Water for a Desert Lake in Algeria

Water for a Desert Lake in Algeria

Scientists are studying the rare filling of Sebkha el Melah for clues about past—and possibly future—greening of the Sahara Desert.

Published Oct 21, 2024

Image of the Day Land Water

Madagascar’s Betsiboka River Delta

Madagascar’s Betsiboka River Delta

The growing network of channels and islands now spans more than half of the estuary that was once open to ships.

Published Oct 20, 2024

Image of the Day Water

Where Warehouses Are Built, Air Pollution Follows

Where Warehouses Are Built, Air Pollution Follows

New research shows that the presence of warehouses in the Los Angeles area is associated with higher levels of airborne particulate pollution.

Published Oct 19, 2024

Image of the Day Atmosphere Human Presence

Pyramid Lake in Bloom

Pyramid Lake in Bloom

Blooms of cyanobacteria develop in the brackish waters of this Nevada lake nearly every year.

Published Oct 18, 2024

Image of the Day Water Water Color

Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Approached Historic Lows

Arctic and Antarctic Sea Ice Approached Historic Lows

Sea ice in the Arctic continued a decades-long downward trend in its minimum summer extent, while sea ice around Antarctica saw meager winter growth in 2024.

Published Oct 17, 2024

Image of the Day Snow and Ice