
A small cloud of dust and gas containing a new star being formed about 20,000 light years from Earth.
14 Oct 16
Six objects ranging in location from about 20,000 to nearly 3 billion light years away.
14 Oct 16
Six objects ranging in location from about 20,000 to nearly 3 billion light years away.
11 Oct 16
Proxima Centauri is a small, cool, red dwarf star.
27 Jul 16
A low-mass red dwarf star about 31 light years away from Earth.
13 Jun 16
A group of stars which on average is about 160 light years from Earth.
12 Nov 15
The westernmost star in the "belt" in the constellation of Orion
08 Oct 15
Six objects ranging in location from within the Milky Way to billions of light years away.
02 Jul 15
A young star cluster about 780 light years from Earth.
16 Apr 15
A globular cluster about 35,000 light years from Earth.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
21 Oct 14
Six images that combine Chandra data with those from other telescopes.
16 Sep 14
An exoplanet about ten times Jupiter's mass located some 330 light years from Earth.
26 Aug 14
A double star system that contains one of the most massive stars in the Milky Way galaxy.
07 May 14
A star cluster in the center of the Flame Nebula about 1,400 light years from Earth.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
28 Oct 13
An assortment of images from Chandra's public repository.
29 Jul 13
An exoplanet in orbit around a star about 63 light years from Earth.
03 Apr 13
Young stars in the Small Magellanic Cloud, one of the closest galaxies to our Milky Way.
28 Jan 13
A superbubble located in the Large Magellanic Cloud about 160,000 light years from Earth.
07 Nov 12
A star cluster about 5,000 light years from Earth that contains many massive young stars.
30 Aug 12
A star cluster embedded within the N44 nebula, which is located about 160,000 light years from Earth.
03 Jul 12
Astronomers have obtained a rare glimpse of the powerful phenomena that accompany a still-forming star.
17 Apr 12
A massive star-forming region located about 160,000 light years away.
10 Nov 11
A large region of star formation about 160,000 light years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud.
28 Sep 11
A nebula with active star formation about 9,200 light years from Earth.
13 Sep 11
A star with a planet in very close orbit around it, about 880 light years from Earth.
24 May 11
A star-forming region about 7,500 light years from Earth.
13 Apr 11
Two massive stars in the Milky Way, both about 9,000 light years from Earth.
13 Apr 11
Two massive stars in the Milky Way, both about 9,000 light years from Earth.
14 Sep 10
A Sun-like star in its "red giant" phase about 1,000 light years from Earth.
08 Sep 10
A star-forming region 5,000 light years away in the constellation Monoceros.
09 Jun 10
A binary star system about 800 light years from Earth.
12 Aug 09
A cloud of molecular hydrogen in the Milky Way about 2,400 light years from Earth.
11 Dec 08
30 Doradus is one of the largest massive star forming regions close to the Milky Way.
06 Oct 08
A region of active star formation about 4,000 light years from Earth.
28 Apr 08
A globular cluster located in the Milky Way galaxy.
28 Apr 08
A globular cluster located in the Milky Way galaxy.
09 Apr 08
A young star in the Taurus region of star formation, about 450 light years from Earth.
23 Jan 08
A star cluster about 20,000 light years from Earth.
15 Nov 07
NGC 281 is a bustling hub of star formation about 10,000 light years away.
03 Oct 07
A rich cluster of young stars about 1,500 light years from Earth.
13 Sep 07
A region of star formation about 420 light years from Earth.
20 Jun 07
A star between 100 and 150 more massive than the Sun, about 7,500 light years from Earth.
15 Feb 07
A new look at the famous
18 Dec 06
W3 is a region where many massive stars are forming in a string of stellar clusters.
27 Sep 06
A giant region of star formation about 9,000 light years from Earth.
19 Jul 06
This Chandra X-ray image of the Galactic Center shows three massive star clusters near Sagittarius A*.
02 Nov 05
A dense cluster of young stars about 16,000 light years from Earth.
31 Aug 05
A star cluster about 9,000 light years from Earth in the Constellation Carina.
27 Jul 05
Chandra observations of stars hundreds of light years from Earth.
10 May 05
A rich cluster of young stars about 1,500 light years from Earth.
30 Dec 04
An X-ray bright giant star 95 light years from Earth.
23 Dec 04
A star cluster in the direction of the Galactic Center.
23 Dec 04
A star cluster in the direction of the Galactic Center.
23 Dec 04
A star cluster in the direction of the Galactic Center.
09 Nov 04
A red dwarf star 4 light years from the Sun.
28 Jul 04
A dense young star cluster about 26,000 light years from Earth.
22 Jul 04
A source illuminating a nebula 1300 light years from Earth.
30 Jan 04
A white dwarf star in a close orbit with a normal Sun-like star.
14 Oct 03
This composite image reveals dramatic details of a portion of the Crescent Nebula.
14 Aug 03
A young star cluster 5,000 light years from Earth in the constellation Sagittarius.
30 Jul 03
Observations of globular clusters provide a crucial clue to the origin of so-called X-ray binary sources.
30 Jul 03
Observations of globular clusters provide a crucial clue to the origin of so-called X-ray binary sources.
26 May 03
A young star system in the TW Hydrae Association about 180 light years from Earth.
26 May 03
A young star system in the TW Hydrae Association about 180 light years from Earth.
12 Feb 03
A hot gas cloud in a star cluster about 180,000 light years from Earth located in the Small Magellanic Cloud.
18 Dec 02
This Chandra image revealed a diffuse cloud of X-rays enveloping the star cluster.
23 Apr 02
Tarantula Nebula gives scientists a close-up view of the drama of star formation and evolution.
21 Nov 01
This artist's conception depicts the two closely orbiting stars of 44i Bootis.
18 Oct 01
A type of celestial object that has long stumped astronomers has been found to emit X-rays.
06 Sep 01
This series of Chandra images shows a mosaic of the Rosette Nebula region.
06 Jun 01
This composite image shows an envelope of 60-million-degree gas around the Arches cluster.
22 Jan 01
A bustling region of star birth in the Carina spiral arm of the Milky Way galaxy.
08 Jan 01
Time-lapse movie, made from hours of Chandra observations.
09 Nov 00
Chandra Observatory Uncovers Hot Stars In The Making.
08 Nov 00
X-Ray Snapshots Capture the First Cries of Baby Stars
18 Oct 00
O-star in the Orion constellation.
14 Jan 00
Cluster of young stars in the Orion Nebula.
08 Oct 99
A supermassive star and nebula that is one of the brightest infrared sources in the sky.
02 Sep 99
A star forty light years away