Kankakee, IL
Right Now
- Humidity: 66%
- Feels Like: 26°
- Heat Index: 37°
- Wind: 22 mph
- Wind Chill: 26°
- UV Index: 2 Low
- Sunrise: 07:00:53 AM
- Sunset: 04:22:32 PM
- Dew Point: 26°
- Visibility: 10 mi
Windy with periods of rain and snow this afternoon. High around 40F. Winds W at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Winds could occasionally gust over 40 mph.
Partly cloudy and windy. Low around 10F. Winds NW at 25 to 35 mph. Winds could occasionally gust over 50 mph.
Sunshine. High 23F. Winds WNW at 15 to 25 mph. Higher wind gusts possible.
Next 12 Hours
Wind: WSW @ 22 mph
Precip: 1% Chance
Humidity: 67%
Wind Chill: 26°
Heat Index: 37°
UV Index: 2 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 27°
Wind: W @ 26 mph
Precip: 1% Chance
Humidity: 66%
Wind Chill: 27°
Heat Index: 39°
UV Index: 2 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 28°
Wind: W @ 25 mph
Precip: 1% Chance
Humidity: 65%
Wind Chill: 29°
Heat Index: 40°
UV Index: 1 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 29°
Wind: W @ 23 mph
Precip: 1% Chance
Humidity: 68%
Wind Chill: 29°
Heat Index: 39°
UV Index: 1 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 30°
Wind: W @ 23 mph
Precip: 2% Chance
Humidity: 69%
Wind Chill: 28°
Heat Index: 39°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 29°
Wind: W @ 23 mph
Precip: 12% Chance
Humidity: 74%
Wind Chill: 26°
Heat Index: 37°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 29°
Wind: W @ 23 mph
Precip: 59% Chance
Humidity: 76%
Wind Chill: 26°
Heat Index: 37°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 7 mi
Dew Point: 30°
Wind: W @ 23 mph
Precip: 74% Chance
Humidity: 79%
Wind Chill: 23°
Heat Index: 35°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 5 mi
Dew Point: 29°
Wind: WNW @ 28 mph
Precip: 15% Chance
Humidity: 75%
Wind Chill: 16°
Heat Index: 30°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 23°
Wind: WNW @ 28 mph
Precip: 4% Chance
Humidity: 69%
Wind Chill: 10°
Heat Index: 26°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 17°
Wind: WNW @ 28 mph
Precip: 1% Chance
Humidity: 64%
Wind Chill: 6°
Heat Index: 23°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 12°
Wind: NW @ 26 mph
Precip: 0% Chance
Humidity: 59%
Wind Chill: 2°
Heat Index: 20°
UV Index: 0 Low
Visibility: 10 mi
Dew Point: 8°